crystal city block plan ccbp g 1

CRYSTAL CITY BLOCK PLAN # CCBP- G 1 BLOCK G (Metro Market Square - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

01.29.18 CRYSTAL CITY BLOCK PLAN # CCBP- G 1 BLOCK G (Metro Market Square block) 1 Long Range Planning Committee Meeting January 29, 2018 01.29.18 1. Introduction 2 01.29.18 1. LRPC Meeting Purpose Review of proposed Crystal City Block

  1. 01.29.18 CRYSTAL CITY BLOCK PLAN # CCBP- G – 1 BLOCK G (Metro Market Square block) 1 Long Range Planning Committee Meeting January 29, 2018

  2. 01.29.18 1. Introduction 2

  3. 01.29.18 1. LRPC Meeting Purpose Review of proposed Crystal City Block Plan G Collectively work towards: A) Determining whether there are major outstanding issues with the proposed Block Plan that should be addressed B) Developing at least one Crystal City Block Plan Scenario Map including the envisioned uses and level of development associated with each site across the block C) Developing guiding principles for the open space 3

  4. 01.29.18 1. Tonight’s Agenda 1. Introductory Remarks - Chair 2. Background - Staff a. Overview of Block Plan Review Process b. Preliminary Review Schedule 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block - Staff 4. Overview of Metro Entrance Project - Staff 5. Applicant Presentation on Proposed Block Plan Elements, Scenarios and Justification - Applicant 6. Preliminary Staff Assessment of Proposed Crystal City Block Plan - Staff a. Sector Plan Deviation b. Issues for Discussion at LRPC #2/Open House 7. LRPC Discussion - Chair 8. Public Comment - Chair 9. Concluding Remarks - Chair 4

  5. 01.29.18 2. Background a. Overview of Block Plan Review Process 5

  6. 01.29.18 2. CCBP Background • Crystal City Sector Plan calls for block-level planning analysis - Specifically references “Phased - Development Site Plans (PDSPs)” • In developing “C - O Crystal City” zoning, major obstacles with using PDSPs to implement Sector Plan were identified - Fragmented parcel ownership - Inability to condition property of others - Uncertainty regarding consent • Crystal City Block Plan (CCBP) process was developed to address these issues • CCBPs help to ensure that: - Crystal City develops consistent with Sector Plan vision - Proposed new buildings do not preclude future planned improvements - Systems and infrastructure continue to function during redevelopment - Focus is maintained on timing of community improvements 6

  7. 01.29.18 2. CCBP Overview What is a CCBP? - A general, guiding long-range plan for a single block in Crystal City, east of Route 1, depicting existing and proposed general building locations, land use mix, tower coverage, public open space and facilities, transportation and other infrastructure , etc.. When is a CCBP needed? – Rezoning to C-O Crystal City. How is it finalized? - Adopted by County Board as supplemental guidance to Crystal City Sector Plan. Does not create new entitlements . 2 CCCBPs adopted to date. What will the LRPC review encompass? - LRPC review will focus on the Crystal City Block Plan Document. • Base maps, analyses, and supporting information • Culminates in proposed Block Plan scenario map(s) showing how the block could ultimately develop in the future and how it and the final site plan would achieve Sector Plan goals for the block. * Submission also includes Block Development Document, (with civil, technical, legal drawings), primarily reviewed by staff 7

  8. 01.29.18 2. CCBP Community Services/Amenities • Review of the CCBP also informed by Crystal City Community Services and Amenities Inventory • Provides continual awareness on progress made towards meeting community-oriented service and amenity goals from a Crystal City perspective, as opposed to a block level perspective • Inventory provides additional context for Planning Commission and community review of CCBPs and Final Site Plans; helps identify opportunities for achieving certain needs on a block 8

