grand tennis club general meeting november 8 th 2017

Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 8 th , 2017 1 Start of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 8 th , 2017 1 Start of Meeting Formalities (Skip Pavitt) 2 Establish quorum: Present: Skip Pavitt, Ron Beran, Bob Richman, Linda Campanelli, and Sally Orr Absent: Bonnie Bjorkman, Ron Wagner

  1. Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 8 th , 2017 1

  2. Start of Meeting Formalities (Skip Pavitt) 2 — Establish quorum: ¡ Present: Skip Pavitt, Ron Beran, Bob Richman, Linda Campanelli, and Sally Orr ¡ Absent: Bonnie Bjorkman, Ron Wagner (recovering from a mild stroke) ¡ A majority of Board members are present ¡ Quorum reached — Approve October 12th General Meeting minutes: ¡ Motion to approve? ¡ Seconded? ¡ All GTC Board members raise your hand to approve

  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ron Wagner/Skip Pavitt) 3 — To-date we have a total of 451 members — 2017 Dues Status : ¡ Members paid : 450 ¡ Members unpaid : 1 — Account Balances: Savings - $10,001 and Checking - $4,154

  4. New Members Since October 12 th (Ron Wagner/Skip Pavitt) 4 — Mike Campbell — Ben Hammett — Bill Wells — Terry Wells — Mindy Wolfe

  5. Men’s Representative’s Report (Bob Richman) 5 — Men’s Drop-in times: Day Rating Level From To Tuesdays 3.5/4.0 8:00 10:00 2.5/3.0 10:00 12:00 Thursdays 2.5/3.0 8:00 10:00 3.5/4.0 10:00 12:00

  6. Women’s Representative Report (Bonnie Bjorkman) 6 ¡ Women’s Drop-In Times: Day Rating Level From To Mondays 3.5/4.0 8:00 10:00 2.5/3.0 10:00 12:00 Wednesdays 2.5/3.0 8:00 10:00 3.5/4.0 10:00 12:00

  7. Other Mixed Doubles Drop-in Times (Bob Richman) 7 — Saturday Open Mixed Doubles: ¡ Session #1: 8:00 am to 10:00 am ¡ Session #2: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ¡ Sign up at bulletin board (outside courts 2&3) — Saturday 3.5 Mixed Doubles: ¡ 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ¡ Sign up at bulletin board (outside courts 2 & 3) ¡ Contact Dave Schaum — Afternoon All-Levels Mixed Doubles: ¡ 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Monday through Friday) ¡ Contact Tom Parris ¡ Sign up on day of play at Sports Building (12:45)

  8. Changes to Court Assignments Tourney Play (Bob Richman) 8 — Men & Women tourney play will be supported on SCG courts — Court times must be scheduled at 12:00 noon or after — No practice court time will be reserved by the tennis club — Tourney play is limited to 2 or less teams per day — Effective immediately except for the already scheduled women’s teams

  9. 2018 Nominating Committee (Donna Gropp) 9 — We will conduct our 2018 Officer Election in this meeting — Candidates to date are: ¡ President: Dave Cowles ( new candidate ) ¡ Vice President: Ron Beran (will continue in 2018) ¡ Treasurer: Ron Wagner (will continue in 2018) ¡ Secretary: Sally Orr (will continue in 2018) ¡ Men’s Representative: Bob Richman (will continue in 2018) ¡ Women’s Representative: Sue Sabo ( new candidate ) ¡ Social Chairperson: Linda Campanelli (will continue in 2018)

  10. 2018 Nominating Committee (continued) (Donna Gropp) 10 — All those in favor of electing the to-date candidates for our 2018 Board please raise your hand — We show a unanimous vote to elect the to-date candidates for our 2018 Board — Please note the results in our minutes

  11. 2018 Nominating Committee (Ron Beran/Sally Orr) 11 — Social Chairperson Position Expansion for 2018: ¡ Adding Specific Volunteer Positions for: ÷ New Year’s Day Party (01-01-18) Chairperson ( Donna Gropp ) ÷ Valentine Day Party (02-11-18) Chairperson ÷ Going Away Party (04-08-18) Chairperson ÷ Welcome Back Party (10-28-18) Chairperson ÷ Holiday Party (12-16-18) Chairperson ( Nancy Herr & Yolanda Needler ) — This is not a Board position — The Social Chairperson will supervisor/oversee each event — We need VOLUNTEERS for these events

