grand tennis club general meeting october 13 th 2016

Grand Tennis Club General Meeting October 13 th , 2016 1 Start of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Grand Tennis Club General Meeting October 13 th , 2016 1 Start of Meeting Formalities 2 Establish quorum: Missing: Bob Richman, Diane Vick and Judy Beran Present: Skip Pavitt, Dave Cowles, Ron Wagner, Linda Campanelli, Gerry Smith 5

  1. Grand Tennis Club General Meeting October 13 th , 2016 1

  2. Start of Meeting Formalities 2 — Establish quorum: ¡ Missing: Bob Richman, Diane Vick and Judy Beran ¡ Present: Skip Pavitt, Dave Cowles, Ron Wagner, Linda Campanelli, Gerry Smith ¡ 5 of 8 Board members present ¡ Quorum reached — Approve May 12th General Meeting minutes: ¡ Motion to approve? ¡ Seconded? ¡ All GTC Board members raise your hand to approve

  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ron Wagner) 3 — To-date we have a total of 443 members — 2016 Dues Status : ¡ Members paid : 443 ¡ Members unpaid : 0 — Account Balances: Savings - $10,030 and Checking - $4,104

  4. Men’s Representative’s Report (Bob Richman) 4 — Current Drop-in times: ¡ Tuesdays Combined Level 2.5/3.0 and 3.5 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am (Adobe) ¡ Thursdays Combined Level 2.5/3.0 and 3.5 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am (Adobe) ¡ 4.0 Level will be on Tuesdays at 8:00 am to 10:00 am (Cimarron)

  5. Women’s Representative Report (Diane Vick) 5 — Current drop-in times : ¡ Going forward all Women’s Drop-in will be scheduled at the Adobe courts. ¡ All Women’s Levels are playing at the same time on Mondays and Wednesdays ¡ 2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 Levels on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 am to 10:00 am

  6. Next Social Events – (Linda Campanelli) 6 — Bowling Party Event: ¡ Held at SCW Bowling Center ¡ Approximately 24 members attended the event ¡ Prizes were given for Men and Women’s category highest score and for a “Blind Draw” combined score — Welcome Back Event – Sunday, October 23 rd : ¡ Cost will $10.00 per person ¡ Tennis from 1:00 to 3:00 pm ¡ Dinner from 3:00 to 7:00 pm ÷ “Little Bit of Italy” food will be served

  7. Next Social Events – (Linda Campanelli) 7 — Holiday Party Event – December 4 th at the Briarwood Country Club from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm: ¡ Cost will be $35.00 per person ¡ Choice of 3 different entrees ¡ Will have disc jockey for dancing and entertainment ¡ Tables can be reserved with eight (8) people

  8. Rating System Revisions (Skip Pavitt) 8 Only new members desiring to be rated 3.5 or above must be rated u All other new members can join the 2.5/3.0 Drop-in group, the Afternoon Mixed Doubles Open group, or the Saturday Mixed Doubles Open group w/o a rating u Anyone wanting to move up from their current rating group must be rated in our monthly rating session u Rating Sessions will be held on the last Thursday (new day) of every month at no charge to the member

  9. Cimarron Court Tennis Courts Conversion (Dave Cowles) 9 ¡ Going Forward – What We Can Expect: ÷ CAM has performed an action plan and cost analysis ($160K) ÷ CAM to perform noise abatement study with Acoustifence ÷ CAM to suggest landscaping to hide Acoustifence ÷ CAM to obtain approvals for all noise abatement work ÷ CAM to present to the SCG Board as soon as possible (October 13, 2016) ÷ Residents may sue CAM over converting tennis courts to pickleball courts and the increase in noise

  10. Cimarron Court Tennis Courts Conversion (continued) (Skip Pavitt) 10 ¡ How will we accommodate Cimarron players: ÷ Currently , we do not think the drop-in groups will be affected ¡ The GTC Board will discuss this subject in November and prepare a plan for present ing to our membership ¡ We will try to accommodate the two groups that we have in Sun City Grand: ¢ Grand Tennis Club Drop-in groups - 63% ¢ Non-drop-in groups – 37% (well in excess of the CAM 25% open court rule )

  11. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Aleta Basso) 11 — New Dates: Wednesday, November 16 th to Sunday, November 20 th (CAM changed original dates) — Major Sponsor: Scott Shull with Edward Jones Investments — Tournament Charity: Eve’s Place — Tournament Events: Ages 45 and over for Men and Women Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles — Special Events: ¡ Exhibition Play ¡ Radar Court ¡ Racquet Demo Court ¡ Hit-To-Win Court (hit targets to win prizes) ¡ Advanced Doubles Drills Court

  12. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Aleta Basso) 12 — Need Volunteers for Sponsorship Committee To Work On: ¡ Preparing gift baskets ¡ Raffle sales ¡ Silent Auction ¡ Helping to find additional sponsors and gift items — Contact: Ray Yost at : ¡ Email: ¡ Phone No: 814 - 450 - 0157

  13. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Aleta Basso) 13 — Change In Tournament Picnic Meal: ¡ In lieu of the Sunday after the event Player Picnic ( which half the people that sign up attend) ¡ And the Volunteer Picnic (again where only half the people that sign up attend) ¡ And much money is wasted on both ¡ We will have on site picnics on both Thursday and Saturda y.