  9. 01.29.18 2. CCBP Review Process LRPC • Block Plan is reviewed by the LRPC for consistency with the Sector Plan. SPRC • SPRC typically reviews the Final Site Plan after the Bock Plan review. The Block Plan and any proposed refinements are used as a guide for reviewing the final site plan. PC • Following SPRC process, the Site Plan and Block Plan are presented to the full Planning Commission at a public hearing. CB • County Board then holds a public hearing to consider: 1) adoption of the Block Plan and 2) approval of the Final Site Plan, and any associated re-zonings. • Adopted Block Plan would serve as the most current plan for the block, until the next site plan on the block necessitates an updated Block Plan. 9

  10. 01.29.18 2. Background b. Preliminary Review Schedule 10

  11. 01.29.18 2. Preliminary Schedule Initial Staff Observations of CCBP Note: Dates subject to change. 11

  12. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 12

  13. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 13

  14. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block Existing Conditions Future Metro 1770 15th St. Market Square Water Park 14

  15. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block Existing Conditions Future Metro Market Square 1770 15

  16. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block Existing Conditions 1770 Future Metro Market Square 16

  17. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 17

  18. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block BULK PLANE ANGLE DIAGRAM Figure 3.8.6 18

  19. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 19

  20. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block Tower Coverage is defined as the sum of the largest single floor of all buildings on the block, above the fifth floor, divided by the site’s net buildable area. 20

  21. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 21

  22. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block Water Park 1770 Center Park View Looking East 22

  23. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 23

  24. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) 1770 View Looking North 24

  25. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 25

  26. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block View Looking East View Looking West 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) 1770 1770 26

  27. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) • Target size of Metro Market Square is 43,900 square feet . • The space will provide for and celebrate a new entrance to the Metro Station at the east end of the plaza and will be a primary center of retail activity . • The ground plane of Metro Market Square will be finished primarily in hard surfaces which will allow for market uses , temporary pushcart retail, public gatherings, outdoor entertainment, and a variety of related uses. • Metro Market Square could also create an opportunity for crafting a permanent market building arcade along the length of the plaza which could be used for a local farmer’s market, arts and crafts festivals, and/or carnivals. • The head house on the east end of the market arcade could be the new entry to the Metro Station . • A major connection across 18th Street to the Center Park should be emphasized in the plaza design. • Small water features, benches, cafe seating, larger interactive sculptures, chess tables, bosques of trees, and similar features should be incorporated into the overall design. • Pervious paving, artistic wind turbines, and/or solar panels on the roof of the market building could all be incorporated into the design. 27

  28. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block • 110’ between build -to lines 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) • 19’ wide sidewalk on park edge • Assumes full build out with parking/loading moving to Clark-Bell View Looking East 28

  29. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block • 100’ between build -to lines 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) • 17.5’ wide sidewalk on west side of Crystal Dr. • Assumes full redevelopment 1770 1770 29

  30. 01.29.18 3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block SUMMARY • Street Network – re-alignment of Clark-Bell and introduction of alleys • Tower Coverage – 75% for block excluding public open space • Land Use Mix – Residential, Commercial, Hotel or Mixed-Use: Minimum 40% Residential or Hotel on the northern portion, with the southern portions being designated as Residential, Commercial, Hotel or Mixed-Use: Minimum 70% Office • Retail Frontage and Underground – on southwest corner of Clark-Bell, south edge facing park, and entire block frontage on Crystal Drive. • Base Density – 3.8 FAR for commercial and 4.8 FAR for residential • Architectural Features – Coordinated frontage on south edge facing park, and architectural features on Block G-1 at existing CC Metro plaza, and on Block G-2 where 1770 Crystal Dr. exists today. • Surface Transitway – Transit stops on Clark-Bell near existing CC Metro plaza, and on Crystal Dr. near new Metro entrance and Water Park. • Service and Loading – preferred locations along Clark-Bell • Parking- between 1 space/ 750 square feet and 1 space/1,000 square feet (office), or 1.125 spaces/ dwelling unit (residential) 30

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