NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network ICC-NCSEA Partnership ICC-NCSEA Partnership Safety, Resiliency, Disaster Response ICC- NCSE ICC- NCSE A Collabor A Collabor ation ation Safe ty and Re silie nc y Safe ty and Re silie nc y ICC is the publisher of NCSEA technical books and cobrands and distributes these Publications Guide to the Design of Common Irregularities in Buildings : 2012/2015 IBC and ASCE/SEI 7-10 Guide to the Design of Building Systems for Serviceability Guide to the Design of Diaphragms, Chords and Collectors : Based on the 2006 IBC and ASCE/SEI 7-05 Structural Loads NCSEA serves as the technical consultant to ICC-ES on structural matters as needed ICC active participation at NCSEA Annual Conference 1
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network ICC- NCSE ICC- NCSE A Collabor A Collabor ation ation Disaste r Disaste r Re sponse Re sponse ICC has a Disaster Response Network NCSEA has a 2 nd Responder Roster Proposal to combine and collaborate on an ICC/NCSEA National Disaster Response Network No Co mmunity is I mmune In 2016 Mor e than 100 million pe ople within the US (1/ 3 of it’s popula tion) we r e adve r se ly impac te d by a natur al disaste r Date (2016) Date (2016) Event Event Area Area Effected Effected Southeast, Mid Atlantic & Southeast, Mid Atlantic & 103 M people & 103 M people & January January Blizzard Blizzard Northeast (11 States) Northeast (11 States) 10,000’s Buildings 10,000’s Buildings Appellation Mountains Appellation Mountains Infrastructure & Infrastructure & June June Flood Flood (2 States) (2 States) 1000’s of buildings 1000’s of buildings Infrastructure & Infrastructure & August August Flood Flood Louisiana Louisiana 1000’s of buildings 1000’s of buildings August / August / Tropical Storm Tropical Storm Southeast Southeast Infrastructure & Infrastructure & September September & Flood & Flood (3 States) (3 States) 1000’s of buildings 1000’s of buildings 2
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network 2 nd Re sponde rs T he re are 5 re c o gnize d c lasse s o f 2 nd Re spo nde rs: • e s Spe c ialist (StS) I o r I I USAR Str uc tur • (SCE ) I , I I o r I I I F E MA Str uc tur e Condition E valuator • (DRI ) ICC Disaste r Re sponse Inspe c tor • CalOE S SAP Asse ssor • AT C 20 or 45 Asse ssor Disaste r Re sponse Ne twork A listing o f building safe ty pro fe ssio nals who have vo lunte e re d to he lp affe c te d jurisdic tio ns with building damage asse ssme nt, building inspe c tio ns and o the r c o de -re late d func tio ns 3
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network 2 nd Re sponde r Roste r A database o f traine d and c e rtifie d 2 nd re spo nde rs who are willing to assist with po st-disaste r c o nditio n asse ssme nts o f struc ture s at a lo c al, S tate o r natio nal le ve l 2 nd Re sponde r Roste r T his syste m e xists and is suppor te d by NCSE A 4
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network 2 nd Re sponde r Roste r User Account Volunte e r s ar e able to login and update c ontac t, lic e nsur e & c e r tific ation infor mation oc a ting 2 nd Re sponde rs L Roster Reports Admin Use r s ar e able to loc ate volunte e r s by spe c ifying: • De sir e d L ic e nsur e • Re sponde r Classific ation • De ployme nt E xpe r ie nc e • Distanc e fr om Inc ide nt 5
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network Conta c ting 2 nd Re sponde rs Roster Reports T he Roste r c an also be use d to c ommunic ate with volunte e r s: • Ne wsle tte r s & Update s • De ployme nt Notic e s • T r aining Notic e s Ac tivating 2 nd Re sponde rs T he re are 4 me tho ds o f ac tivating 2 nd Re spo nde rs: • F e de r al Re sour c e (Re q ue st T hro ug h E M) • c e (Re q ue st T hro ug h E M o r BOA) State Re sour • c e (Re q ue st T hro ug h BOA) Mutual Aid Re sour • (Dire c t Re q ue st) Volunte e r 6
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network PROPOSAL PROPOSAL E stablish a joint c ommitte e to ove r se e the c ollabor ation be twe e n ICC and NCSE A on the c re ation of a National Disaste r Re sponse Ne twork Co mmitte e ’s T asks • Pr omote Availability of Disaste r Re sponse T r aining • Public ize the Roste r Among the E M Community, Me mbe r s and the Public 7
NCSEA Proposal to ICC Re: 5/11/2017 National Disaster Response Network Co mmitte e ’s T asks • De ve lop Br anding • Combine E xisting Roste r s • Notify Use r s of Ne w Syste m and Update s Co mmitte e ’s T asks • De ve lop L ist of Admin Use r s • De ve lop Usage Pr otoc ols • De ve lop Ac tivation Guide line s & Agr e e me nts 8
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