update back to school plans

Update: Back-to-School Plans School Committee Meeting August 6, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Update: Back-to-School Plans School Committee Meeting August 6, 2020 Student Welcome Back Plan Chandler Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 Welcome Back Day

  1. Update: Back-to-School Plans School Committee Meeting August 6, 2020

  2. Student Welcome Back Plan Chandler Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 Welcome Back Day Welcome Back Day Welcome Back Day Welcome Back Day No School - Kindergarten Cohort Kindergarten Cohort Grades 1 & 2 Cohort Grades 1 & 2 Cohort Labor Day A - 2 groups B - 2 groups A B Students and 1 parent Students and 1 parent Students only Students only 9:00 - 10:00 9:00 - 10:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 9:10 - 11:25 with bus 9:10 - 11:25 with bus Welcome Back Day for Welcome Back Day for AM Preschool Students PM Preschool Students (times TBA) (times TBA) Cohort C Students will have virtual introductions with classroom teacher and other appropriate staff during this week. Classroom Walkthrough for Grades 1 & 2 on the Wednesday, September 9 @ 4:00 - 6:00 PM. The week of September 14 will start the regular A/B Cohort schedule and bus transportation. Chandler School Open House will be virtual on the evening of September 17 .

  3. Student Welcome Back Plan Alden Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 Grade 3 Welcome Back Welcome Back No School - Classroom Day All Grades Day All Grades Labor Day Walkthrough Cohort A Cohort B Grade 3 Cohort A Students only Students only 8:00am-9:30am 7:45-10:00 7:45-10:00 Cohort B With bus service With bus service 12:30pm-2:00pm Students and 1 parent Cohort C Students will have virtual introductions with classroom teacher and other appropriate staff during this week. The week of September 14 will start the regular A/B Cohort schedule and bus transportation. Alden School Open House will be virtual on the evening of September 16 .

  4. Student Welcome Back Plan DMS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 Grade 6 Cohort A Grade 6 Cohort B, C* Grade 7 Cohort A Grade 8 Cohort A - Follow Bell - Follow Bell - Follow Bell - Follow Bell Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule 8:20-11:04 AM Virtual WEB events Virtual WEB events Grade 7 Cohort B, C* Grade 8 Cohort B, C* - Use 8th graders - Use 8th graders to - Follow Bell - Follow Bell to lead virtual lead virtual Schedule Schedule breakouts breakouts 12:10 - 2:49 - Use X-block - Use X-block PM groups/ A cohort groups/ B, C cohort Grade 8 Class Grade 7 Class Assembly Grade 6 Class Assembly Assembly (virtual) (virtual) (virtual) DMS OPEN HOUSE 6-8 PM - Virtual *C Cohort will participate virtually

  5. Student Welcome Back Plan DHS DHS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 Grades 11/12 8:20 - Grade 9/10 Grade 12 Grade 10 11:04 AM Cohort A Cohort A - Full Bell Schedule Meet Your AP Meet Your AP Full Bell Schedule - Grade 9 Virtual Assembly - Virtual Assembly - Virtual Link Program Cohort B Grades 11/12 12:10 - Grade 9/10 Grade 9 Grade 11 2:49 PM Cohort B/C Meet Your AP Cohort B/C - Full Bell Schedule Meet Your AP Assembly - Virtual Full Bell Schedule - Virtual Link Assembly - Virtual Program Cohort A Open DHS OPEN HOUSE House 6-8 PM - Virtual

  6. A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student Hybrid Model - In Person Days Bus Ride Students who registered for the bus will … - Sit alone or with a sibling in a seat. - Have an assigned seat. - Be required to wear a mask on the bus. Arrival Buses will be unloaded a few at a time. Staff will be helping to guide students. Staff will open car doors with gloves one at a time. Morning Students will participate in a daily morning meeting that will involve the other cohort of students who are at home for that day. Meeting Morning Prioritization of instruction will take place for students in-person each day. Students will … Instruction - Participate in whole group and small group direct instruction. - Receive special education services - Use individually assigned manipulatives to assist in learning new concepts and strategies. - Continue to wear masks throughout the time in their classroom.

