DPR Community Center Projects and Program Shifts Sports Commission Meeting May 26 th 2016 Peter Lusk Facility Operations Manager Department of Parks and Recreation
Agenda Aurora Hills Community Center Refurbishment Lubber Run Community Center Project Barcroft Sport and Fitness Center Gymnastics Expansion Arlington Mill Community Center additions to gymnasium and program shift.
AHCC Interior Refresh Project In the 2015-2024 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Aurora Hills Community, Library, and Senior Center was identified for maintenance capital improvements.
AHCC Interior Refresh Update SOW has been determined and Includes: New flooring Painting of the facility New tables and chairs New circulation desk New permanent storage New office for OSAP Staff New kitchen cabinets and appliances Project Timeline September ‘16 – February ’16 DPR requested to not start the project until September ‘16 in order to accommodate all summer camps at other possible OSAP relocation sites.
AHCC Interior Refresh Project Program relocation OSAP program participants will be moving to Gunston or Carver throughout the duration of the AHCC Interior Refresh Project. If the OSAP program is relocated to Carver, this will not be a restoration of the Carver Senior Center. If the OSAP program needs to be relocated to Gunston, the OSAP program and TEEN program will need to co-exist for 30 min. Mon - Friday
New Lubber Run Community Center Update LRCC Replacement included in adopted FY2015-2024 CIP April 2015 early community visioning and survey feedback June-September , 2015 massing concepts and cost estimating July 2015 County Board direction to explore including APS Pre-K November 2015 joint AC/APS work session review of two massing concepts 6
What we’ve heard LRCC Spring/Summer 2015 Visioning & Survey Preserve and maximize green space Improve site access and safety Integrate the building into the park Lubber Run Visioning Session Include multi-purpose athletic courts, exercise rooms, fitness and multi- purpose flexible use spaces Improve outdoor courts and playground 7
What we’ve heard LRCC Ensure preservation of mature and cherished trees Concerns about retaining open/green space Building size Hardscape Parking County staff Lack of DPR preschool Gym is needed 8
County Manager Recommendations to Board LRCC Move forward without APS pre-kindergarten program; include DPR preschool program Explore up to 4 stories to enable more green space Explore structured parking to gain more green space Include a gymnasium Consolidate DPR staff 9
Considerations and Opportunities LRCC Design flexible multipurpose spaces for intergenerational programs Design to maximize green space and proximity to park Incorporate Nature programs Provide a gym Improve outdoor courts and playground Retain DPR preschool Relocate Culpepper Garden Senior Center Consolidate DPR staff Walter Reed Center 10
BSFC Expansion Project Scope and Timeline Request for design and engineering proposals were issued on February 22nd, 2016 Request for design and engineering proposals were due March 4 th , 2016 The Lukmire Partnership (TLP) was selected firm. TLP Currently working on the Aurora Hills Community, Senior Center, and Library refurbishment. Notice to Proceed (NTP) was issued to TLP on April 4 th , 2016
Project Scope and Timeline Schematic Design Phase: April 1 st – May 2 nd 2016 Cost Estimate Preparation: May 2 nd – May 11 th 2016 County Review: May 3 rd – May 17 th 2016 Design Development: May 18 th – June 20 th 2016 Cost Estimate: June 20 th – July 1 st , 2016 County Review: June 21 st – July 6 th 2016 Construction Documents: July 7 th – August 18 th 2016 Cost Estimate: August 18 th – September 1 st 2016 County Review August 18 th – September 1 st 2016 Permit: August 1 st – September 12 th , 2016 Bid: September: 12 th – October 11 th 2016 Board Approval: October 25 th County Board Meeting Demolition Work Start Goal: December 2016 – Both Gyms Functional September 2017
Project Scope and Timeline DPR has worked congruently with DES to phase the project so that there will not be any extended closures of the facility throughout the length of the expansion. Phase I will include HVAC work, and removal of equipment, and painting in the existing gymnasium. The gymnasium will be off limits during this phase. Phase II will include HVAC work, painting, and light replacement in the existing Gymnastics Space All Gymnastics activities will then take place in the “New” gymnastics gymnasium. Phase III will include the creation of staff locker rooms in the existing men’s and women’s locker rooms. We have chosen this as Phase III to allow for all work pertaining to gymnasiums to be completed to allow for maximum functionality of the space, as soon as possible.
Project Scope and Timeline Scope of Work Includes: Removal of Basketball Hoops from current Gymnasium Removal of Rink System from current Gymnasium Lighting upgrade to LED lights from current lighting in both gymnasiums Locker room renovation to include (2) staff only locker rooms Expansion of gymnastics program into current gymnasium Replacement of current Building Automation System (BAS) Roof Replacement Scraping and Painting of Gymnasium paint in both Gymnasiums HVAC Replacement and Redesign
Gymnastics Class Access Issues Expansion of the Gymnastics facility will allow for more access to classes, and will allow for more prime time class offerings. Demand for DPR Gymnastics programs is constantly growing: In the Fall 0f 2009, There were 1,181 enrolled participants enrolled in Gymnastics Classes, compared to 1,821 in the fall of 2015. Class participants are moving through class levels quickly, leaving them without higher level classes to continue their progress. Expanding in to the second gymnasium will allow for higher level team practices, and tot classes to co-exist. Existing gymnasium is too small to host these classes concurrently due to safety concerns. Gymnastics Enrollment FY10 - FY14 7000 6090 6041 6000 5540 5000 4862 4430 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14
Gymnastics Class Participation and Demand Gymnastics Demand: Enrollment + Waitlists, 2009-2014 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Summer 09 Fall 09 Winter 10 Spring 10 Summer10 Fall 10 Winter 11 Spring 11 Summer11 Fall 11 Winter 12 Spring 12 Summer 12 Fall 12 Winter 13 Spring 13 Fall13 Winter14 Spring14 Summer14 Fall14 Winter15 Spring15 Summer13 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Total enrollment Total waitlisted Sum: Total demand During FY2015 Enrollees reached 6,175 of which 3,177 were unique 2,738 were waitlisted in gymnastics classes (non-unique)
Gymnastics Class Waiting List Data FY 2015 Age Group Day of the Week Waiting Lists Data Waiting Lists Data 1400 4000 1200 3500 1000 3000 800 2500 600 2000 400 1500 200 1000 0 500 0 Preschool Youth Teens Adult During FY2015 Total enrolled with waiting lists stacked on top
Current Team Access and Equipment Concerns Current Aerials Team Participation : 117 Current Tigers Team Participation: 29 Quality and Quantity of practices have decreased, as class demand has grown. To accommodate demand, program staff has reconfigured equipment in the current space, to best serve classes and teams: Addition of Trio of Boy’s equipment Spring-loaded rings, Parallel Bars, Pommel Horse Reduced dedicated space for Men’s and Women’s competitive equipment.
Where We’re Going The expansion will take our current gymnastics space from around 7,000 sf. to 15,600 sf. This is a view looking at space from wall that is currently between the two spaces.
Where We’re Going Here is another view of the idea for newly planned space from above what you would see if you were looking down from the mezzanine space above the old gymnasium.
Expansion Enables New Equipment & Layout New equipment and layout in both gyms to better serve classes and teams: Vault table with a hard landing surface 60 foot tumble track 60 foot rod floor Full size competitive floor Recreational bars and beam area Dedicated space for men’s equipment including parallel bars, high bar, ring tower, pommel horse and mushroom training area Training bounce bar station (new to current room) Above ground trench bar system (new to current room)
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