  12. Social Events – (Linda Campanelli) 12 — Recap of our Welcome Back Hootenanny, October 29 th : ¡ 63 tennis players ¡ 130 members enjoyed the meal served by Dillon's ¡ Special thanks to our organizers and volunteers: ÷ Linda Campanelli ÷ Dana & Bob Day ÷ Diane Kurt ÷ And the many helpers who volunteered for the event

  13. Upcoming Social Event (Linda Campanelli) 13 — Save the date: Sunday, December 3rd, 2017 — Holiday Party at Briarwood Country Club — Cash Bar and Dinner : 5:00 pm — Cost: $35 per person — Tickets are available at drop-in events and at this meeting

  14. Rating Sessions (Skip Pavitt) 14 — Rating Sessions are held the second Thursday of the month — Rating Session Statistics: ¡ Rated 9 players in January 2017 ¡ Rated 7 players in February 2017 ¡ Rated 4 players in April 2017 ¡ Rated 7 players in November

  15. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament (Ray Yost) 15 — Dates: Wednesday November 15 through Sunday, November 19, 2017 — Volunteers needed: ¡ For daily court Maintenance - Contact is Ray Yost — Tournament Web site: —

  16. Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament (Ray Yost) 16 — Number of players signed up, 120, number of entries, 148 — There will be many fun events — Even if you are not signed up for the tournament, we hope you will come to participate in the fun events and watch the matches — Need a couple of volunteers for the court crew, just 2 hours each day (see Ray after the meeting tonight for those hours we need to cover) — Please go to the Tournament website for all times and information, not the Grand Tennis Club — Tournament website:

  17. Tennis Instruction at Sun City Grand (Skip Pavitt) 17 — To-date in 2017, we have completed the following tennis instruction statics: ¡ 86 Clinics ¡ Each clinic is for one hour ¡ 68 participants ¡ Every 2 months Ray will update his clinic website page with times and dates for all upcoming clinics

  18. SCG Tennis Instructional Programs w/USPTA Pro Ray Yost 18 — Fall II Programs : November & December 2017 — Winter Programs: January & February will be posted by December 10th — Contact Ray at or 814.450.0157 — All information in on his website: nov---dec.html

  19. Clinic Drills (Ray Yost) 19 — For those interested in working on their strokes: ¡ Classes by ability levels ¡ Ball machine and live ball drills and instruction ¡ Perfect 4 basic fundamentals: ÷ Forehand ÷ Backhand ÷ Serve ÷ Net game ¡ And work on doubles skills ¡ Cost per class: 1 = $15, 2= $25, 3= $35, 4= $46, 5= $55, 6= $65, 7= $75, 8 $85 ¡ No more than 4 students per class

  20. Contact Our Instructors For Lessons (Skip Pavitt) 20 — We have three (3) qualified USPTA instructors — Contact them by phone or email and tell them what you would like to learn: ¡ They can give you private instruction or help put together a group of like players wanting the same skills improved ¡ You can take single lessons or a series of lessons — It is recommended that you: ¡ Take a lesson ¡ Take the time to practice what you have been taught ¡ Then, take another lesson to review and fine tune what you have been taught

  21. Grand Tennis Club USPTA Instructors (Skip Pavitt) 21 — Ray Yost: ¡ Phone No. 814-450-0157 ¡ Email Address: — JR Lampley: ¡ Phone No. 602-769-2192 ¡ Email Address: — Vince LaRocca: ¡ Phone No. 623-377-1870 ¡ Email Address:

  22. Communication Committee (Dave Cowles) 22 — We are working on revamping the bulletin boards, and we need your help — We want to show everyone what a Grand Tennis Club we have — If you have pictures that you think would be good to show off our club, please send them to Dave Cowles at: ¡ — Or place them in an envelope and put them in the drop-box in the Sports Building

  23. 2017 Person of the Year Award (Donna Gropp) 23 — Each year the Board selects a member that has gone above and beyond to help the Grand Tennis Club — This year the award goes to: • Tom Parris — For the past many years, Tom has volunteered to run our Afternoon All Level Doubles Group during the non- summer months — Thank you, Tom, we appreciate all you have done for this club

  24. Raffle Time (Sally Orr/Ron Beran) 24 — RAFFLE TIME!

  25. 25 Questions?

  26. Other Items 26 — Announcements? — Adjourn meeting: ¡ Motion to adjourn? ¡ Second the motion? ¡ All those in favor of adjourning raise your hand — Meeting is adjourned


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