Grand Tennis Club General Meeting November 8 th , 2017 1
Start of Meeting Formalities (Skip Pavitt) 2 Establish quorum: ¡ Present: Skip Pavitt, Ron Beran, Bob Richman, Linda Campanelli, and Sally Orr ¡ Absent: Bonnie Bjorkman, Ron Wagner (recovering from a mild stroke) ¡ A majority of Board members are present ¡ Quorum reached Approve October 12th General Meeting minutes: ¡ Motion to approve? ¡ Seconded? ¡ All GTC Board members raise your hand to approve
Treasurer’s Report (Ron Wagner/Skip Pavitt) 3 To-date we have a total of 451 members 2017 Dues Status : ¡ Members paid : 450 ¡ Members unpaid : 1 Account Balances: Savings - $10,001 and Checking - $4,154
New Members Since October 12 th (Ron Wagner/Skip Pavitt) 4 Mike Campbell Ben Hammett Bill Wells Terry Wells Mindy Wolfe
Men’s Representative’s Report (Bob Richman) 5 Men’s Drop-in times: Day Rating Level From To Tuesdays 3.5/4.0 8:00 10:00 2.5/3.0 10:00 12:00 Thursdays 2.5/3.0 8:00 10:00 3.5/4.0 10:00 12:00
Women’s Representative Report (Bonnie Bjorkman) 6 ¡ Women’s Drop-In Times: Day Rating Level From To Mondays 3.5/4.0 8:00 10:00 2.5/3.0 10:00 12:00 Wednesdays 2.5/3.0 8:00 10:00 3.5/4.0 10:00 12:00
Other Mixed Doubles Drop-in Times (Bob Richman) 7 Saturday Open Mixed Doubles: ¡ Session #1: 8:00 am to 10:00 am ¡ Session #2: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ¡ Sign up at bulletin board (outside courts 2&3) Saturday 3.5 Mixed Doubles: ¡ 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ¡ Sign up at bulletin board (outside courts 2 & 3) ¡ Contact Dave Schaum Afternoon All-Levels Mixed Doubles: ¡ 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Monday through Friday) ¡ Contact Tom Parris ¡ Sign up on day of play at Sports Building (12:45)
Changes to Court Assignments Tourney Play (Bob Richman) 8 Men & Women tourney play will be supported on SCG courts Court times must be scheduled at 12:00 noon or after No practice court time will be reserved by the tennis club Tourney play is limited to 2 or less teams per day Effective immediately except for the already scheduled women’s teams
2018 Nominating Committee (Donna Gropp) 9 We will conduct our 2018 Officer Election in this meeting Candidates to date are: ¡ President: Dave Cowles ( new candidate ) ¡ Vice President: Ron Beran (will continue in 2018) ¡ Treasurer: Ron Wagner (will continue in 2018) ¡ Secretary: Sally Orr (will continue in 2018) ¡ Men’s Representative: Bob Richman (will continue in 2018) ¡ Women’s Representative: Sue Sabo ( new candidate ) ¡ Social Chairperson: Linda Campanelli (will continue in 2018)
2018 Nominating Committee (continued) (Donna Gropp) 10 All those in favor of electing the to-date candidates for our 2018 Board please raise your hand We show a unanimous vote to elect the to-date candidates for our 2018 Board Please note the results in our minutes
2018 Nominating Committee (Ron Beran/Sally Orr) 11 Social Chairperson Position Expansion for 2018: ¡ Adding Specific Volunteer Positions for: ÷ New Year’s Day Party (01-01-18) Chairperson ( Donna Gropp ) ÷ Valentine Day Party (02-11-18) Chairperson ÷ Going Away Party (04-08-18) Chairperson ÷ Welcome Back Party (10-28-18) Chairperson ÷ Holiday Party (12-16-18) Chairperson ( Nancy Herr & Yolanda Needler ) This is not a Board position The Social Chairperson will supervisor/oversee each event We need VOLUNTEERS for these events
Social Events – (Linda Campanelli) 12 Recap of our Welcome Back Hootenanny, October 29 th : ¡ 63 tennis players ¡ 130 members enjoyed the meal served by Dillon's ¡ Special thanks to our organizers and volunteers: ÷ Linda Campanelli ÷ Dana & Bob Day ÷ Diane Kurt ÷ And the many helpers who volunteered for the event
