July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) etworks (WPANs) Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area N Submission Title: [XtremeSpectrum CFP Presentation] Date Submitted: [July 2003] Source: [Matt Welborn] Company [XtremeSpectrum, Inc.] Address [8133 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700, Vienna, Va. 22182, USA] Voice:[+1 703.269.3000], FAX: [+1 703.749.0248], E-Mail:[mwelborn@xtremespectrum.com] Re: [Response to Call for Proposals, document 02/372r8] Abstract: [] Purpose: [Summary Presentation of the XtremeSpectrum proposal. Details are presented in document 03/154 along with proposed draft text for the standard.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Submission Slide 1 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Certification Rules For UWB Frequency Hoppers Is Very Significant To This Committee • Summary of FCC’s Part 15 rules on UWB – A UWB frequency hopper must be tested for compliance with the hopping turned off and the signal "parked" or held stationary at one band of frequencies. (First R&O at para. 32.) – The bandwidth must be at least 500 MHz with the hopping turned off. – The device must comply with all emissions limits with the hopping turned off. • Therefore – A hopper is NOT allowed to put as much energy as a non-hopper (both covering the same total range of frequencies) – The maximum permitted power is reduced in proportion to the number of hops Therefore the performance of FH systems is seriously degraded. • – N=number of hops – Range is reduced by 1/ √ N assuming 1/R 2 propagation – Data-rate is reduced by 1/N assuming all else is equal. – Example - 10 m range is reduced to 5.8 m range using three hops None of the submissions proposing Multiband OFDM have factored • this reduction into their performance analysis. Submission Slide 2 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Frequency Hoppers and FCC UWB Rules • The issue today is NOT whether or not there is more or less interference • The issue is, what are the rules . – Side interest is WHY did NTIA and FCC specifically write rules for frequency hoppers • The next issues regard changing the rules – What is the process for the rules to be changed – How long would this process typically take Submission Slide 3 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 What do FCC documents say about why FH systems are have specifically different rules? • The WB R&O states “The current measurement procedures require that measurements of swept frequency devices be made with the frequency sweep stopped. The sweep is stopped because no measurement procedures have been proposed or established for swept frequency devices nor has the interference aspects of swept frequency devices been evaluated …. Similarly, measurements on a stepped frequency or frequency hopping modulated system are performed with the stepping sequence or frequency hop stopped. See 47 C.F.R. §15.31(c). Submission Slide 4 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 4752 MHz Band-3 4224 MHz Band-2 Band-2 3696 MHz Avg Pwr = 1/3 of Band-1 Band-1 “hopping-on” Power 3168 MHz Time Power Band-1 Band-1 Band-2 Band-3 Band-2 Time Avg Pwr in band w/ hopping off = 3X higher than hopping-on Power Band-1 Band-1 Band-1 Band-1 Time Submission Slide 5 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Power Band-1 Band-1 Band-2 Band-3 Band-2 Time Which way should this be measured if the requirement is to have “hopping stopped”? Is it (A) this way: Avg Pwr in band w/ hopping-off = 3X higher than hopping-on Power Band-1 Band-1 Band-1 Band-1 Time Or is it (B) this way: Avg Pwr in band w/ hopping off = same as when hopping on Power Band-1 Band-1 Time Submission Slide 6 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 • UWB is a highly unusual regulation as it allows devices to radiate in bands specifically allocated to other services • As a result, the proceeding was one of the most contentions in the history of the FCC (having over 1000 filings). • FCC and NTIA (representing DOD, DOT, FAA etc) through-out the proceeding specifically addressed FH as being a different class device • The specific rules were clearly intended to change the certification measurement result. – Any interpretation that makes the measurement come out the same regardless of whether hopping is turned on or off, would make the language superfluous, which was clearly not the intent of the language. Submission Slide 7 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 • Examples of FH systems that the FH rules could have been meant to addresses include: – Random hopping - which could put too much energy in a particular band. – Hopping where the hop-bands overlap – which could put too much energy into an overlap region – Hopping where sidelobe energy of neighboring hops could put too much energy into a band. • The FCC does not have separate rules or measurement procedures to address hoppers with orthogonal pulses, hoppers with overlapping pulses, hoppers with sequential/periodic pulses, or hoppers with pseudo- random pulses, or combinations of these. • All frequency hoppers must follow the same rule: measurements “are performed with the stepping sequence or frequency hop stopped.“ Submission Slide 8 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Illustration of how to test a compliant UWB FH radio With Hopping turned OFF: 1. Bandwidth here must meet FCC UWB definition of > 500 MHz bandwidth; AND 2. W/MHz emissions must be within all emission limits defined in the rules • Pulses/Symbols always come out at same rate • The total average power is the same Pulse Forming Network with or without hopping stopped or OFDM Symbol Maker • With hopping stopped all power is concentrated in one band instead of N bands • Switch is synchronized to the PFN/symbol maker • Switch rotates to hop the >500 MHz bandwidth pulse (or symbol) to a different center frequency • Switch stops rotating to stop hopping F Z F A F B …… Multi-Tone Generator A compliant FH system has only 1/N th the power of a non-hopping system so that it meets the emission limits with hopping turned off Submission Slide 9 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Timing versus Power and Frequency Diagrams for frequency hoppers July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Hopping on (normal operation) Hopping off (for compliance testing) Hopping Stopped Hopping On Power – All Symbols/Pulses in same band Power – Symbols cycle across bands over time …… …… Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band …… A B Z A B B B B B B B Time Time Average Power (dBm/MHz) Average power (dBm/MHz) Pulse Burst is in Band-B with Hopping OFF in Band-B with Hopping ON within FCC Must meet emission limit Must be 1/N times emission limit emission limit Frequency Frequency Hopping Stopped Band F Z F Z ……… Z – All Symbols/Pulses in same band Hopping ON – Energy from other bands are – Symbols in different bands concentrated into one band Burst Quiet Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band F B F B B B B B B B B B Band Band F A F A A A Time Time Submission Slide 10 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Conclusion Turning hopping off concentrates the energy so a compliant FH system has only 1/N th the power of a non-hopping system The Multi-Band OFDM Association Proposal Will Require A Reduction In Performance To Be Compliant Submission Slide 11 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Split Band DS-CDMA July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 4 Spectral Low Band High Band Modes of Operation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 § Low Band (3.1 to 5.15 GHz) § High Band (5.825 to 10.6 GHz) § 28.5 Mbps to 400 Mbps § 57 Mbps to 800 Mbps § 6.3 to 8.1 GHz § 3.1 to 4.9 GHz § 3.1 to 5.15 GHz § 5.825 to 10.6 GHz Joint-Band Duplex-Band 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 § Up to 1.2 Gbps § Independent data in each band Submission Slide 12 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
RX Implementation Considerations (Analog vs. Digital) July 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/153r9 Symbol Rate ADC Simple/cheap Analog Emphasis Analog Analog Correlator ADC SAP Demod Correlator ADC Bank Bank 57 Msps Chip Rate ADC Higher Performance some DSP-capable Digital Correlator SAP Filter Demod ADC Bank 1.368 Gsps RF Nyquist Rate ADC Highest Performance most DSP-capable Digital Demod & Correlator Filter ADC SAP Bank 20 Gsps Submission Slide 13 Welborn, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
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