  14. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament Update (Aleta Basso) 14 — Online tournament entry forms are available on the website. — Hard copy entry forms are also available in the Sports Building and our Tennis Club bulletin board (in front of courts 3 & 4) — The website address is listed on our Grand Tennis Club website. — The tournament website address is

  15. Status of 2017 Nominating Committee (Donna Gropp) 15 — Elaine Weber has volunteered to head the committee — Need two more members to volunteer for the Election Committee — Status of 2017 Positions: ¡ President – Dave Cowles is willing to move from VP ¡ Vice President – Ron Beran is a new candidate ¡ Ladies Representative – vacant ( NEED A Volunteer ) ¡ Secretary – Judy Beran is willing to stay on ¡ Men’s Representative – Bob Richman is willing to stay on ¡ Social Chairperson – Linda Campanelli is willing to stay on ¡ Treasurer – Ron Wagner is willing to stay on

  16. Our Membership Playing Abilities (Skip Pavitt) 16 — When I walk around the courts, I like to observe how our players stroke the ball , position themselves and most importantly, enjoy themselves . — However, there are several things that have always bothered me: ¡ Most of us make basic tennis mechanic mistakes . ¡ These mistakes can easily be corrected with proper instruction. — This is why I continue to try and get our members interested in taking USPTA instructed lessons. — I have tried many different programs over the past two years , and I am trying one more time to meet this goal.

  17. Why Take Tennis Instruction? (Skip Pavitt) 17 — Everyone plays tennis differently: ¡ Different styles formed by an individuals learning history ¡ Formed by ones physical abilities ¡ There is no specific way to hit shots — There are, however, better ways to use your body to hit a shot: ¡ The positioning of the racquet when you swing and hit the ball ¡ The positioning of your body when you hit the ball ¡ You do not want to fight your body to hit a shot but many do

  18. Why Take Tennis Instruction? (Skip Pavitt) 18 — So many of our members believe “ You can’t teach old dogs new tricks ” — They are SO WRONG when it comes to tennis players — One of our USPTA Instructors , Vince LaRocca, will give you some tennis tips and tools to help improve your tennis — You are encouraged to ask questions as he gives these tips

  19. Teaching Tennis Tools To Help Your Play (Vince LaRocca) 19 — There are many tools that you can use to play tennis: ¡ Spin of the ball ¡ Court positioning ¡ Playing strategy ¡ Knowing opponent’s weakness and playing to it ¡ Have a plan on how to play each particular game — How can tennis instruction help me? ¡ Select the clinic that offers to instruct particular skills you want to improve ¡ Find like players that want to improve the same skills you want ¡ You must practice what you learn

  20. Sampling of Tennis Instruction Tips (Vince LaRocca) 20 — Topspin can add pop to the ball you hit ¡ Easier to clear the net and stay in the court ¡ Easy to create topspin ¡ As you swing for your shot face the racquet down to the court: ÷ The natural swing as you bring the racquet up to the ball will impart topspin ÷ You must follow through with the stroke ¡ The ball will kick toward your opponent when it hits their court — Every ball converts to topspin when it hits the court. So hit topspin to force the ball "high" to your opponent and backspin to keep it low.

  21. Sampling of Tennis Instruction Tips (Vince LaRocca) 21 — Put spin on your serve: ¡ Most club players impart under spin or push their serve: ÷ It limits where you can place the serve ÷ It limits how hard you can hit it ¡ Put side spin or topspin on your serve: ÷ You can place the ball in more locations in the service box ÷ Hitting the ball up and over the ball allows you to hit the ball harder and to more locations ¡ You need a variety with your serve, so your opponent does not get grooved to it

  22. Sampling of Tennis Instruction Tips (Vince LaRocca) 22 — Body position is extremely important when hitting a ball: ¡ Shoulder position improves many different strokes: ÷ Turning your shoulder will give you more power : ¢ Applies to your serve ¢ Applies to your forehand ¢ Applies to your Overhead shots ¢ Applies to volleys ÷ Turning your shoulder helps in directing your shots ¢ Not turning limits the direction you can hit to ¢ Turning your shoulder allows you to hit it in any direction

  23. Grand Tennis Club USPTA Instructors (Skip Pavitt) 23 — Ray Yost: ¡ Phone No. 814-450-0157 ¡ Email Address: — JR Lampley: ¡ Phone No. 602-769-2192 ¡ Email Address: — Vince LaRocca: ¡ Phone No. 623-377-1870 ¡ Email Address:


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