Surve ying Unfunde d Ma nda te s T e xa s Asso c ia tio n o f Co untie s b ie nnia l surve y: c re a tio n, re sults, a nd sc he dule Pre pa re d fo r: 46 th Annua l Co unty T re a sure rs’ Co ntinuing E duc a tio n Se mina r
Se ssio n Ove rvie w • T he histo ry o f the 2016 surve y a nd the re a so n fo r its c re a tio n • T he spe c ific q ue stio ns tha t we re a ske d • Why wa s it impo rta nt? And, ho w wa s it use d? • T he ne xt surve y
Histo ry o f the 2016 Surve y e a ding up to the 85 th L • L e g isla tive Se ssio n • Pre ssure o n lo c a l g o ve rnme nts a b o ut ta xe s • A L e g isla to r’ s c o mmo n phra se • I nitia l pla nning g ro up • T AC, CUC, Co unty Judg e s & Co mmissio ne rs, Audito rs • Cre a te d a list o f unfunde d ma nda te s • Studie d the fe a sib ility o f the q ue stio ns; the n • T e st, te st, te st
T he Que stio ns • 31 q ue stio ns ma de the surve y • We didn’ t a sk if we c o uld g e t the da ta e lse whe re • We kno w yo ur time is impo rta nt • Ave ra g e time to c o mple te • Co mme nts re c e ive d we re he a rd • Re spo nse sta tistic s
Ce rta in q ue stio ns we re diffic ult • CPS Appo inte d Atto rne y E xpe nse s • E me rg e nc y Ro o m e xpe nse s a t yo ur ja il • E -filing ha rdwa re & so ftwa re c o sts
Costof County Government: 2016 Unfunded Mandates Survey Court-Appointed Attorneys in Child Protective Services Cases Counties must pay for all the costs of attorneys increases in both FY 2015 and FY 2016. Hopefully, 28.1% appointed to represent children and indigent this recent tendency towards moderation will parents in certain Child Protective Services Increase fromFY 2011to become a trend. (CPS) cases. Sixty-seven counties provided their FY 2016of total However, even with the recent moderation, when estimated expenditures expenditures for court-appointed attorneys (ad for court ‐ appointed extrapolated to the entire state, estimated costs litem) in CPS cases; we asked that they exclude attorneys in CPS cases for court-appointed attorneys (ad litem) in CPS expenditures in criminal cases. Expenditures for all 254counties. cases grew 28.1 percent from $35.6 million in FY spiked somewhat in FY 2014 with an 8.8 percent 2011 to $45.6 million in FY 2016. e increase before slowing to less than 3 percent Total Estimated Expenditures for Court ‐ Appointed Attorneys (Ad Litem) in CPS Cases For All 254 Counties $35.6 million PERIOD % CHANGE FY 2011 F Y 2011 ‐ 2012 7.2% F Y 2012 ‐ 2013 4.4% $38.1 million FY 2012 F Y 2013 ‐ 2014 8.8% FISCAL YEAR F Y 2014 ‐ 2015 2.8% $39.8 million FY 2013 F Y 2015 ‐ 2016 2.3% $43.3 million FY 2014 $44.5 million FY 2015 $45.6 million FY 2016 0 10 20 30 40 50 Expenditures MILLIONS (800) 456 ‐ 5974 | | t @TexasCounties | 3
Costof County Government: 2016 Unfunded Mandates Survey County Jails Emergency RoomVisits County jails must provide medical provide their expenditures for jail inmates’ trips to hospital care to all inmates and sometimes emergency rooms. must seek assistance in hospital 60.7% Extrapolating to all 254 counties shows emergency room emergency rooms. Unfortunately, expenditures of $42.8 million by FY 2016, up 60.7 percent Increase fromFY 2011to many counties do not track these from FY 2011. On a percentage basis, most of that increase FY 2016of total estimated costs separately from other jail expenditures for emergency came in FY 2014 when expenditures rose 22.5 percent as or medical costs. Consequently, roomvisits by jail inmates seen in the chart below. e only 41 counties were able to for all 254counties. Total Estimated Expenditures for Emergency Room Visits by J ail Inmates For All 254 Counties $26.6 million PERIOD % CHANGE FY 2011 F Y 2011 ‐ 2012 ‐ 1.0% F Y 2012 ‐ 2013 7.4% $26.3million FY 2012 F Y 2013 ‐ 2014 22.5% FISCAL YEAR F Y 2014 ‐ 2015 3.6% $28.3 million FY 2013 F Y 2015 ‐ 2016 19.1% $34.6 million FY 2014 $35.9 million FY 2015 $42.8 million FY 2016 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 Expenditures MILLIONS 10 | (800) 456 ‐ 5974 | | t @TexasCounties
