grand tennis club general meeting november 3rd 2016

Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 3rd, 2016 1 Start of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 3rd, 2016 1 Start of Meeting Formalities 2 Establish quorum: Missing: Diane Vick Present: Skip Pavitt, Dave Cowles, Ron Wagner, Linda Campanelli, Gerry Smith, Bob Richman and Judy Beran 7

  1. Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 3rd, 2016 1

  2. Start of Meeting Formalities 2 — Establish quorum: ¡ Missing: Diane Vick ¡ Present: Skip Pavitt, Dave Cowles, Ron Wagner, Linda Campanelli, Gerry Smith, Bob Richman and Judy Beran ¡ 7 out of 8 Board members present ¡ Quorum reached — Approve October 13 th General Meeting minutes: ¡ Motion to approve? ¡ Seconded? ¡ All GTC Board members raise your hand to approve

  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ron Wagner) 3 — To-date we have a total of 453 members — 2016 Dues Status : ¡ Members paid : 453 ¡ Members unpaid : 0 — Account Balances: Savings - $10,030 and Checking - $820

  4. New Members in October 2016 (Ron Wagner) 4 — Mick Strandberg — Nancy Chin — Frank Dias — Nancy McCargar — Michael Welch — Tom Vaughn — Judy Rodriquez — Dorothy Mazur

  5. Cimarron Courts Status (Skip Pavitt) 5 — CAM intends to start converting the 3 Cimarron courts to pickleball courts on November 6 th , 2016 — As far as we can tell, CAM has not performed a noise level test, and the Accoustifence will not be installed initially — The Cimarron courts will be removed from our reservation system

  6. Men’s Representative’s Report (Bob Richman) 6 — Current Drop-in times:

  7. Women’s Representative Report (Diane Vick) 7 — Current drop-in times Through 11/20/16 :

  8. Women’s Representative Report (Diane Vick) 8 — Current drop-in times starting 11/21/16 :

  9. Next Social Events – (Linda Campanelli) 9 — Report Out on Welcome Back Event – Sunday, October 23 rd : ¡ 34 players participated in the tennis portion ¡ 77 people attended the dinner portion ¡ Everyone seemed to enjoy the event

  10. Next Social Events – (Linda Campanelli) 10 — Holiday Party Event – December 4 th at the Briarwood Country Club from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm: ¡ Cost will be $35.00 per person ¡ Choice of 2 different entrees: ÷ London Broil or Salmon ¡ Will have disc jockey for dancing and entertainment ¡ Tables can be reserved with eight (8) people

  11. Rating System Revisions (Bob Richman) 11 Only new members desiring to be rated 3.5 or above must be rated u All other new members can join the 2.5/3.0 Drop-in group, the Afternoon Mixed Doubles Open group, or the Saturday Mixed Doubles Open group w/o a rating u Anyone wanting to move up from their current rating group must be rated in our monthly rating session u Rating Sessions will be held on the last Thursday (new day) of every month at no charge to the member

  12. Cimarron Court Tennis Courts Conversion (continued) (Skip Pavitt) 12 ¡ How will we accommodate Cimarron players: ÷ Currently , we do not think the drop-in groups will be affected ¡ If it becomes necessary, the GTC Board will discuss this subject in November and prepare a plan for present ing to our membership ¡ We will try to accommodate the two groups that we have in Sun City Grand: ¢ Grand Tennis Club Drop-in groups - 63% ¢ Non-drop-in groups – 37% (well in excess of the CAM 25% open court rule )

  13. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Ray Yost) 13 — New Dates: Wednesday, November 16 th to Sunday, November 20 th (CAM changed original dates) — Major Sponsor: Scott Shull with Edward Jones Investments — Tournament Charity: Eve’s Place — Tournament Events: Ages 45 and over for Men and Women Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles — Special Events: ¡ Exhibition Play ¡ Radar Court ¡ Racquet Demo Court ¡ Hit-To-Win Court (hit targets to win prizes)

  14. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Ray Yost) 14 — Change In Tournament Picnic Meal: ¡ In lieu of the Sunday after the event Player Picnic ( which half the people that sign up attend) ¡ And the Volunteer Picnic (again where only half the people that sign up attend) ¡ And much money is wasted on both ¡ We will have on site picnics on both Thursday and Saturda y.