Upcoming Social Event (Linda Campanelli) 13 Save the date: Sunday, December 3rd, 2017 Holiday Party at Briarwood Country Club Cash Bar and Dinner : 5:00 pm Cost: $35 per person Tickets are available at drop-in events and at this meeting
Rating Sessions (Skip Pavitt) 14 Rating Sessions are held the second Thursday of the month Rating Session Statistics: ¡ Rated 9 players in January 2017 ¡ Rated 7 players in February 2017 ¡ Rated 4 players in April 2017 ¡ Rated 7 players in November
Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament (Ray Yost) 15 Dates: Wednesday November 15 through Sunday, November 19, 2017 Volunteers needed: ¡ For daily court Maintenance - Contact is Ray Yost Tournament Web site:
Shine-In-The-Sun Tennis Tournament (Ray Yost) 16 Number of players signed up, 120, number of entries, 148 There will be many fun events Even if you are not signed up for the tournament, we hope you will come to participate in the fun events and watch the matches Need a couple of volunteers for the court crew, just 2 hours each day (see Ray after the meeting tonight for those hours we need to cover) Please go to the Tournament website for all times and information, not the Grand Tennis Club Tournament website:
Tennis Instruction at Sun City Grand (Skip Pavitt) 17 To-date in 2017, we have completed the following tennis instruction statics: ¡ 86 Clinics ¡ Each clinic is for one hour ¡ 68 participants ¡ Every 2 months Ray will update his clinic website page with times and dates for all upcoming clinics
SCG Tennis Instructional Programs w/USPTA Pro Ray Yost 18 Fall II Programs : November & December 2017 Winter Programs: January & February will be posted by December 10th Contact Ray at or 814.450.0157 All information in on his website: nov---dec.html
Clinic Drills (Ray Yost) 19 For those interested in working on their strokes: ¡ Classes by ability levels ¡ Ball machine and live ball drills and instruction ¡ Perfect 4 basic fundamentals: ÷ Forehand ÷ Backhand ÷ Serve ÷ Net game ¡ And work on doubles skills ¡ Cost per class: 1 = $15, 2= $25, 3= $35, 4= $46, 5= $55, 6= $65, 7= $75, 8 $85 ¡ No more than 4 students per class
Contact Our Instructors For Lessons (Skip Pavitt) 20 We have three (3) qualified USPTA instructors Contact them by phone or email and tell them what you would like to learn: ¡ They can give you private instruction or help put together a group of like players wanting the same skills improved ¡ You can take single lessons or a series of lessons It is recommended that you: ¡ Take a lesson ¡ Take the time to practice what you have been taught ¡ Then, take another lesson to review and fine tune what you have been taught
Grand Tennis Club USPTA Instructors (Skip Pavitt) 21 Ray Yost: ¡ Phone No. 814-450-0157 ¡ Email Address: JR Lampley: ¡ Phone No. 602-769-2192 ¡ Email Address: Vince LaRocca: ¡ Phone No. 623-377-1870 ¡ Email Address:
Communication Committee (Dave Cowles) 22 We are working on revamping the bulletin boards, and we need your help We want to show everyone what a Grand Tennis Club we have If you have pictures that you think would be good to show off our club, please send them to Dave Cowles at: ¡ Or place them in an envelope and put them in the drop-box in the Sports Building
2017 Person of the Year Award (Donna Gropp) 23 Each year the Board selects a member that has gone above and beyond to help the Grand Tennis Club This year the award goes to: • Tom Parris For the past many years, Tom has volunteered to run our Afternoon All Level Doubles Group during the non- summer months Thank you, Tom, we appreciate all you have done for this club
Raffle Time (Sally Orr/Ron Beran) 24 RAFFLE TIME!
25 Questions?
Other Items 26 Announcements? Adjourn meeting: ¡ Motion to adjourn? ¡ Second the motion? ¡ All those in favor of adjourning raise your hand Meeting is adjourned
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