Youth bulge in the Middle East and North Africa: challenges and opportunities Mark Snijder · 12 May 2017
Young people’s human rights right to participate in the civil and political life of their society right to education right to work
Youth population 30-35% under the age of 30 > 60% under the age of 30 half of them aged 15-29 1950-2010: 76 million → 350 million people
Arab Human Development Report ‘Today, the region’s youth are more educated, more urban and more networked and connected to global knowledge than previous generations, but they enjoy fewer opportunities than their parents to convert their skills into higher living standards . ’
‘Which of the following do you think are the primary reasons why some young people are attracted to Daesh?’
Children in Syria 6 mln children depend on humanitarian assistance 2 . 8 mln children in hard-to-reach areas 280,000 children living under siege 1 . 7 mln children out of school one in three schools cannot be used
Convention on the Rights of the Child ‘Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding’ (Preamble)
Convention on the Rights of the Child ‘States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child . ’ (Article 6)
Young people’s human rights right to participate in the civil and political life of their society right to education right to work
Right to participate in civil and political life right to freedom of opinion and expression (Art . 19 UDHR) right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association (Art . 20) right to take part in the government of his country (Art . 21)
‘The Arab leaders should do more to improve the personal freedom and human rights of their people . ’
Parliamentary elections in Algeria ‘No matter who we vote for, they are in politics just for themselves . ' 'I don't go to vote, it doesn't bring me anything . When I vote for president Bouteflika, he'll earn a lot of money and I still won't have a job . '
Right to education Article 26 UDHR: ‘Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. […] Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.’
Right to education educational attainment (quantity) educational achievement (quality)
‘Thinking about education in your country, how satisfied are you with the preparation of students for jobs of the future?’
‘How concerned are you about the quality of education in your country?’ (showing ‘very concerned’)
Youth unemployment highest youth unemployment in the world: close to 30% ILO: youth unemployment will keep rising 60 million jobs are needed
Regional differences Qatar: 1% Bahrain: 6% Morocco: 21% Saudi Arabia: 31% Libya: 48%
‘There are good job opportunities in the area I live in . ’
‘What do you believe is the biggest obstacle facing the Middle East?’
‘How confident are you in your government’s ability to deal with unemployment?’ (showing ‘very confident’ and ‘somewhat confident’)
Youth bulge in the Middle East and North Africa: challenges and opportunities
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