CRYSTAL CITY BLOCK PLAN # CCBP- J-K 2019 – 1 BLOCK J-K Long Range Planning Committee Block J-K Meeting #2 December 19, 2019 1
Meeting Purpose Review of proposed Crystal City Block Plan J-K A) Determine whether there are major outstanding issues with the proposed Block Plan that should be addressed B) Develop at least one Crystal City Block Plan Scenario Map including the envisioned uses and level of development associated with each site across the block 2
Staff Assessment of Proposed Crystal City Block Plan 3
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19) Scenario 1 CCSP Map/ Item CCSP Deviation Description Page (Y/N) Coordinated Frontage 119 Plan calls for coordinated frontage along east side of Center Park. The N. and S. buildings do not have a coordinated frontage. Y but LRPC The LRPC indicated that, as the provision of two buildings in found this an lieu of the one building on a podium shown in the Plan is an acceptable acceptable/preferable alternative, the provision of a alternative coordinated frontage is not necessary. The street section for 18 th St. identified in the Plan includes a Surface Transit 57 dedicated street car/transit lane. The project proposes to provide the street cross-section recently approved with the Y but LRPC Block G2 redevelopment. found this an acceptable The LRPC indicated that following the guidance approved with the Block G2 site plan on the other side of 18 th St. is alternative appropriate. Plan calls for services/loading on 20 th St. near Crystal Drive Services & Loading 111 N but says alleys should be provided wherever possible. (Proposed alley for services and loading.) 4
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19) Scenario 1 CCSP Map/ Item CCSP Deviation Description Page (Y/N) Building Heights 94, 95 N Plan calls for 300’ absolute maximum height. “Flexibility, if any, should only be considered in instances where the resulting redevelopment significantly furthers plan goals…” (Both buildings proposed at approx. 299’.) Bulk Plane Angle 97 N/A No requirements for this site per the Plan. Tower Coverage 99 N Plan calls for tower coverage allowable of 85% of net buildable area. (North and South buildings under 85%.) Tower Separation 94 N Plan calls for separation greater than 60’ between building towers above the 5 th floor. (Separation of 63’ or more is proposed.) Land Use Mix 103 Site located in the “Central Business District.” Plan calls for minimum 70% office. Current use mix is 83.4% office. Proposed use mix varies depending on the scenario. Plan does call for addition of more Y but LRPC residential overall in Crystal City. found this an The LRPC supported the proposed residential use, given that an acceptable overall goal of the Plan is to introduce more residential to Crystal City. alternative The LRPC would like the overall land use mix to be tracked by staff. 5
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19 ) Scenario 1 CCSP Map/ Item CCSP Deviation Description Page (Y/N) Parking 72, 73 Final site plan will determine calculations. TBD Base Density 93 N Plan calls for residential density of 4.8 FAR (Proposed 5.04 FAR includes LEED bonus.) Plan calls for architectural feature on 18 th Street/Crystal Drive Architectural Features 119 TBD – will be discussed corner of N. building. Final site plan review will determine if during SPRC met. portion of meeting 6
Sector Plan Guidance for the Block Water Park 1900 Crystal Drive Center Park View Looking East 7
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19 ) Scenario 1 CCSP Map/ Item CCSP Deviation Description Page (Y/N) Build-to-Lines 47 Y but will be Proposed build-to-lines of 100’ building face to building face is not achieved on 20 th Street. discussed during SPRC portion of The LRPC found that the proposed build-to-line was meeting acceptable given the placement of the BNA building which is not identified for redevelopment in the Plan and is not expected to redevelop in the near future, but deferred final support pending the outcome of the SPRC process. 8
Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 18 th Street S. 100' 9
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19) Scenario 1 CCSP Map/ Item CCSP Deviation Description Page (Y/N) Public Open Space 79, 83 N but will Plan calls for 74,200sf open space, which the applicant is proposing be to provide in two phases linked to redevelopment. discussed during The LRPC will review the small green extension linking Center Park to 18 th St. which will be discussed during the SPRC portion of this SPRC portion of meeting. meeting Plan calls for retail on Crystal Drive, 18 th Street and on eastern edge Retail Frontage/ 107 N Underground of Center Park. Retail proposed in these locations. 10
Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 11
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19) Scenario 1 CCSP Map/ Item CCSP Deviation Description Page (Y/N) Street Network 51 Y Project proposes the addition of new alleys to break up the block, with new vehicular access from Crystal Drive. The Plan supports the addition of alleys to support service, loading, and parking access as proposed with north/south midblock connection. Vehicular access from Crystal Drive, however, was not envisioned in the Plan. The LRPC agreed with the Plan guidance that supports the inclusion of alleys for loading and parking access (N./S. alley). With regards to the E./W. connection, the LRPC supported a connection to Crystal Drive at this point, but recommended further discussions at the SPRC meetings/with DES staff to discuss its form and function (pedestrian v. vehicular). Update: The idea of 2 connections seems to be supported. Whether or not vehicular access will be permitted on the E./W. connection will be discussed further at the Planning Commission and County Board. 12
Sector Plan Guidance for the Block 13
Summary of Sector Plan Deviations (12/16/19) Scenario 1 CCSP Deviation CCSP Map/ Item Description (Y/N) Page Street Sections The project proposes providing a 59-foot street section along with a Crystal Drive 63 Y minimum 15’ to 18’ sidewalk consistent with the Plan. The street section for 18 th St. identified in the Plan is 75’ curb to curb and includes a dedicated streetcar/transit lane. The project proposes to provide a street cross-section of 55’ curb to curb recently approved with the Block G2 redevelopment. 18th Street South 66 Y The LRPC indicated that following the guidance approved with the Block G2 site plan is appropriate, but wanted further discussion during the SPRC process regarding whether right-of-way once envisioned for the streetcar on 18 th St. should be reserved for a future transit option. The street section for 20 th St. identified in the Plan is 61’ curb to curb and includes 4 travel lanes along with on-street parking on both sides of the street. The project has proposed a street section of 52’ curb to curb. The proposed 20th Street South 67 Y section will allow the street to operate with 3 lanes along this block until the delivery of Central Park. At that time, the parking lane could be converted to a travel lane or remain as a parking lane. 14 Staff supports the proposed modification to the street section.
Sector Plan Guidance for the Block • 110’ between build-to lines 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) • 15’ - 18’ Sidewalk along site 18 th St. 15
Sector Plan Guidance for the Block • 100’ between build-to lines 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) • 18’ - 20’ wide sidewalk along project 20 th St. 16
3. Sector Plan Guidance for the Block • 100’ between build-to lines 3D MODEL – BIRD’S EYE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (FROM SOUTHWEST) • 17.5’ wide sidewalk on west side of Crystal Dr. 1900 Crystal Dr. 1900 17
Conclusion 18
More recommend