return to travel in covid 19 recovery new normal

Return to travel in Covid-19 recovery New Normal Kathy Myers, VP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Return to travel in Covid-19 recovery New Normal Kathy Myers, VP Business Development US Travel Adapt operations, modify employee practices and/or Association redesign public spaces to help protect employees and Guidelines

  1. Return to travel in Covid-19 recovery “New Normal ” Kathy Myers, VP Business Development

  2. US Travel • Adapt operations, modify employee practices and/or Association redesign public spaces to help protect employees and Guidelines customers. • Implementing touchless solutions , where practical, to limit the opportunity for virus transmission while also enabling a positive travel experience. • Adopt and implement enhanced sanitation procedures specifically designed to combat the transmission of COVID-19. • Promote health screening measures for employees and isolate workers with possible COVID-19 symptoms and provide health resources to customers. • Establish a set of procedures aligned with CDC guidance should an employee test positive for COVID-19. • Follow best practices in food and beverage service to promote health of employees and customers.

  3. Top of mind for Companies as  Duty of Care business travel resumes  Rewrite Travel Policies  Communication Plans and Surveys  Education for travelers to have confidence to resume travel  Management of unused tickets

  4. Airlines

  5. Hotels

  6. Touchless technology for services

  7. Car Rental and share rides

  8. BCD Travel Travel Bite: COVID-19 – air traveler confidence Research &Innovation April2020 An IATA survey suggests more than 60% of travelerswould be preparedto travel within 2 months of the announcement of COVID-19’s containment. How long after COVID-19 Since February,the shareof passengerspreparedto travel as soonas restrictionsare liftedhas droppedfrom22% containmentisannouncedwill to 14%. But more than 60% would still be prepared to travel within two months of containment. Just 12% passengers resumetravel? passengerswouldpreferto wait 12monthsorlongerbeforeresumingtravel. Source:IATA, April 24, 2020, Surveyof passengersfrom11 countries

  9. Skies Thank you.


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