Solid Waste Site Suitability Analysis Using GIS and Remote Sensing in Bahir Dar Town, North western Ethiopia By Tirusew Ayisheshim
INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Solid waste is a global environmental problem in today’s world .because of Increasing population, The rapid economic growth and The rise in community living standards accelerate solid waste generation in developing cities. There is an increase in commercial, residential and infrastructure development due to the population growth and this has negative impact on the environment. 2
Background of the Study cont… According to Radzicki (1995) In the last 200 years, world population has increased six times, and the urban population has multiplied 100 times. Urban population has been consuming land resources and producing pollutant wastes at increasing rate In urban area most solid wastes are disposed on the land with access to water bodies, crop filed, settlement, around road, etc. 3
Background of the Study cont… This unplanned dumping of solid waste leads to a number of problems. Disposal of solid waste on the land without careful planning and management can present a severe problem to the environment and human health. This study was providing potentially suitable solid waste dumping sites for Bahir DarTown. 4
Statement of the Problem Urban solid waste is considered as one of the most immediate and serious environmental problems in developing countries like Ethiopia. The major cause of this problem is due to the location of dumping site which is located at unsuitable areas. Similarly in Bair Dar town there are some series problems in the case of solid waste disposal sites . 5
Statement of the Problem … One land fill site was selected simply by the helping of consultants (UNEP, Forum for environment, 2010A). They were not used any scientific method. Thus , the study was conduced to eliminate these problem by integrating remote sensing and GIS technique to select the best possible dumping sites for solid waste. 6
Objectives General Objectives To investigate suitable sites for solid waste disposal using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques in Bahir Dar Town. Specific Objectives To identify important criteria for locating a solid waste disposal site in Bahir Dar town. To analyze suitable areas according to the criteria selected for solid waste disposal in Bahir Dar town. To map suitable disposal site for Bahir Dar town. 7
Research Question To realized the stated objectives, the following questions were proposed: What are the important criteria for locating a solid waste disposal site? Which areas are suitable for solid waste disposal from the locations that located after the selected criteria were analyzed? How is a suitable disposal map developed? 8
Materials/Software’s The following Materials and software’s were used. GPS to collect grounding points. ERDAS Imagine 9.1 to analyze the satellite images. ArcGIS 9.2 to digitized and combine the parameters. IDRISI Andes 15 for pair wise comparison and multi criteria evaluation. 10
Methods Data Collection Primary data: GCP data Secondary data : DEM, Spot image and Protected area acquired from (EMA) . Road, river , lake, airport , settlements and Built up area were (Digitized from spot image). Master plan and Administrative boundary of the town were taken from (Bahir Dar town municipality). 11
Methods … About 140 GCP were collected. Swampy area, water bodies Built up area, vegetation cover land use /land cover Agricultural land Bare land and grasslands Field observation also done to verify the classified land use/land cover. 12
Data Analysis The Study used spatial MCE approaches to analysis the parameters. To carry out the MCE, weight for each criterion was given depending on their suitability for disposal sites using IDRISI software. 13
Data Analysis… The study were consider the following parameters:- Land use/ land cover Distance from built up area ,, ,, settlement ,, ,, protected area ,, ,, air port ,, ,, road parameters ,, ,, surface water slope As important factor that greatly affect the location of solid waste dumping site. These criteria were selected according to study areas local characteristics (Ozeair Abessi et al., 2009 cited in Nishanth et al., 2010). 14
Data Analysis… Work flow 15
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The study considered the use of decision rules for the location of suitable sites for solid waste disposal, This has been with reference to research literature, study area criteria as well as multi-criteria evaluation procedure. All the parameters were reclassified unsuitable ,less suitable, moderate suitable and high suitable as follows. 16
Results and Discussion… Distance from Surface Water River and lakeshore By following the rule of Sener et al. ,( 2011) the study was reclassified the distance between surface water and solid waste dumping site. Distant sites from lake and river banks were more preferences for being selected. 17
Results and Discussion… Distance from lakeshore line >2000m High suitable 1500-2000m >2000m Moderate suitable 1000-1500m 1500m-2000m <1000m Less suitable 1000m-1500m Unsuitable <1000m . 18
Results and Discussion… 1000-1500m Distance from river >2000m 1500-2000m <1000m 19
Results and Discussion… Reclassified land use land cover Similar to Kontos et al . (2005). Water bodies, swampy area and pond were reclassified as unsuitable area ( 13.1%). where as built up area and vegetation considered as less suitable ( 9.7%). Agriculture area was moderately suitable ( 53.3%) The bare land and grasslands were highly suitable ( 23.9%). 20
Results and Discussion… Distance from Main Roads 1000 -1500m <500m According to Babalola and Busu, (2010) and Al-Hanbali et al . (2011) 2000m distance has been buffered. Distance <500m unsuitable 500-1000m was less suitable 1000 -1500 was 1500-2000m 500-1000m considered as moderate suitable 1500-2000m was highly suitable 21
Results and Discussion… Distance from Protected Area <750m 1500-2250m Based on the study of Ersoy and Bulut (2009) and Babalola and Busu (2010). Above 3000m high suitable 1500-2250m moderate >3000m suitable 750m-1500m less suitable 750-1500m <750m unsuitable 22
Results and Discussion… Distance from airport 750-1500 m 1500-2250m In similar to Ersoy and Bulut (2009) and Babalola and Busu (2010 ) unsuitable < 750m 750-1500 m less suitable < 750m 1500-2250 moderate suitable > 3000m highly suitable > 3000m 23
Results and Discussion… Reclassified Slope According to Sener et al. (2011) and Leao et al . (2001) the land with a slope: 0-10% highly suitable (90.7%) 10 – 15% Moderately suitable (4.2%) 15 – 20 %Less suitable 2.3% >20% Unsuitable (2.8%) 24
Results and Discussion… Distance from urban center >5500m 2500-4500m Reclassified as similar to Sener (2011) < 2500m unsuitable 2500m-4500m less suitable 4500- 5500 m moderate 4500- 5500m suitable < 2500m >5500m high suitable 25
Results and Discussion… Distance from Rural Settlement Area >2250m < 500m According to Akbari (2011) the area at the buffered distance of < 500m was considered as unsuitable 500-1000m less suitable 1000-2250m was moderate 500-1000m suitable >2250 from rural settlement were high suitable, for solid waste dumping site 26 1000-2250m
Results and Discussion… Identifying Suitable Sites Solid waste disposal sites were identified by considering the above factors. weights were assigned to all the parameters. The larger of weight, the more important is the criterion in the overall utility. The weights were produced follows the logic developed by Saaty (1980) under AHP. 27
weights derived by calculating the principal eigenvector of pair wise comparison matrix Factors Eigenvector Weights Percentage (%) Land use /land cover 0.3210 32.1 0.2201 22.01 Urban center 0.1538 15.38 Rural settlement 0.1063 10.63 Protected area 0.0730 7.3 Distance from road 0.0493 4.93 Distance from river 0.0341 3.41 Distance from Lake 0.0241 2.41 Slope 0.0183 1.83 Distance from airport 1.0000 100.0 28
Results and Discussion… The factors and their resulting weights were used as input for the MCE module for weighted linear combination of overlay analysis. In order to combine all the layers to process overlay analysis standardization of each data set to a common scale (value 1= unsuitable (restricted), value 2= less suitable, value3= moderate suitable, value 4 = high suitable) was performed. All the parameters were weighted with their respective percent of influence and overlay to produce the suitability map. 29
30 Solid Waste Dumping Site Selection Suitability Model
Results and Discussion… Final suitability map 65.0% 1.3% 21.8% 11.9% 31
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