  15. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Ray Yost) 15 — Online tournament entry forms are available on the website. — Hard copy entry forms are also available in the Sports Building and our Tennis Club bulletin board (in front of courts 3 & 4) — The website address is listed on our Grand Tennis Club website. — The tournament website address is

  16. Shine-in-the-Sun Tournament Entries Todate 16 — Women’s Singles: — Women’s Doubles: ¡ 45 and Older: ¡ 45 and Older: ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 4.0 = ÷ 4.0 = ¡ 60 and Older: ¡ 60 and Older: ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 4.0 = ÷ 4.0 =

  17. Shine-in-the-Sun Tournament Entries Todate 17 — Men’s Singles: — Men’s Doubles: ¡ 45 and Older: ¡ 45 and Older: ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 4.0 = ÷ 4.0 = ¡ 60 and Older: ¡ 60 and Older: ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.0 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 3.5 = ÷ 4.0 = ÷ 4.0 =

  18. Shine-in-the-Sun Tournament Entries Todate 18 — Mixed Doubles: ¡ 45 and Older: ÷ 6.0 (or 3.0 + 3.5) = ÷ 7.0 (or 4.0 + 3.5) = ÷ 8.0 (or 4.0 + 4.5) = ¡ 60 and Older: ÷ 6.0 (or 3.0 + 3.5) = ÷ 7.0 (or 4.0 + 3.5) = ÷ 8.0 (or 4.0 + 4.5) =

  19. Status of 2017 Nominating Committee (Donna Gropp) 19 — Elaine Weber is in charge of the Nominating Committee — The other two committee members are Donna Gropp and Karen Jones — We had problems filling the position of President: ¡ Dave Cowles was going be president but had to drop out for health reasons ¡ Without a Club president, we would have to disband our Club, so our current President has reluctantly agreed to hold the position for another year — Status of 2017 Positions: ¡ President – Skip Pavitt ¡ Vice President – Ron Beran is a new candidate ¡ Ladies Representative – Bonnie Bjorkman is a new candidate ¡ Secretary – Sally Orr is a new candidate ¡ Men’s Representative – Bob Richman is willing to stay on ¡ Social Chairperson – Linda Campanelli is willing to stay on ¡ Treasurer – Ron Wagner is willing to stay on

  20. Conduct 2017 Election 20 — Are there any other nominees for GTC Board positions — If there are no other nominees, we will take a vote to elect the 2017 Grand Tennis Club Board members — All those in favor of electing the proposed nominees raise your hands — All those opposed to electing any proposed nominees raise your hands — There is a majority in favor, so we now have a new 2017 Grand Tennis Club Board

  21. USPTA Pro Teaching Tips (Ray Yost) 21 — Five most common mistakes made on the courts: ¡ Not controlling one’s racquet ¡ Not shifting weight when serving ¡ Not hitting volleys correctly (foot work) ¡ Not in correct positions ¡ Incorrect movement – not using angle

  22. Not Using Proper Footwork (Ray Yost) 22 — When you do NOT use proper footwork, this is what happens: ¡ You will tend to reach for a ball rather than move to where you really need to hit the ball ¡ You will take big steps rather than small “baby” steps, which often puts you in an awkward position for hitting the shot ¡ You will not be able to rotate your body properly for the shot if you are not in the correct position for hitting the shot — Proper footwork starts with anticipating where the ball is going to land and positioning yourself for it — Proper footwork gives you more consistency with your shots

  23. Contact Our Instructors For Lessons (Skip Pavitt) 23 — We have three (3) qualified USPTA instructors — Contact them by phone or email and tell them what you would like to learn: ¡ They can give you private instruction or help put together a group of like players wanting the same skills improved ¡ You can take single lessons or a series of lessons — It is recommended that you: ¡ Take a lesson ¡ Take the time to practice what you have been taught ¡ Then, take another lesson to review and fine tune what you have been taught

  24. Grand Tennis Club USPTA Instructors (Skip Pavitt) 24 — Ray Yost: ¡ Phone No. 814-450-0157 ¡ Email Address: — JR Lampley: ¡ Phone No. 602-769-2192 ¡ Email Address: — Vince LaRocca: ¡ Phone No. 623-377-1870 ¡ Email Address:

  25. Noise & Pollution Issue Resolved With CAM (Skip Pavit 25 — Ken Olsen agreed to have Gothic stop mowing and blowing leaves during the morning hours in and around the Adobe tennis courts: ¡ They will perform their morning work around the amphitheater , the Sonoran Plaza , and around Angela’s ¡ Much to our disagreement , Ken Olsen insisted that they perform work along the lake from the amphitheater to Angela’s during the morning hours ¡ They will start landscaping work after 12:00 noon around the courts ¡ Gothic was in the meeting and said they would comply with our request — If work is performed during the morning hours, please contact our GTC President, Skip Pavitt at 623-210-2756

  26. General Meeting Presentations 26 — All of our General Meeting presentations are on our Grand Tennis Club website — Hopefully, those that are not able to attend our meetings will be able to see what was talked about — If there are any questions regarding our General Meeting items covered, members are welcome to call Skip Pavitt at 623-210-2756 for clarification

  27. 27 Questions?

  28. Other Items 28 — Announcements? — Adjourn meeting: ¡ Motion to adjourn? ¡ Second the motion? ¡ All those in favor of adjourning raise your hand ¡ Meeting is adjourned


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