lecture 2

Lecture 2 - Power spectrum of gravitational anisotropy - Temperature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lecture 2 - Power spectrum of gravitational anisotropy - Temperature anisotropy from sound waves Bennett et al. (1996) COBE 4-year Power Spectrum The SW formula allows us to determine the 3d power spectrum of at the last scattering surface

  1. Lecture 2 - Power spectrum of gravitational anisotropy - Temperature anisotropy from sound waves

  2. Bennett et al. (1996) COBE 4-year Power Spectrum The SW formula allows us to determine the 3d power spectrum of φ at the last scattering surface from C l . But how?

  3. Sachs & Wolfe (1967) ∆ T (ˆ n ) = 1 3 Φ ( t L , ˆ r L ) T 0 SW Power Spectrum gives… • But this is not exactly what we want. We want the statistical average of this quantity.

  4. Power Spectrum of φ • Statistical average of the right hand side contains two-point correlation function If does not depend on locations (x) but only on separations between two points (r), then φ consequence of “statistical homogeneity” where we defined and used

  5. Power Spectrum of φ • In addition, if depends only on the magnitude of the separation r and not on the directions, then Power spectrum! Generic definition of the power spectrum for statistically homogeneous and isotropic fluctuations

  6. SW Power Spectrum • Thus, the power spectrum of the CMB in the SW limit is • In the flat-sky approximation, Perpendicular wavenumber, (q perp ) 2

  7. SW Power Spectrum • Thus, the power spectrum of the CMB in the SW limit is • In the flat-sky approximation, For a power-law form, , we get

  8. SW Power Spectrum • Thus, the power spectrum of the CMB in the SW limit is • In the flat-sky approximation, full-sky correction For a power-law form, , we get n=1

  9. Bennett et al. (1996) n=1.2 ± 0.3 (68%CL) n=1

  10. Bennett et al. (1996) COBE 4-year Power Spectrum

  11. Bennett et al. (2013) WMAP 9-year Power Spectrum

  12. Planck Collaboration (2016) Planck 29-mo Power Spectrum

  13. Planck Collaboration (2016) Planck 29-mo Power Spectrum Clearly, the SW prediction does not fit! Missing physics: Hydrodynamics (sound waves)

  14. La Soupe Miso Cosmique • When matter and radiation were hotter than 3000 K, matter was completely ionised. The Universe was filled with plasma, which behaves just like a soup • Think about a Miso soup (if you know what it is). Imagine throwing Tofus into a Miso soup, while changing the density of Miso • And imagine watching how ripples are created and propagate throughout the soup

  15. This is a viscous fluid, in which the amplitude of sound waves damps at shorter wavelength

  16. When do sound waves become important? • In other words, when would the Sachs-Wolfe approximation (purely gravitational e ff ects) become invalid? • The key to the answer: Sound-crossing Time • Sound waves cannot alter temperature anisotropy at a given angular scale if there was not enough time for sound waves to propagate to the corresponding distance at the last-scattering surface • The distance traveled by sound waves within a given time = The Sound Horizon

  17. Comoving Photon Horizon • First, the comoving distance traveled by photons is given by setting the space-time distance to be null: ds 2 = − c 2 dt 2 + a 2 ( t ) dr 2 = 0 Z t dt 0 r photon = c a ( t 0 ) 0

  18. Comoving Sound Horizon • Then, we replace the speed of light with a time- dependent speed of sound: Z t dt 0 a ( t 0 ) c s ( t 0 ) r s = 0 • We cannot ignore the e ff ects of sound waves if qr s > 1

  19. Sound Speed • Sound speed of an adiabatic fluid is given by - δ P: pressure perturbation - δρ : density perturbation • For a baryon-photon system: We can ignore the baryon pressure because it is much smaller than the photon pressure

  20. Sound Speed • Using the adiabatic relationship between photons and baryons: [i.e., the ratio of the number densities of baryons and photons is equal everywhere] • and pressure-density relation of a relativistic fluid, δ P γ = δρ γ /3 , We obtain sound speed is reduced! • Or equivalently where

  21. Value of R? • The baryon mass density goes like a –3 , whereas the photon energy density goes like a –4 . Thus, the ratio of the two, R, goes like a . • The proportionality constant is: where we used for

  22. For the last-scattering redshift of z L =1090 Value of R? (or last-scattering temperature of T L =2974 K), r s = 145.3 Mpc • The baryon mass density goes like a –3 , whereas the photon energy density goes like a –4 . Thus, the ratio of the two, R, goes like a . We cannot ignore the effects of sound waves • The proportionality constant is: if qr s >1. Since l~qr L , this means l > r L /r s = 96 where we used where we used r L =13.95 Gpc for

