Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District MARCH 03, 2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING
2017 POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Friday, June 16, 2017 @ 9:30am Friday, August 18, 2017 @ 9:30am Friday, September 15, 2017 @ 9:30am Friday, December 15, 2017 @ 9:30am
TOTAL DISTRICT YARD WASTE EXPENSES (2008-2018 PROJECTION) District will be reviewing program cost efficiency and 2018 Projected District Yard Waste Rate effectiveness in 2017. Stark $225/load (40-yd) & $400/load (80-yd) Tuscarawas $195/load (30-yd) PROJECTED 2017 District Yard Waste Rate Stark $112.36/load (40-yd) & $224.72/load (80-yd) Tuscarawas $195/load (30-yd) PROJECTED
Estimated Revenue versus Actual Revenue (As of February 27, 2017) Year-to-Date Last Year REVENUES Estimated Actual Year-to-Date Collected Revenue Revenue Revenue Percent 101 GENERAL FUND Interest Earned $ 25,000.00 $ 6,642.83 $ 6,492.17 26.57% American Landfill Settlement 12,500.00 - 1,461.00 0.00% OEPA Pass-Thru Community Development Grant - - - 0.00% Recycling Revenue 200,000.00 32,123.98 41,184.22 16.06% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 237,500.00 38,766.81 49,137.39 16.32% 501 TIPPING FEE FUND Tipping Fees-Inside District $ 750,000.00 $ 95,512.35 $ 162,822.17 12.73% Tipping Fees-Outside District 2,700,000.00 289,334.48 528,899.14 10.72% Tipping Fees-Outside State 25,000.00 3,385.44 3,634.50 13.54% Tipping Fees 3,475,000.00 388,232.27 695,355.81 11.17% Recycling Revenue - - - 0.00% Ohio BWC Safety Grant - - - 0.00% Miscellaneous Revenue - 202.11 45,741.06 0.00% TIPPING FEE FUND TOTAL 3,475,000.00 388,434.38 741,096.87 11.18% TOTAL REVENUE ALL FUNDS $ 3,712,500.00 $ 427,201.19 $ 790,234.26 11.51%
Budgeted versus Actual Expenses (As of February 27, 2017) Combined Last Year Combined EXPENSES Combined Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Expended Appropriations Expenses Expenses Percent 101 GENERAL FUND Supplies & Materials $ 34,900.00 $ 5,358.63 $ - 15.35% HHW Program 47,786.95 166.65 - 0.35% American Landfill Settlement 12,500.00 - - 0.00% Road Repairs 7,940.00 - - 0.00% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 103,126.95 5,525.28 - 5.36% 501 TIPPING FEE FUND DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Admin-1 Payroll & Benefits $ 400,000.00 $ 68,614.16 $ 65,971.31 17.15% Admin-2 Supplies & Admin Expenses 142,953.15 43,838.09 57,192.54 30.67% Admin-3 Capital Assets 50,850.00 - - 0.00% Admin-4 Consulting Engineer Service 15,000.00 - 110.00 0.00% Admin-5 Legal Services 10,000.00 - - 0.00% Admin-6 Solid Waste Plan 54,305.23 720.00 - 1.33% Admin-8 Financial Consulting Services 13,000.00 - - 0.00% 686,108.38 113,172.25 123,273.85 16.49% District Administration Total RECYCLING/COUNTY PROGRAMS STW-02 Drop-Off Recycling 1,682,059.20 207,087.27 207,541.61 12.31% STW-03 Yard Waste Management 487,499.96 40,648.64 25,741.00 8.34% STW-05 HHW Program 543,926.43 54,251.62 42,552.80 9.97% STW-06 Scrap Tire Collection 81,726.73 8,143.37 8,083.89 9.96% STW-19 Recycling Makes Sense 713,695.45 110,267.95 146,497.55 15.45% STW-21 Infrastructure Enhancement Grants 150,000.00 - 33,077.00 0.00% STW-22 Program Start-Up Grant 169,087.79 1,925.00 60,400.38 1.14% STW-24 Host Community Cleanup Grants 118,617.62 17,033.59 22,893.11 14.36% STW-25 Sheriff Department Grants 288,000.00 276,000.00 276,000.00 95.83% STW-26 Health Department Grants 325,000.00 81,250.00 81,250.00 25.00% STW-27 Solid Waste Inspection 5,000.00 - - 0.00% STW-28 Well Monitoring Grants 25,000.00 - - 0.00% STW-29 Education & Awareness 374,954.14 17,440.23 37,537.03 4.65% STW-38 Disaster Debris Management 20,000.00 - - 0.00% STW-42 General Plan Implement 5,000.00 - - 0.00% Recycling/County Program Total 4,989,567.32 814,047.67 941,574.37 16.31% TIPPING FEE FUND TOTAL 5,675,675.70 927,219.92 1,064,848.22 16.34% TOTAL EXPENSES ALL FUNDS $ 5,778,802.65 $ 932,745.20 $ 1,064,848.22 16.14%
Current Cash Position (as of February 27, 2017) Beginning Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Year Actual Expenditures/ Unexpended Outstanding Unencumbered Balance Receipts Expenses Balance Encumbrances Balance GENERAL FUND $ 974,795.87 $ 38,766.81 $ 5,525.28 $ 1,008,037.40 $ 66,814.72 $ 941,222.68 TIPPING FEES 4,441,614.71 388,434.38 927,219.92 3,902,829.17 2,872,612.15 1,030,217.02 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 5,416,410.58 $ 427,201.19 $ 932,745.20 $ 4,910,866.57 $ 2,939,426.87 $ 1,971,439.70 GENERAL (INTEREST) FUND Year-to-date Net Gain/(Loss) $ 33,241.53 TIPPING FUND Year-to-date Net Gain/(Loss) $ (538,785.54) GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS Year-to-date Net Gain/(Loss) $ (505,544.01)
2017 Official Certificate of Estimated Resources Motion to approve the 2017 Official Certificate of Estimated Resources as presented retroactive to January 1, 2017.