  7. A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student Hybrid Model - In Person Days Recess Students will … - Be outside for recess as often as possible. - Be assigned an area of the playground for their class in order to avoid areas with other classes of students. - Be allowed to use the play structure or certain school-issued equipment that will be sanitized between classes. Snack/Lunch Students will have lunch in their classrooms. The lunch will be monitored by the assigned recess assistant. Students will … - Place their lunch order in the morning if purchasing - Be asked to wash their hands before and after eating. - Remain at their assigned seats to eat their lunch. - Wear masks whenever they leave their seat for any reason during this time. Afternoon Afternoon instruction will include a combination of whole and small group instruction. Students may conduct experiments or participate in formative Instruction assessments while in-person at the school.

  8. A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student Hybrid Model - In Person Days Bathroom Some classrooms have bathrooms in the room while others need to make use of communal bathrooms in the hallways. Use In both areas, students will … - Be asked to stand outside on a designated “waiting spot” and knock to see if someone else is in the bathroom. - Need to wait until any other students leave before entering. - Be encouraged to wash hands after using the bathroom. Special Special area teachers will be conducting a combination of in-person and asynchronous remote instruction. Area Students will … Instruction - Be visited by special area teachers and will be outside as much as possible - Participate in Library, Spanish, Art, Music, and PE on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as the schedule allows. Dismissal Students will be dismissed to a pick-up waiting area or by their bus from their classrooms. Students will … - Walk down the hall with their masks on in order to board the bus and go to their assigned seat. Or - Walk to the pickup area where they will be spread out and wait to be dismissed

  9. A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student Hybrid Model - Remote Days Morning Meeting Students will participate in a daily morning Zoom meeting that will involve the other cohort of students who are at school for that day. Morning Work Students will … - Log into Clever Time - Check Online Learning Platform (SeeSaw or Google Classroom) - Complete assignments sent home from the prior day in school, including: - Paper/pencil activities and assignments - Hand-on activities - Digital lessons - Use home manipulatives to assist in practicing new concepts and strategies. - Watch pre-recorded lesson videos Receive special education services - Afternoon Afternoon work may include hands-on and digital practice of concepts and skills. Instruction Special Area At home students will … - Pre-recorded lessons from special area teachers will be available Instruction End-of-Day Students will participate in a daily afternoon Zoom meeting that will involve the other cohort of students who are at school for that day. Meeting Students will … - Participate in end-of-day routines. - Have a chance to hear from their peers. - Share about how their day went.

  10. A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student Hybrid Model - Wednesday Morning Work Students will … - Log into Clever - Check SeeSaw or Google Classroom - Complete assignments at home, including: - Paper/pencil activities and assignments - Crafts - Digital lessons - Assessments - Use home manipulatives to assist in practicing new concepts, strategies and skills. - Watch pre-recorded lesson and videos Mid-Day Break In addition to regular breaks during the day, students should take time away from the computer and their work to: - Have lunch - Get outdoors - Play games - Do activities with siblings/adults in the home - Read Afternoon Work Much like the morning, afternoon work will include hands-on and digital practice of concepts and skills. Students will: - Use home manipulatives. - Work on projects - Watch videos. - Have digital skill practice time.

  11. A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student Remote Model Morning Students will participate in a live daily morning meeting. Students will … - Participate in calendar and greeting routine. Meeting - Have a chance to hear from their peers. - Hear an overview of the topics of instruction for that day. Morning Students will … - Log into Clever Instruction - Vist SeeSaw or Google Classroom for daily announcements. - Participate in scheduled, live small group direct instruction, including special education services - Watch lesson videos for asynchronous instruction. - Work on digital and paper/pencil assignments and projects. - Use individually assigned manipulatives at home to assist in learning new concepts, skills and strategies. Mid-Day In addition to regular breaks during the day, students should take time away from the computer and their work to: Break - Have lunch - Get outdoors - Play games - Do activities with siblings/adults in the home - Read

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