10 ye ar t ransit de ve l opme nt pl an

10- YE AR T RANSIT DE VE L OPME NT PL AN HART Legislative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

10- YE AR T RANSIT DE VE L OPME NT PL AN HART Legislative and Strategic Planning Committee April 2017 PRE SE NT AT ION OVE RVIE W HART TDP overview Impact of concurrent efficiency review Ongoing efforts to set course

  1. 10- YE AR T RANSIT DE VE L OPME NT PL AN HART Legislative and Strategic Planning Committee April 2017

  2. PRE SE NT AT ION OVE RVIE W • HART TDP overview • Impact of concurrent efficiency review • Ongoing efforts to set course • What we have learned so far • Transit Planning Continuum • Next steps

  3. HART T DP • 10-year strategic plan for transit • Evaluates existing conditions • Determines future needs • Outlines phased service & implementation plans • Florida Department of Transportation requirement • Incorporates best practices

  4. HART T DP • Reflects community’s vision for transit • Identifies funded & unfunded needs • Collaborative process, consistent with other regional & local plans/programs • Helps set transit service/capital priorities • Updated every five years • Due September 1, 2017 • Covers FY 2018-2027

  5. IMPACT OF COA E F F ICIE NCY RE VIE W • What is a Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA)? • A transit planning function with detailed route-level and system-wide analyses that is designed to identify opportunities for improving service productivity and efficiency. Often identify cost savings, underserved areas, and/or efficiencies to improve performance metrics, ridership, and customer satisfaction • Impact on the TDP • Integrate specific operational improvements with TDP’s larger strategic vision for transit service development • Help re-imagine the transit network, mobility solutions, and technological opportunities for HART for the next 10 years and beyond

  6. HART T DP/ COA • Team

  7. HART T DP • Components of the HART TDP  Evaluate baseline conditions  Assess existing transit options • Conduct public outreach • Determine transit needs • Develop service & implementation plans • Develop financial plan

  8. SE T T ING COURSE • Analyze baseline data • Review/compare past performance • Assess current planning environment • Consult our most important resource = current/potential riders

  9. PUBL IC INVOL VE ME NT • Phase I • Review and learn from recent outreach efforts • Phase II (ongoing) • Discussion group workshops • Public workshops & grassroots outreach • Stakeholder interviews • Major employer & employee outreach • Online & printed surveys • Bus operator/supervisor interviews • Phase III (May/June) • Public workshops & surveys

  10. WHAT WE HAVE L E ARNE D • Situation appraisal • Existing network or services • Key data-based findings • Public input • What our current & potential future riders say

  11. 27 Local Routes 12 Express Routes 5 Flex Routes Brandon • South County • Northdale • Town N’ Country • South Tampa • 3 HyperLINK Zones University Area • Carrollwood • Brandon • MetroRapid Downtown Circulator TECO Streetcar Service Highlights 10-60 min. frequency • 21 hours a day • Monday to Sunday • $1-3 Adult one-way fare Existing Network of Services •

  12. ISSUE S WIT H CURRE NT NE T WORK (E F F ICIE NCY RE VIE W ONGOING) • Lack of high frequency east-west connections • Transfers focused on few centers, creating circuitous routes & longer travel times • Lack of frequent connectivity between major activity centers (Downtown, USF, Airport) • Competing services on corridors where service stops short of or travels around activity centers/trip generators

  13. T ODAY’S POPUL AT ION 2017

  14. F UT URE POPUL AT ION 2027

  15. T ODAY’S E MPL OYME NT 2017

  16. F UT URE E MPL OYME NT 2027

  17. AGE 65 & OL DE R 2015

  18. BE L OW POVE RT Y 2015


  20. 20- YE AR RIDE RSHIP T RE ND 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% HART ridership has grown almost two times faster rate than County population! Data sources: NTD, BEBR BEA and EDR Growth rates calculated using 1996 as base year