TIPPING FEE REVENUE TREND Tipping Fee Revenue Makes up $7,000,000 92% of District Total Revenue Tipping Fee Rates: $6,200,936 In-District $1.00 per Ton $6,000,000 Out-of-District $2.00 per Ton Out-of-State $1.00 per Ton $5,000,000 Average Annual Tipping Fee -- $4,029,287 $3,871,587 $4,000,000 $3,475,000 $3,000,000 $2,723,316 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Proj. Total Out-of-District In-District Out-of-State
December 31, 2016 Investment Report 12/31/1 1/16 Current nt Portfolio lio Description on Yie ield Maturity Bala lance ce Huntington Checking/MMA General/Money Market $1,213,017.32 0.030% N/A StarOhio – Interested Earned Deposit Account $67,178.97 0.770% N/A Star Plus Deposit Account $505,028.29 0.400% N/A RedTree Investments Managed Portfolio $3,120,635.32 1.380% Varies Huntington – CD Certificate of Deposit $100,000.00 0.600% 03/23/17 Huntington – CD Certificate of Deposit $100,000.00 0.600% 06/01/17 Huntington – CD Certificate of Deposit $150,000.00 0.750% 12/14/17 Huntington – CD Certificate of Deposit $200,000.00 0.750% 12/14/17 Total Current Principal Balance = $5,455,859.90 Principal Balance Prior Year = $6,621,617.05 Interest Earned Current YTD = $37,696.33 Interest Earned Prior Year YTD = $23,992.97 Current Weighted Yield = 0.915% Weighted Yield Prior Year = 0.759%
DROP-OFF VS CURBSIDE RECYCLING TONNAGES (2007-2016) 25,000 95% increase in total recycling 20,908 20,000 15,000 167% increase in curbside recycling 10,707 10,724 10,000 10,184 6,693 5,000 52% increase in drop-off recycling 4,014 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Dropoff Sites Curbside Programs Grand Total
2016 ANNUAL DISTRICT REPORT Company: GT Environmental Survey: 2,986 Commercial and Industrial Businesses Cost: $8,120 OEPA Deadline: June 1, 2017
TELEVISION/CRT COLLECTION PROGRAM City of Canton Recycling Center Television/CRT collection program discontinued for 2017 TV/CO V/COMPUT MPUTER ER MON ONITOR OR CRT vs Flatscreen 80% of weight from CRT is being landfilled Closed Loop Refining and Recovery (R2 Certified Company) Ohio and Arizona locations 91 million lbs of stockpiled CRTs Equivalent of 1.5 million televisions ( at 60 pounds/TV )
ONGOING SITE IMPROVEMENTS Before New Philadelphia Buehler’s Increased pickup frequency Increased number of containers Increased signage Increased number of cleanups Added fencing Added cameras After
ONGOING SITE IMPROVEMENTS Before After Village of Newcomerstown/ Oxford Township/Baker’s IGA Removed trees/vegetation Increased number of containers Added Fencing Adding Signage Could add Cameras if needed
ONGOING SITE IMPROVEMENTS Mill Township Increased number of containers Added Fencing and a Powered Gate Before Restricted site hours Adding Signage Adding Cameras After Powered Gate with Designated Hours
2017 CURBSIDE PROGRAM ASSESSMENTS City of Canton City of New Philadelphia Both have City-operated curbside waste & recycling programs Both have 18-gallon recycling containers Both are looking to improve program cost efficiency and effectiveness District and Ohio EPA Conduct no cost comprehensive assessments of curbside waste & recycling collection programs for 2017 Identify grant opportunities for program upgrades
OHIO RECYCLING WORKSHOP SERIES: INCREASE RECOVERY, FIGHT CONTAMINATION ( MARCH 17, 2017 ) Ohio EPA & Recycling Partnership Topics include National Trends in Recycling, Tactics for Fighting Contamination, and Tools & Resources Education Workshop for Curbside Programs District Staff and Canton and New Philadelphia representatives will attend
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