Costof County Government: 2016 Unfunded Mandates Survey E-Filing Many people misunderstand what Counties experienced a dramatic increase in expenditures is meant by e-filing. It is simply an for e-filing over the survey period. Based on statewide 2139.3% electronic delivery system. Once extrapolations from expenditures reported by 48 counties, delivered, the court clerk must costs rose from less than a quarter million dollars in Increase fromFY 2011 either print the document in order FY 2011 to more than $5.2 million in FY 2016. This to FY 2016 of total to add it to the official record or 2,139.3 percent increase would have been even higher estimated expenditures have a case management system had the survey period ended in FY 2015 when statewide for hardware and that allows the clerk to access, expenditures are estimated to have reached more than software for e ‐ filing for maintain and deliver the record $7.5 million. This large spike in expenditures is a direct all 254 counties. electronically. In a county that result of the decision by many counties to purchase case has not moved to such a paperless management software due to the mandate to provide e-filing. Implementation began at different dates, environment, the additional time and resources needed to produce paper copies of documents filed electronically can depending on county population size, starting in more than offset any cost savings from e-filing. January 2014. e Total Estimated Hardware and Software Expenditures for E ‐ Filing For All 254 Counties PERIOD % CHANGE FY 2011 $0.2 million F Y 2011 ‐ 2012 965.5% F Y 2012 ‐ 2013 57.8% $2.5 million FY 2012 F Y 2013 ‐ 2014 1.0% FISCAL YEAR F Y 2014 ‐ 2015 88.9% $3.9 million FY 2013 F Y 2015 ‐ 2016 ‐ 30.2% $4.0 million FY 2014 $7.5 million FY 2015 $5.2 million FY 2016 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Expenditures MILLIONS 8 | (800) 456 ‐ 5974 | | t @TexasCounties
Co mmo n issue s with surve ys re c e ive d • E nte ring te xt inste a d o f numb e rs • E nte ring c a lc ula tio ns in the fie lds • E nte ring a numb e r a nd a n e xpla na tio n • E nte ring b ro a d e stima te s
Why wa s the surve y impo rta nt? • E duc a te le g isla to rs o n the se e xpe nse s • HJR 73 • Use d a s e ffe c tive to o l whe n te stifying o n c a ps a nd ro llb a c k ra te re duc tio ns • No t witho ut c o ntro ve rsy… • Need mor e sur vey r esponses next time
T he ne xt surve y • Ma de it b e tte r whe re po ssib le • L iste ne d to c o mme nts • Adde d c o mme nt fie ld fo r e ve ry q ue stio n • E limina te d so me q ue stio ns • Using a ne w surve y to o l • Will ha ve a ll yo ur histo ry a lre a dy sa ve d fro m la st time • Will b e a b le to print yo ur surve y a fte rwa rds • L o o k fo r T AC e ma il a nd c he c k yo ur junk ma il fo lde r! • Custo m link just fo r yo u. Surve yGizmo
E nsuring ma ximum pa rtic ipa tio n • Che c k fo r the e ma il • No tify T AC imme dia te ly o f a ny pro b le ms • Ple a se ta ke the time to a nswe r • E nc o ura g e o the rs to pa rtic ipa te
2018 Surve y Sc he dule • April 2, 2018 – Surve y o pe n • April thro ug h Aug ust – Surve y re minde rs a t a ll T AC e ve nts • June 5, 2018 – Re minde r e ma ils g o o ut • July 17, 2018 – Re minde r e ma ils a g a in; c a lls fro m individua l a sso c ia tio n le a de rship • Aug ust 20, 2018 – F ina l re minde r e ma il • Se pte mb e r 17, 2018 – Surve y c lo se d • De c e mb e r 2018 – Re po rt fina lize d a nd distrib ute d
E xtra s • T AC to ho st we b ina r o n the surve y, a lo ng with instruc tio ns a nd info rma tio n o n a nswe ring so me o f the to ug he r q ue stio ns. Da te T BD. • T he surve y c o mmitte e is a va ila b le to he lp a nswe r yo ur q ue stio ns. • We ne e d a ll 254 c o untie s to re spo nd
Clo sing • Co pie s o f the 2016 Surve y a re a va ila b le : • www.c o unty.o rg • Co nta c t info rma tio n: Na tha n Cra dduc k T o m Gre e n Co unty Audito r 325-659-6521 na tha n.c ra dduc k@ c o .to m-g re e
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