  21. PE RF ORMANCE T RE NDS Operating Cost per Ridership Productivity On-Time Performance Revenue Mile 30 $8.00 76% 74% 25 $7.50 25.0 25.0 24.2 23.7 75.3% 23.2 7.3 72% 21.8 20 $7.00 21.3 72.0% 7.1 20.2 20.4 6.9 70% 70.6% 70.5% 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.7 15 $6.50 6.6 69.3% 6.5 68% 67.9% $6.00 10 67.0% 66% 5 $5.50 64% 0 $5.00 62% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD Passengers per Revenue Hour Actual Operating Cost per Revenue Mile Actual On-Time Performance Passengers per Revenue Hour Goal Operating Cost per Revenue Mile Goal


  23. PE E R COMPARISON Riders per Revenue Hour Operating Cost per Trip KCATA, Kansas City, MO KCATA, Kansas City, MO JTA, Jacksonville, FL JTA, Jacksonville, FL PSTA, St. Petersburg, FL PSTA, St. Petersburg, FL TARC, Louisville, KY TARC, Louisville, KY CATS, Charlotte, NC CATS, Charlotte, NC MATA, Memphis, TN MATA, Memphis, TN HRT, Hampton, VA HRT, Hampton, VA HART, FL HART, FL 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 Peer Mean Passenger Trips Per Revenue Hour Linear (Peer Mean) Operating Expense Per Passenger Trip Linear (Peer Mean) Peer Mean

  24. < 10 Minutes 1 Hour 2 Hours JOB/ ACCE SS T O KE Y HUBS

  25. < 10 Minutes 1 Hour 2 Hours JOB/ ACCE SS T O KE Y HUBS

  26. PUBL IC INPUT Where Riders are Going Top Priorities for Riders Shopping, 6% Education, Leisure/Social, 3% 8% Medical, 12% Work, 71% Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Source: HART Voice of the Customer Survey, Wave 3

  27. PUBL IC INPUT What is The Most Important Have You Used HART Improvement? Transit Services? More frequent bus service 33% No, 24% Premium transit 32% More coverage area added 16% More weekend service 7% More early/later service 5% More HART HyperLINK 4% Yes, 76% More HART Flex 2%

  28. PUBL IC INPUT What Benefits Could More Transit Provide? Reduce Service in Sparsely Populated Areas to Have Fast, Frequent Service in Densely Populated/High Ridership Areas? More access to jobs 72% Increases mobility 66% Not More travel options sure, 52% 26% Less traffic on area roads 48% Yes, 45% Improves local economy 38% Less need for parking 30% Saves energy, gasoline 25% Improves air quality 19% Other 5% No, 29% No benefits would occur 1% (Services may still be available in sparsely populated/low ridership areas with HyperLINK to bring you to the faster & frequent bus network)

  29. SE RVICE ARE A COVE RAGE VS. CORE SE RVICE E NHANCE ME NT Core Area Enhancement Coverage Transit Planning Continuum Efficiency Equity

  30. COVE RAGE VS. F RE QUE NCY - PUBL IC INPUT Agree with A Neutral Agree with B A B I want bus coverage area I want a bus service that 11% 79% 9% to stay as is or even comes every 10-20 min, expand, even if it means even if it means I have to a bus would run every walk more (or ride-hail or 30-60 min. drive to a park and ride)

  31. WHE RE DO WE NE E D T O F OCUS IN T HE NE XT 10 YE ARS? Fast Connections Between Major High Frequent Service in Key Areas Hubs/Points • Bus every 10-20 minutes 25% 27% • In high density/high ridership areas • Connect USF, Downtown, Tampa Airport • Express run mostly on freeway/toll lanes HyperLINK in More Areas Uber/Lyft for Off Service Hours • First mile-last mile HART ride-hailing app • Vouchers to cut your cost 12% 22% • May replace some low-performing local routes • To your doorstep • May replace some late/early hours Premium/Enhanced Transit on Affordable Ferry Service Selected Corridors Connecting Region 10% 4% • Feasibility study to identify corridors/mode • Connecting downtowns • Expanded to South Shore/Manatee

  32. WHAT IS NE XT ? • Review and incorporate your input • Continue public outreach • Develop 10-year transit plan • Needs Plan • Cost Constrained Plan • Present TDP report • August/September 2017


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