Return to travel in Covid-19 recovery “New Normal ” Kathy Myers, VP Business Development
US Travel • Adapt operations, modify employee practices and/or Association redesign public spaces to help protect employees and Guidelines customers. • Implementing touchless solutions , where practical, to limit the opportunity for virus transmission while also enabling a positive travel experience. • Adopt and implement enhanced sanitation procedures specifically designed to combat the transmission of COVID-19. • Promote health screening measures for employees and isolate workers with possible COVID-19 symptoms and provide health resources to customers. • Establish a set of procedures aligned with CDC guidance should an employee test positive for COVID-19. • Follow best practices in food and beverage service to promote health of employees and customers.
Top of mind for Companies as Duty of Care business travel resumes Rewrite Travel Policies Communication Plans and Surveys Education for travelers to have confidence to resume travel Management of unused tickets
Touchless technology for services
Car Rental and share rides
BCD Travel Travel Bite: COVID-19 – air traveler confidence Research &Innovation April2020 An IATA survey suggests more than 60% of travelerswould be preparedto travel within 2 months of the announcement of COVID-19’s containment. How long after COVID-19 Since February,the shareof passengerspreparedto travel as soonas restrictionsare liftedhas droppedfrom22% containmentisannouncedwill to 14%. But more than 60% would still be prepared to travel within two months of containment. Just 12% passengers resumetravel? passengerswouldpreferto wait 12monthsorlongerbeforeresumingtravel. Source:IATA, April 24, 2020, Surveyof passengersfrom11 countries Skies Thank you.
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