2018 NCSEA Board of Directors Election NCSEA Candidate for Board of Directors Alisha Griffin Managing Director Alisha Griffin Wks Independent Consultant Services alishagriffinwks@gmail.com
2018 NCSEA Board of Directors Election Alisha Griffin: Nationally recognized government leader serving multiple states governors and county executive with broad experience with complex human services programs and services. Seasoned hands-on manager. Motivates and develops highly effective teams at all levels of government and forges successful collaborative partnerships working within and across government and communities, including groups with highly diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Effective decision-making and overall program and fiscal management. Specialized expertise in service delivery for families and children: child support, child protection, child and family welfare, domestic abuse, health care service and systems delivery, technological systems development and effective utilization, incarceration and re-entry programming, and therapeutic interventions for children. Exceptional writing and presentation skills and has testified at House Ways and Means, Senate Foreign Relations, Senate Finance committees and numerous state legislative bodies I also provided State program expertise to the Department of State and OCSE at the negotiation of Hague Private Law convention on Family Maintenance and Child Support, 2003-2011 and I am currently chair of the Advisory Committee to the Permanent Bureau at The Hague on the development of iSupport – the international case management system. I have served NCSEA on various committees and projects since 1998. I am a past President of NCSEA , the National Council of Child Support Directors and The National Family Preservation Network. I recently recognized by APHSA receiving the Jerry R Friedman 2017 for Leadership and Government Technology’s recognition as one of the Top 25 National Doer’s Dreamers and Drivers.
Why are you running for the NCSEA Board of Directors I am running for the NCSEA Board position because I believe I have a lot to offer NCSEA and the child support community at large. I am a hard worker, a good collaborator and team player. I am willing to have difficult conversations and continue to hone our practice to make sure that we stay current and in touch with the needs and issues affecting both the families we serve as well as the states, tribes, counties and staff across our community and membership to make sure our services meet the needs of today and have an eye to the future.
How will you contribute to help NCSEA shape the future of child support? I am fo cused and have been working on 5 key areas of program improvement for Child Support and I believe I can contribute to NCSEA effectively in these areas : Telling our story and Re-Imagining it: Child Support is a really great program and we help so many families and children. Our story has really been defined by the IVD legislation and outside forces. I believe we need to take charge of telling our story and imagine and build a story for the 21 st century and beyond Matching service delivery to todays life: The digital and social network explosion is impacting every aspect of todays’ life. Our service delivery methodologies must adapt. While we need to keep true to our mission to collect child support, we must utilize our skills to understand what it is like to use our services and adapt our methods to make it easier for parents to access and comply and for staff to be more effective in Improving technology: Over 78% of State systems are old. We must find new ways to modernize those systems and improve effectiveness and accessibility; reducing the cost, the time to develop and interoperability with other systems. Integrated Services: Sending families to multiple locations and multiple programs does not work for those families. We need to find ways to cross those programs and more effectively integrate delivery truly. Leadership: I have been a strong advocate of the need for any program to develop its staff at all levels and really enhance overall leadership throughout an organization. NCSEA has done great work in this area but I believe that I can continue to assist in growing that path.
What will you do to help mentor and develop future leaders through NCSEA? I am very committed to a holistic approach to leadership and its development through our program. It is more than courses and saying that it is important. It must be operational on every level and it must be accessible no matter where you are. I have developed and implemented quality leadership development programs in my last 3 organizations but what is really effective is the development of quality and accessible mentoring and coaching components in theses programs. Formal mentoring and coaching programs can be very effective. It is also important to be available, accessible and contemporaneous. I would like to see NCSEA develop a program that meets those needs.
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