special olympics tennis special olympics tennis special

Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Program Program Program Program

  1. Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Special Olympics Tennis Program Program Program Program

  2. ������� �� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������� �� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� !���������������

  3. SOHC Tennis program: Only adaptive program registered with USTA in Indiana, 1 of 9 in the Midwest. Our goal would be for more more more more programs programs programs programs to be adopted in surrounding counties and across the state.

  4. 2013 2013 2013 2013: 15 athletes, 20 volunteers every other week, 1.5 hours June-July

  5. 2014 2014 2014 2014: 23 athletes, 30 volunteers every week, 1 hour June- first of August

  6. 2015 2015 2015 2015: 32 athletes, 40 volunteers every week, 1 hour June- first of August G- insert pic from this year

  7. Getting Started (2013) Getting Started (2013) Getting Started (2013) Getting Started (2013)

  8. Community Involvement Community Involvement Community Involvement Community Involvement

  9. Clinics/ Demonstrations Clinics/ Demonstrations Clinics/ Demonstrations Clinics/ Demonstrations

  10. Impact Impact Impact Impact

  11. Goals Short term Learning tennis in a fun environment. Provides rest bit for families and is free.

  12. Goals Long term The athlete will acquire basic tennis skills, appropriate social behavior, and functional knowledge of the rules necessary to participate successfully in tennis competitions.

  13. Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Court space- contact local schools Racquets- ask local racquet club to put out a sign for donations SOHC has extra racquets if needed Tennis balls red balls orange balls green balls

  14. Volunteer/ Coaches Training Volunteer/ Coaches Training Volunteer/ Coaches Training Volunteer/ Coaches Training Host a training session for all the volunteers prior to competitions. Make sure all appropriate forms are filled out and ready for first practice.

  15. Practices Practices Practices Practices Warm-ups- dynamic stretches Previously taught skills New skills Competition experience Feedback on performance Games

  16. Our Program Our Program Our Program Our Program Divided by skill level

  17. Prize Game Prize Game Prize Game Prize Game ● Helps athletes work on eye hand coordination and aim by trying to hit the ball into a hoola hoop HOOL-A-HOOPS PLAYERS/PARTNER FEEDER PRIZE GRABBER PRIZES

  18. Group 1 Group 1 Group 1 Group 1 Forehand and Backhand Volleys

  19. Group 2 Group 2 Group 2 Group 2 Groundstrokes- Forehand and Backhand

  20. Group 3 Group 3 Group 3 Group 3 Serves- Deuce and AD

  21. Group 4 Group 4 Group 4 Group 4 Match play, points

  22. Divisioning Divisioning Divisioning Divisioning Separated on the basis of their rating in accordance with the Rating Form. 1.Match Play 2.Unified Doubles 3.Individual Skills Competition

  23. Match Play Match Play Match Play Match Play 1.One six game No-Ad set with a margin of two games with a 7 point tie-break played at six all. 2.Two out of three short sets. Sets to four games. 7 point tie-break at four games all.

  24. Unified Doubles Unified Doubles Unified Doubles Unified Doubles Each Unified doubles team consists of one athlete and one partner.

  25. Skills Competition Skills Competition Skills Competition Skills Competition 7 events Forehand & backhand volley, forehand & backhand groundstroke, deuce & AD side serve, alternating groundstrokes with movement. Point system

  26. Timeline for match play We will start match play next summer and will play against other county tennis programs

  27. Start up cost We are receiving money to start up 5 programs in the next 5 years If you’re the 6th program in next 5 years, we will help you find ways to raise the money, but we will not provide it directly Total: 2,000 dollars including banner, shirts, balls, ball bags, poly spots/cones, weekly prizes, and awards.

  28. Maintenance/ after year one After the start up cost, we will help you find ways to maintain the program cost wise, but we won’t provide the money directly total: ???? Includes: more shirts, balls, prizes, and end of the year party

  29. What will HCCTA do in 2015? Seek funding to start two Special Olympic tennis programs in Indiana in 2016 Seek funding to start three Special Olympic tennis programs in Indiana in 2017

  30. What will SOHC do in 2016? Start two more Special Olympic tennis programs in Indiana Provide enough funding to cover the start up costs Provide two experienced SOHC coaches to run the programs Train volunteers at each site to become site coaches Hold at least one inter-club "competition" by end of 2016

  31. What will SOHC do in 2017? Start three new Special Olympic tennis programs in Indiana Provide enough funding to cover the start up costs Provide two experienced SOHC coaches to run the programs Train volunteers at each site to become site coaches Hold at least two inter-club "competition" by end of 2017 Assist 2016 sites with funding for 2017 programs

  32. Looking to the Future Looking to the Future Looking to the Future Looking to the Future Get more people involved Contacting local schools and recruiting nearby high school kids Reaching out to local businesses and adults

  33. Follow us on Social Media Twitter: @sohctennis Instagram: sohctennis Facebook: sohc tennis

  34. Contact Contact Contact Contact Molly Fletchall- SO Indiana tennis coordinator mdfletchall@bsu.edu 317-417-1453 Grace- SOHC coach and head of Carmel’s Champions Together grace_marchese@yahoo.com 317-946-9010 Reiley Harrington-SOHC coach and head of Champions Together at Guerin Catholic rgharrington@guerincatholic.org 317-919-3316

  35. �������� �� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������� !���������������

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