Semester projects Outline Semester projects Semester projects The Plan The Plan Principles of Complex Systems Suggestions for Suggestions for Course CSYS/MATH 300, Fall, 2009 Projects Projects References References The Plan Prof. Peter Dodds Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics Center for Complex Systems :: Vermont Advanced Computing Center Suggestions for Projects University of Vermont References Frame 1/45 Frame 2/45 Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License . Semester projects Semester projects Narrative hierarchy Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects Presenting at many scales: References References Requirements: ◮ 1 to 3 word encapsulation, a soundbite, ◮ a sentence/title, 1. ≈ 5 minute introduction to project (fourth week) ◮ a few sentences, 2. 15 to 20 minute final presentation ◮ a paragraph, 3. Report: ≥ 5 pages (single space), journal-style ◮ a short paper, 4. Goal: seed papers or help papers along. ◮ a long paper, ◮ . . . Frame 3/45 Frame 4/45
topics Semester projects System robustness Semester projects Are there universal signatures that presage system The Plan The Plan failure?: Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects “Early-warning signals for critical transitions” References References Abstract: Complex dynamical systems, ranging from ecosystems to financial markets and the climate, can have tipping points at which a sudden shift to a contrasting dynamical regime may occur. Although predicting such critical points before they are reached is ◮ Study movement and extremely difficult, work in different scientific fields is now suggesting the existence of generic early-warning signals interactions of people. that may indicate for a wide class of systems if a critical ◮ Brockmann et al. [3] “Where’s threshold is approaching. George” study. Scheffer et al., Nature 2009 [24] ◮ Barabasi’s group: tracking (We will talk about work by Doyle et al. on movement via cell phones [12] . robust-yet-fragile systems) Frame 5/45 Frame 6/45 topics Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan ◮ Study the human disease and disease gene Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects networks (Goh et al. , 2007): References References a Human Disease Network The problem of missing data in networks: ◮ Clauset et al. (2008) Node size Cataract “Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing Myopathy Deafness 41 Retinitis Epidermolysis Muscular pigmentosa bullosa dystrophy Cardiomyopathy links in networks” [5] Leigh 34 syndrome Stroke Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 30 Myocardial ◮ Kossinets (2006) Diabetes infarction mellitus Epilepsy 25 Alzheimer Ataxia- disease telangiectasia Mental retardation Gastric “Effects of missing data in social networks” [18] Obesity cancer Hypertension 21 Pseudohypo- Atheroscierosis aldosteronism Prostate cancer 15 Breast Lymphoma Asthma cancer Fanconi Colon anemia cancer 10 Hirschprung disease 5 Parkinson Leukemia Thyroid disease 1 carcinoma Blood group Spherocytosis Spinocereballar ataxia Hemolytic anemia Complement_component deficiency Frame 7/45 Frame 8/45
topics Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects ◮ Explore “self-similarity of complex networks” [25, 26] Related papers: References References First work by Song et al. , Nature, 2005. ◮ “Origins of fractality in the growth of complex ◮ See accompanying comment by Strogatz [27] networks” Song et al. (2006a) [26] ◮ “Skeleton and Fractal Scaling in Complex Networks” Go et al. (2006a) [11] ◮ “Complex Networks Renormalization: Flows and Fixed Points” Radicchi et al. (2008a) [22] Frame 9/45 Frame 10/45 project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Statistics: Study Peter Hoff’s (and others’) work on ◮ Develop and elaborate an online experiment to study latent variables. some aspect of social phenomena ◮ Idea: explain connection pattern in a network ◮ e.g., cheating, cooperation, influence, through hidden individual or dyadic variables decision-making, etc. ◮ Method has been applied to the study of international relations networks. Frame 11/45 Frame 12/45
project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Study collective creativity arising out of social ◮ Physics/Society—Wars: Study work that started with interactions Lewis Richardson’s “Variation of the frequency of ◮ Productivity, wealth, creativity, disease, etc. appear fatal quarrels with magnitude” in 1949. [23, 29] to increase superlinearly with population ◮ Specifically explore Clauset et al. and Johnson et ◮ Start with Bettencourt et al.’s “Growth, innovation, al.’s work on terrorist attacks and civil wars. [6, 15] scaling, and the pace of life in cities” [2] Frame 13/45 Frame 14/45 project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects ◮ Study Hidalgo et The Plan The Plan oil al.’s “The Product cereals Suggestions for Suggestions for fishing Projects Projects Space Conditions References References the Development tropical agriculture forest of Nations” [13] products ◮ How do products mining ◮ Explore proposed measures of system complexity. depend on each garments other, and how vehicles/machinery does this network evolve? metallurgy electronics ◮ How do countries textiles depend on each other for water, animal chemicals agriculture node color (Leamer Classification) node size (world trade [thousands of US$]) link color (proximity) energy, people 1.3x10 5 3.0x10 5 6.6x10 5 1.5x10 6 3.3x10 6 7.5x10 6 1.7x10 7 3.7x10 7 8.4x10 7 1.9x10 8 Petroleum Materials Raw Products Forest Agriculture Tropical Agriculture Animal Cereals Intensive Labor Intensive Capital Machinery Chemicals φ >0.65 φ >0.55 φ >0.4 φ < 0.4 (immigration), Frame 15/45 Frame 16/45 investments?
project topics: Semester projects topics Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Explore Dunbar’s number ( ⊞ ) ◮ Study scientific collaboration networks. ◮ See here ( ⊞ ) and here ( ⊞ ) for some food for thought ◮ Mounds of data + good models. regarding large-scale online games and Dunbar’s ◮ See seminal work by De Solla Price [21] . number. [ ( ⊞ )] plus modern work by Redner, Newman, et al. ◮ Recent work: “Network scaling reveals consistent ◮ We will study some of this in class... fractal pattern in hierarchical mammalian societies” Hill et al. (2008) [14] . Frame 17/45 Frame 18/45 topics Semester projects topics Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for ◮ Vague/Large: Projects Projects References Study amazon’s recommender networks. References ◮ Study Kearns et al.’s experimental studies of people solving classical graph theory problems [17] ◮ “An Experimental Study of the Coloring Problem on Human Subject Networks” ◮ (Possibly) Run some of these experiments for our class. See work by Sornette et al. . ◮ Vague/Large: Study Netflix’s open data (movies and people form a bipartite graph). Frame 19/45 Frame 20/45
project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Study games (as in game theory) on networks. ◮ Study collective tagging (or folksonomy) ◮ For cooperation: Review Martin Nowak’s recent piece in Science: “Five rules for the evolution of ◮ e.g.,, flickr cooperation.” [20] ◮ See work by Bernardo Huberman et al. at HP labs. ◮ Much work to explore: voter models, contagion-type models, etc. Frame 21/45 Frame 22/45 project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects ◮ Semantic networks: explore word-word connection References References networks generated by linking semantically related words. ◮ Investigate safety codes (building, fire, etc.). ◮ More general: Explore language evolution ◮ What kind of relational networks do safety codes ◮ One paper to start with: “The small world of human form? How have they evolved? language” by Ferrer i Cancho and Solé [10] ◮ Study spreading of neologisms (also: baby names) ◮ Study models/theories/data re the origin and evolution of language. Frame 23/45 Frame 24/45
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