travel sentiment study wave 6

Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6 APRIL 21, 2020 COVID-19 TRAVEL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6 APRIL 21, 2020 COVID-19 TRAVEL SENTIMENT STUDY WAVE 6 Fielded April 15, 2020 U.S. National Sample of 1,000 adults 18+ IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Canceled trip completely 47% 82% Reduced travel plans 47% Changed

  1. Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6 APRIL 21, 2020

  2. COVID-19 TRAVEL SENTIMENT STUDY WAVE 6 Fielded April 15, 2020 U.S. National Sample of 1,000 adults 18+

  3. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Canceled trip completely 47% 82% Reduced travel plans 47% Changed destination to one I can 21% drive to as opposed to fly of travelers planning to travel in the next six Changed trip from international to 11% months will change their domestic travel plans due to 0 30 60 coronavirus Base: Coronavirus Changed Travel Plans Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  4. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Travelers Planning To Change Upcoming Travel Plans Due To COVID-19 Comparison 100 85% 84% 84% 82% 75% 58% 50 0 March 11 March 19 March 26 April 1 April 8 April 15 Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  5. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Impact of COVID-19 on Upcoming Travel Plans Comparison 60 53% 50% 48% 48% 47% Canceled trip completely 47% 36% 40 43% 43% 39% 35% 28% Reduced travel plans 20 0 March 11 March 19 March 26 April 1 April 8 April 15 Base: Coronavirus Changed Travel Plans Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  6. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Impact of COVID-19 on Upcoming Travel Plans Comparison 60 Changed destination to one I can drive to as 40 opposed to fly 30% 22% Changed trip from 21% 19% 18% 17% international to 20 22% domestic 14% 13% 11% 11% 11% 0 March 11 March 19 March 26 April 1 April 8 April 15 Base: Coronavirus Changed Travel Plans Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  7. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Factors Impacting Decisions to Travel in Next 6 Months 3% Coronavirus/COVID-19 9% 23% 63% 2% Concerns about the economy 15% 15% 26% 21% 23% Transportation costs 21% 16% 31% 17% 15% 0 50 100 1 - No impact at all 2 3 4 5 - Greatly impact Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  8. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Indicated That Coronavirus Would Greatly Impact Their Decision To Travel In The Next Six Months 80 67% 66% 63% 62% 60 58% 40 35% 45% 20 0 March 11 March 19 March 26 April 1 April 8 April 15 Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  9. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Travelers with Travel Plans in the Next Six Months Comparison 100 87% 80 76% 72% 72% 70% 65% 60 40 45% 20 0 March 11 March 19 March 26 April 1 April 8 April 15 Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  10. IMPACT ON TRAVEL PLANS Travel Content Viewed or Interacted with in Last Two Months 31% A magazine article on travel 28% Short online travel video (2-3 minutes or less) on YouTube, Facebook, etc. 26% A travel show on television or OnDemand A travel book/guidebook 22% Live streaming online video of a real-time travel or local experience 17% A video from a travel expert, personality, or ‘vlogger’ 16% An online 3D or 360-degree virtual tour (e.g., Google Street View/Earth) 14% A travel podcast, audio, or radio show 13% Longer online travel video (more than 3 minutes) 12% 7% Virtual tour using a virtual reality headset 0 20 40 Travel Sentiment Study Wave 6

  11. Additional Resources Longwoods International Research Miles Partnership COVID-19 Communication Center

  12. Thank You

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