  23. Creation of Sound Waves: Basic Equations 1. Conservation equations (energy and momentum) 2. Equation of state, relating pressure to energy density P = P ( ρ ) 3. General relativistic version of the “Poisson equation”, relating gravitational potential to energy density 4. Evolution of the “anisotropic stress” (viscosity)

  24. Energy Conservation • Total energy conservation: anisotropic stress: [or, viscosity] velocity potential v α = 1 a r δ u α ( ) • C.f., Total energy conservation [unperturbed]

  25. Energy Conservation • Total energy conservation: • Again, this is the e ff ect of locally-defined inhomogeneous scale factor , i.e., ds 2 = a 2 ( t ) exp( − 2 Ψ ) d x 2 • The spatial metric is given by • Thus, locally we can define a new scale factor: a ( t, x ) = a ( t ) exp( − Ψ ) ˜

  26. Energy Conservation • Total energy conservation: • Momentum flux going outward (inward) -> reduction (increase) in the energy density ( ) C.f., for a non-expanding medium: ρ + r · ( ρ v ) = 0 ˙

  27. Momentum Conservation v α = 1 a r δ u α • Total momentum conservation • Cosmological redshift of the momentum • Gravitational force given by potential gradient • Force given by pressure gradient • Force given by gradient of anisotropic stress

  28. Equation of State • Pressure of non-relativistic species (i.e., baryons and cold dark matter) can be ignored relative to the energy density. Thus, we set them to zero: P B =0=P D and δ P B =0= δ P D • Unperturbed pressure of relativistic species (i.e., photons and relativistic neutrinos) is given by the third of the energy density, i.e., P γ = ρ γ /3 and P ν = ρ ν /3 • Perturbed pressure involves contributions from the bulk viscosity : δ P γ = δ P ν =

  29. The reason for this is that Equation of State trace of the stress-energy of relativistic species • Pressure of non-relativistic species (i.e., baryons and cold vanishes : ∑ μ =0,1,2,3 Τ μμ = 0 dark matter) can be ignored relative to the energy density. Thus, we set them to zero: P B =0=P D and δ P B =0= δ P D 3 • Unperturbed pressure of relativistic species (i.e., photons X T 0 T i i = � ρ + 3 P + r 2 π = 0 0 + and relativistic neutrinos) is given by the third of the energy density, i.e., P γ = ρ γ /3 and P ν = ρ ν /3 i =1 • Perturbed pressure involves contributions from the bulk viscosity : δ P γ = δ P ν =

  30. Two Remarks • In the standard scenario: • Energy densities are conserved separately; thus we do not need to sum over all species • Momentum densities of photons and baryons are NOT conserved separately but they are coupled via Thomson scattering. This must be taken into account when writing down separate conservation equations

  31. Conservation Equations for Photons and Baryons • Fourier transformation replaces r 2 ! � q 2 momentum transfer via scattering

  32. Conservation Equations for Photons and Baryons • Fourier transformation replaces r 2 ! � q 2 what about photon’s viscosity?

  33. Peebles & Yu (1970); Sunyaev & Zeldovich (1970) Formation of a Photon-baryon Fluid • Photons are not a fluid. Photons free-stream at the speed of light • The conservation equations are not enough because we need to specify the evolution of viscosity • Solving for viscosity requires information of the phase-space distribution function of photons: Boltzmann equation • However, frequent scattering of photons with baryons* can make photons behave as a fluid: Photon-baryon fluid *Photons scatter with electrons via Thomson scattering. Protons scatter with electrons via Coulomb scattering. Thus we can say, e ff ectively, photons scatter with baryons

  34. Let’s solve them! • Fourier transformation replaces r 2 ! � q 2

  35. Tight-coupling Approximation • When Thomson scattering is e ffi cient, the relative velocity between photons and baryons is small. We write [d is an arbitrary dimensionless variable] • And take *. We obtain *In this limit, viscosity π γ is exponentially suppressed. This result comes from the Boltzmann equation but we do not derive it here. It makes sense physically.

  36. Tight-coupling Approximation • Eliminating d and using the fact that R is proportional to the scale factor, we obtain • Using the energy conservation to replace δ u γ with δρ γ / ρ γ , we obtain Wave Equation, with the speed of sound of c s2 = 1/3(1+R)!

  37. Peebles & Yu (1970); Sunyaev & Zeldovich (1970) Sound Wave! • To simplify the equation, let’s first look at the high- frequency solution • Specifically, we take q >> aH (the wavelength of fluctuations is much shorter than the Hubble length). Then we can ignore time derivatives of R and Ψ because they evolve in the Hubble time scale: Solution: SOUND WAVE!


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