the latest research by cpwr

The Latest Research by CPWR Eileen Betit, Director, Research to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WORK SAFELY WITH SILICA: The Latest Research by CPWR Eileen Betit, Director, Research to Practice AU G U ST 7 , 2 0 1 9 1 : 1 5 2 : 1 5 B C S P FO U N DAT I O N I N AU G U R A L R ES EA RC H A N D I N N OVAT I O N S U M M I T I N D I

  1. WORK SAFELY WITH SILICA: The Latest Research by CPWR Eileen Betit, Director, Research to Practice AU G U ST 7 , 2 0 1 9 1 : 1 5 – 2 : 1 5 B C S P FO U N DAT I O N I N AU G U R A L R ES EA RC H A N D I N N OVAT I O N S U M M I T I N D I A N A P O L I S , I N .

  2. Who We Are Non-profit dedicated to reducing injuries, illnesses, and fatalities in the construction industry. Focus areas: training, service, and research, Serve as NIOSH’s National Construction Center Research to Practice (r2p) Into Materials to • Take the • Prevent • Identify Research Injuries & Hazards Illnesses Repackage it On Jobsites

  3. Situation when we started…. ➢ What we thought: ✓ r2p Gap ➢ What we learned: ✓ Difficult to find information ✓ Available information is too general or complicated ✓ Need specific, practical information -- “ Make it easy ” ✓ Generate a take-away – “ The last thing you should do before you leave the site is hit PRINT ” ➢ What we proposed: ✓ A “one - stop” website Focus Group slide used for discussion

  4. Work Safe fely wit ith Silica 1.About 2.Regulations & Requirements 3. What’s New 4.Know the Hazard 5.Training & Other Resources 6. What’s Working 7.Ask a Question 8.Control the Dust – Create-A-Plan 4

  5. Know the Hazard

  6. Regulations & Requirements 6

  7. What’s New 7

  8. Training & Other Resources 8

  9. What’s Working

  10. Ask a Question 10

  11. Referenced in: ✓ Industry testimony and evidence in support of the silica standard ✓ The preamble to the final standard ✓ OSHA’s Small Entity Compliance Guide: “The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) has a tool to help employers develop written exposure control plans that is available at .” OSHA Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for Construction (page 45)

  12. Written Exposure Control Plan ✓ The plan must describe: ▪ Tasks involving exposure to respirable crystalline silica ▪ Engineering controls , work practices, and respiratory protection for each task ▪ Housekeeping measures used to limit exposure ▪ Procedures used to restrict access , when necessary to limit exposures ✓ Reviewed and the effectiveness evaluated at least annually and updated as necessary ✓ Implemented by a competent person OSHA Standard - §1926.1153 Respirable crystalline silica, section (g)

  13. Step 1 1 2 3

  14. Step 1 (g)(1)(i) Materials & tasks i nvolving exposure to silica

  15. Step 2

  16. Step 2 -- (g)(1)(ii) Engineering controls, work practices, and respiratory protection for each task

  17. Step 3 Company Person completing the plan Jobsite/Project Description of work Click here for ….. Training Competent Person (g)(4) & Housekeeping Responsible Person1910.105 3 (f) Medical Surveillance Other Considerations Restricting Access (g)(1)(iv) & Regulated Area- 1910.1053 (e)

  18. Final Plan Print/ Email/Download/ Save Your Plan

  19. Table 1 Equipment Names and Best Practices: Location: Training and Other Resources: Manuals & Guides (

  20. Construction Solu lutions & ROI Solution for overhead drilling: Overhead Drill Press

  21. Training & Other Resources:

  22. Industry Specific Resources:

  23. Location: Training and Other Resources: Manuals & Guides ( Questions addressed: • Which employees are covered by the medical surveillance requirement? • When and how often should employees have a medical exam? • How do you set up a medical monitoring program? - Step 1 – Find a health professional to work with - Step 2 – Interview the health professional to ensure they are able to meet your needs - Step 3 – Finalize the contract and begin to make appointments for your employees • Links to other resources

  24. Coming Soon…

  25. Recent Research: Concrete DrillingPneumatic vs Electric Rotary Drill: Vibration, Dust, Noise, Productivity Drilled holes 10-20 mm in diameter for structural upgrades to buildings, highways, bridges and airport tarmacs

  26. Recent Research: Tuckpointing • Engineering controls don’t reduce dust below the PEL • Respirators required • ≤4 hours/shift: APF 10 • >4 hours/shift: APF 25 • NIOSH Researchers tested Tools with the help of the Masonry r2p Partnership • Reports on findings under review • Training materials for a 1) plugging chisel with a rotary hammer and 2) brick and mortar saw in development.

  27. Exposure Control Database Location: In the News; Q&A’s; Create -A-Plan Step 2 @ Objective Data Collection Form ( Exposure Assessment (d) (2)) • Sampling environment • Indoor/outdoor • Wind and weather • Work conditions • Task and material • Equipment specifics • Tool and controls used • Sample data • Personal breathing zone • Duration • Flow rate • Lab report with concentration Send data to Sara Brooks –

  28. and where we are… Raising awareness: ➢ Articles, presentations, internal and external webinars – examples: ✓ CPWR’s webinar participants & Views on Demand = 5,300+ ✓ Submitted - Patty's IH and Toxicology Site Usage: ➢ Sessions overall 800,000+ ✓ Planning tool alone – 130,000+ ✓ Registered Users – 8,600+ “ Always” Use o Plans Created – 18,000+ 100% 61% Use of Controls Increasing 50% 26% 19% ➢ BAC example 0% Silica Controls 2011 2014 2017

  29. WORK SAFELY WITH SILICA: The Latest Research by CPWR Eileen Betit, Director, Research to Practice W W W . S I L I C A - S A F E . O R G


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