Latest results from the MoEDAL experiment Latest results from the MoEDAL experiment Philippe Mermod, University of Geneva Philippe Mermod, University of Geneva Particle Physics Seminar, Uppsala, 6 March 2017 Particle Physics Seminar, Uppsala, 6 March 2017
Physics beyond the Standard Model Theoretical hints Experimental evidence • Many free parameters • Neutrino masses • Forces do not unify • Dark matter • Naturalness • Matter-antimatter asymmetry • Gravity The LHC is a discovery machine 2
The search for new physics 3
The search for new physics blue sky, • We have no clue really... uncharted territory 4
The search for new physics blue sky, • We have no clue really... uncharted territory • What matters is to make sure to cover all possible signatures ➔ Photons, leptons, jets, missing energy... ➔ Resonances, excesses, deviations, rare decays... ➔ New long-lived particles 5
Long-lived particles in a general-purpose detector Unconventional signatures, issues with: • Electronics (eg saturation, timing) • Triggers • Object reconstruction • Acceptance 6
Long-lived particles in a general-purpose detector Unconventional signatures, issues with: • Electronics (eg saturation, timing) • Triggers • Object reconstruction • Acceptance Complementary approach: Dedicated detectors! 7
The Monopole & Exotics Detector at the LHC • Dedicated searches for new • The 7 th LHC experiment, long-lived highly-ionising located at IP8 particles (HIPs) • ~70 members, 25 institutes 8
The Monopole & Exotics Detector at the LHC • Dedicated searches for new • The 7 th LHC experiment, long-lived highly-ionising located at IP8 particles (HIPs) • ~70 members, 25 institutes Detector subsystems • Low-threshold NTD array (z/β > 5) • High-charge catcher NTD array (z/β > 50) • TimePix radiation background monitor • Monopole trapping detector 9
The Monopole & Exotics Detector at the LHC • Dedicated searches for new • The 7 th LHC experiment, long-lived highly-ionising located at IP8 particles (HIPs) • ~70 members, 25 institutes Detector subsystems • Low-threshold NTD array (z/β > 5) MoEDAL probes messengers of • High-charge catcher new physics NTD array (z/β > 50) which are • TimePix radiation inaccessible to background monitor other LHC • Monopole trapping experiments. detector 10
The MoEDAL physics programme Int. J. Mod. Phys. A29, 1430050 (2014), arXiv:1405.7662 MBH Q-balls MBH Q-balls remnants remnants Strangelets Strangelets Stable Stable MBHs MBHs Extra Exotic Quirks dimensions Quirks KK- KK- states of particles particles matter Electroweak Electroweak Long-lived Long-lived Monopol es Monopol es Sleptons Sleptons Magnetic D- D- SUSY Metastable Metastable charge particles particles charginos charginos Long-lived Long-lived Light TP Light TP gluinos gluinos monopoles monopoles Doubly charged Long-lived Long-lived Monopolium Monopolium squarks squarks Doubly Doubly Fat Higgs Fat Higgs charged Higgs charged Higgs Doubly charged Doubly charged Doubly charged Doubly charged 11 higgsinos fermions higgsinos fermions
The MoEDAL physics programme Int. J. Mod. Phys. A29, 1430050 (2014), arXiv:1405.7662 MBH Q-balls MBH Q-balls remnants remnants Strangelets Strangelets Stable Stable MBHs MBHs Extra Exotic Quirks dimensions Quirks KK- KK- states of particles particles matter Electroweak Electroweak Long-lived Long-lived Monopol es Monopol es Massive long-lived charged Sleptons Sleptons Monopole with mass up Magnetic particles with z / β ≥ 5 & D- to ~6 T D- eV & magnetic SUSY Metastable Metastable charge particles particles charge as high as ~500 e charginos charginos charge 1–9 g D Long-lived Long-lived Light TP Light TP gluinos gluinos monopoles monopoles Doubly charged Long-lived Long-lived Monopolium Monopolium squarks squarks Doubly Doubly Fat Higgs Fat Higgs charged Higgs charged Higgs Doubly charged Doubly charged Doubly charged Doubly charged 12 higgsinos fermions higgsinos fermions
The monopole electric magnetic Sources of electric field exist (electrons, protons...) – Are there magnetic equivalents? proton magnetic monopole 13
Maxwell's equations (1862) Without monopoles With monopoles 14
Dirac's quantisation condition (1931) Side result of quantum-field theory formulation – explains electric charge quantisation! – Fundamental magnetic charge g D = 68.5 (with q m = gec and n = 1) – Very high ionisation energy loss Schwinger generalised this to dyons (1966) 15
