ncc btc environmental

NCC & BTC ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT 30/05/19 Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NCC & BTC ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT 30/05/19 Introduction Phil Atkinso nson Em Employed d by North thumb mberla land nd County nty Counc ncil Fun unded ded for 18 18.5 .5 hours per week eek by Blyth th Town


  2. Introduction ■ Phil Atkinso nson ■ Em Employed d by North thumb mberla land nd County nty Counc ncil ■ Fun unded ded for 18 18.5 .5 hours per week eek by Blyth th Town wn Coun uncil cil Since ce October ober 2018 18 - BTC were re the e first st Town wn Counc ncil l to fun und d or partia tiall lly y fun und d an En Environme onmenta ntal l En Enfor orcem cemen ent t Officer cer for r extra ra cover er. . This has now w been en taken en on by neigh ghbour bouring ng Town wn Coun uncils cils including: luding: ■ Ashing As ington on ■ Craml mlingt ington on ■ West t Bedl dling ington on ■ Seaton on Valley ■ Pont ntel eland and ■ Lynem ynemouth uth BTC hope pe to increas rease e the e fun unde ded d hours to fur urth ther r imp mprove e the e servi vice. ce.

  3. Main Duties – Accumulations of Waste ■ Usually ally within in private e ya yards or garden ens. ■ Attem empt t to deal l with throug ugh h educati cation on and d co co-op opera rati tion on ■ Can n take e legal al acti tion on usua ually ly throug ugh h Anti ti- social al Behaviou our, Crime and d Policin cing g Ac Act t 2014 4 - this is throug ough the use of CPW and d CPN’s. ■ Must t be having ng a det etriment imental effect of a persistent ent or contin tinuing ing nature ture on the qua uality ity of life in the local ality ity and the behaviou our r must t be unreas reason onab able. e.

  4. Main Duties – Fly Tipping Fly Tippin ing is the Illeg egal al disposal sal of wa wast ste e withou thout t a wa waste managem agemen ent licen ence. It can be private e or public ic land d and d is the land d or property owner’s resp spon onsib sibili ility ty to clear ear inc. . cost sts The e punishme ments s are: e: ■ Fixed ed Penalty alty Not otic ice ( £ £400 ) ■ Magistra istrates es Court t - Fine up to £50000 and/o /or 12mt mths hs Imp mp ■ Crown Court t - Un Unlimit mited ed fine e and/or d/or 5 Year ears s Imp mp Duty of Care: If f you have e wa wast ste e you must ensure that any person son that takes es contr trol ol of your wa wast ste e is licen enced ed to do so. As a househ seholde older you must take e reason easonab able le steps s to ensure that a person son remo movi ving wa wast ste e from om your premises emises are e author horise ised d to do so so. If they are e not ot, , this is a crim iminal al offen ence, e, whic ich would would lead ad to a fine e on convi viction tion, , and d a fixed ed Penalty lty Not otice ice to be introduc oduced ed in near ar future

  5. Main Duties - Dog Fouling ■ Work k alongsi gside de anima mal l welf lfare are to target t patrols ols in areas s of offendin ending ■ Pub ublic c Spaces ces Prot otect ection ion Or Order er cover ers all pub ublic c sp spaces ces in Blyth th mean eaning ing that it is s an offenc ence not ot to pick up up after er a dog g foul uls s ■ Usua ually ly dealt alt with th by means ans of Fixed ed Penalt lty y Notice tice ( £100 00 ) ■ Recent cent convic victi tion on at Magistr strat ates es Court t (29/04/1 29/04/19) ) wher here e offende ender r was s fined ned £350 50

  6. Main Duties – Abandoned Vehicles ■ Local cal Aut uthori horiti ties es mus ust t remo move e abandone ndoned d vehi hicles cles from m both oth land in the e open en air & Roads ds ■ The e difficu cult lty y is identi entifyi fying ng if a vehicle icle is actua ually ly aband ndon oned. Un Unfor ortu tuna nately ely vehi hicles cles park rked ed incons onsiderat iderately y or away y from om the home me addres dress s does oes not ot mean an that they y are abandone ndoned d - again comes mes down wn to educa cati tion on and Coop ooperat eration ion.

  7. Main Duties - Litter ■ Regula ular r patrol ols s in Blyth th ■ Work k closel ely y with h Neighb ghbou ourhoo hood d Servic vices to identi entify fy problem blem areas and qui uickl kly y clear ■ Ed Educ ucati tion on and cooper operat ation ion ■ Prosecution ecution - us usua ually y dealt alt with th by way of Fixed ed Penalt lty y Notice tice ( £80 0 ) ■ Recen cent t convi victi ction on at Magistrat trates es Court t - fine e & cost sts s £350

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