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Welcome back! Compass Elementary 2019-2020 Mrs. Spencer Meet the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome back! Compass Elementary 2019-2020 Mrs. Spencer Meet the Teacher Hello! My name is Mrs. Avree Spencer. This is my first year teaching and I am so excited to be back home! I grew up here and have been a Pirate since 2004. I graduated

  1. Welcome back! Compass Elementary 2019-2020 Mrs. Spencer

  2. Meet the Teacher Hello! My name is Mrs. Avree Spencer. This is my first year teaching and I am so excited to be back home! I grew up here and have been a Pirate since 2004. I graduated from Platte County High School in 2015. I received my Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education from Northwest Missouri State University, go Bearcats! I recently got married on August 10th. My husband and I have a 4 year old Goldendoodle named Maverick.

  3. Communication I will be sending home weekly newsletters via email through Smore. Please look through the newsletter for important information for the upcoming week and month. Email: sealeya@platteco.k12.mo.us Fastest response will be through email. **My email is still under my maiden name** Phone: (816)858-0172 Ext. 4022 The best time to reach me during the day is from 10:00-10:55am. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions, concerns, and/or praises!

  4. Schedule Classroom Specials Schedule Rotation 8:50-9:00 Attendance/ Lunch count/ Day 1: Music Morning work Day 2: P.E. (Gibson) 9:00-10:00 Math Day 3: Library 10:00-10:55 Specials Day 4: P.E. (Smith) 10:55-11:35 Math Day 5: Art 11:35-12:10 Writing 12:10-12:35 Lunch 12:45-1:45 Reader’s Workshop 1:45-2:00 Guided Reading 2:00-2:30 Recess 2:35-3:20 Guided Reading 3:20-3:40 Lead time 3:40 Dismissal

  5. Classroom Rules Be prepared and come ready to learn. 1. Be respectful and treat others how you want to be 2. treated. Try new things, even if it scares you. 3. Listen carefully and follow directions. 4. Do your personal best. 5.

  6. Take Home Folder Each night your student will bring home their F.I.S.H. folder, which stands for Family Involvement Starts Here. Papers in the “Keep at Home” pocket will need to be taken out each night. This will provide us with daily communication regarding behavior, homework, and upcoming events. Please initial your child’s F.I.S.H. folder each evening and have them return it each day.

  7. Classroom Economy Classroom Behavior Management We will be utilizing a classroom economy system where students receive “money” for positive behavior. For example, students can earn money for completing their classroom jobs, meeting AR goals, helping a friend, and being a quality student. Students can also lose money for not following the 8 habits of highly effective students. For example, if a student has disrespectful behavior or comes to a lesson unprepared, they may have to pay money as a consequence.

  8. Accelerated Reader Students will be tracking their reading goals through the Accelerated Reader program, or AR. Students will choose books to read at their grade level and then take a short quiz over the book for points. We will set goals throughout the year to help your student become an exceptional reader! AR books need to be read in a timely fashion to keep up with the class and receive the AR rewards party. A picture book should be read in a day. A chapter book varies with the amount of points: a 2 point book should take 3-4 days, while a 7 point book will normally take 9-10 days. Students are provided with (AT LEAST) 20 minutes of AR reading time per day. Many students use their time wisely and can get 40+ minutes of AR reading time at school.

  9. ELA- English/Language Arts I will be teaching Reading using the Workshop model, where I will teach a mini-lesson and then students will have reading time. We will use acuity, STAR, Running Records, and classroom assessments to assess your child’s individual reading progress. Students will be able to set individual goals for themselves.

  10. Math In third grade, your child will learn multiplication, division, fractions, geometry, graphing, elapsed time, measurement, and single/multi-step problem solving. We will also be reviewing previously taught concepts.

  11. Math & Multiplication Third grade is the first grade where multiplication is used heavily. Each day, we will be singing Mrs. Rice’s math songs to help students memorize fact families, up to 12. By the end of the school year, all students should have mastered their times table, through the memorization of these songs.

  12. Science and Social Studies As you may have noticed, there is no spot on our daily schedule for Science or Social Studies. We will be incorporating all Social Studies lessons into our English-Language Arts time. In Social Studies, your student will learn about Missouri’s geography, government and democracy, and economics. For Science, we will take one full day a month to explore new concepts and learn more about chemical reactions, adaptations, lifecycles, weather, electricity, and magnetism.

  13. Homework **Your student’s homework is to read their AR book for at least 20 minutes each night.** Your student will rarely receive other homework, unless they choose not to use their time wisely throughout the day. Each student will have a black take home folder, or F.I.S.H. folder (see slide 6 from more information). The F.I.S.H. folder includes a communication and behavior log, as well as a place for you to initial. I encourage you to review the contents of your child’s folder each night, take out the papers in the “keep” pocket, and send back the completed papers in the “return” pocket. After your student has successfully completed their 20 minutes of reading for the evening, you can initial the communication log.

  14. Grading Policy The Platte County R-III School District uses standards based grading for assessing student knowledge and growth. Students will work on the plan, do, study, act process to achieve their learning goals.

  15. I would love to have you volunteer in our classroom! Classroom Please let me know if you are interested in helping out. I Volunteers could use your help in many difgerent ways, from small projects to working directly with students.

  16. Thank you for reading!! Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments. I am so excited to have your student in my class!

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