't Hooft and Polyakov's GUT monopole (1974) U(1) group of electromagnetism is a subgroup of a broken gauge symmetry ➔ Topological monopole solution. Very general result! • Minimum magnetic charge g D or 2 g D (depending on model) • Mass ~ 10 16 GeV (unification scale) Non-trivial solutions are allowed in the electroweak theory itself • Charge 2 g D PLB 391, 360 (1997) • Mass ~ few TeV PLB 756, 29 (2016) 16
Under these circumstances one would be surprised if nature had made no use of it. (1931) 18
The magnetic monopole is the Under these circumstances most venerable member of the one would be surprised if mythological bestiary of physics. nature had made no use of it. (1986) (1931) Don Groom 19
The magnetic monopole is the Under these circumstances most venerable member of the one would be surprised if mythological bestiary of physics. nature had made no use of it. (1986) (1931) Don Groom Magnetic monopoles should exist if the Higgs boson ex ists. (1986) Tini Veltman 20
The magnetic monopole is the Under these circumstances most venerable member of the one would be surprised if mythological bestiary of physics. nature had made no use of it. (1986) (1931) The existence of magnetic Don monopoles seems like one Groom of the safest bets that one Magnetic monopoles should can make about physics exist if the Higgs boson ex ists. not yet seen. (1986) (2002) Tini Joe Veltman Polchinski 21
The magnetic monopole is the Under these circumstances most venerable member of the one would be surprised if mythological bestiary of physics. nature had made no use of it. (1986) (1931) The existence of magnetic Don monopoles seems like one Groom of the safest bets that one Magnetic monopoles should can make about physics exist if the Higgs boson ex ists. not yet seen. (1986) (2002) Tini Joe Veltman Polchinski But it is one thing to say that monopoles must exist, and quite another to say that we 22 John have a reasonable chance of observing one. (1984) Preskill
Where to look for monopoles? ● In cosmic rays and in matter (Phys. Rep. 582, 1 (2015), arXiv:1410.1374) ● At colliders (Phys. Rep. 438, 1 (2007), arXiv:hep-ph/0611040) 23
Where to look for monopoles? ● In cosmic rays and in matter Monopole searches are (Phys. Rep. 582, 1 (2015), arXiv:1410.1374) performed at colliders ● At colliders every time a new energy (Phys. Rep. 438, 1 (2007), arXiv:hep-ph/0611040) regime is made accessible 24
Direct HIP/monopole detection at colliders (1) signature of very highly ionising particle (HIP) 1) General-purpose detectors (OPAL, CDF, ATLAS, CMS...) – High ionisation – Pencil-like calorimeter deposit – Anomalous bending 25
Direct HIP/monopole detection at colliders (2) signature of very highly ionising particle (HIP) 1) General-purpose detectors 2) Nuclear-track detectors – Plastic NTD foil – exposure, etching, scanning – Etch-pit cones (~50 μ m) in successive sheets 26
Direct HIP/monopole detection at colliders (3) signature of very highly ionising particle (HIP) 1) General-purpose detectors 2) Nuclear-track detectors 3) Induction technique – Expect monopole-nucleus binding energy ~100 keV (Rept. Prog. Phys. 69, 1637 (2006), arXiv:hep-ex/0602040) – Persistent current after passage through superconducting coil 27
Direct HIP/monopole detection at colliders signature of very highly ionising particle (HIP) 1) General-purpose detectors 2) Nuclear-track detectors 3) Induction technique All three techniques are needed to cover the full parameter space (see EPJC 72, 1985 (2012), arXiv:1112.2999) 28
Direct collider monopole searches current limits (assuming | g| = g D ) 29
Direct collider monopole searches current limits (assuming | g| = g D ) 30
Direct collider monopole searches current limits (assuming | g| = 2 g D ) 31
Direct collider monopole searches current limits (assuming | g| = 2 g D ) 32
HIP searches at the LHC (see EPJC 72, 1985 (2012), arXiv:1112.2999) • ATLAS and CMS ➔ |g| ≤ 2 g D ➔ 0.3 ≤ |z| / β ≤ 100 • MoEDAL NTD detectors ➔ |g| ≤ 9 g D ➔ 5 ≤ |z| / β ≤ 500 • MoEDAL trapping detector ➔ |g| ≤ 4 g D • Trapping in beam pipes ➔ |g| ≥ 4 g D Complementary techniques! 33
Passive detection with NTDs in MoEDAL (1) installation Exposure (IP8) 25 m 2 34
Passive detection with NTDs in MoEDAL (2) installation Exposure (IP8) Etching Removal (Bologna) 35
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