
Outline Semester projects Semester projects The Plan The Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Semester projects Outline Semester projects Semester projects The Plan The Plan Principles of Complex Systems Suggestions for Suggestions for Course CSYS/MATH 300, Fall, 2009 Projects Projects References References The Plan Prof.

  1. Semester projects Outline Semester projects Semester projects The Plan The Plan Principles of Complex Systems Suggestions for Suggestions for Course CSYS/MATH 300, Fall, 2009 Projects Projects References References The Plan Prof. Peter Dodds Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics Center for Complex Systems :: Vermont Advanced Computing Center Suggestions for Projects University of Vermont References Frame 1/45 Frame 2/45 Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License . Semester projects Semester projects Narrative hierarchy Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects Presenting at many scales: References References Requirements: ◮ 1 to 3 word encapsulation, a soundbite, ◮ a sentence/title, 1. ≈ 5 minute introduction to project (fourth week) ◮ a few sentences, 2. 15 to 20 minute final presentation ◮ a paragraph, 3. Report: ≥ 5 pages (single space), journal-style ◮ a short paper, 4. Goal: seed papers or help papers along. ◮ a long paper, ◮ . . . Frame 3/45 Frame 4/45

  2. topics Semester projects System robustness Semester projects Are there universal signatures that presage system The Plan The Plan failure?: Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects “Early-warning signals for critical transitions” References References Abstract: Complex dynamical systems, ranging from ecosystems to financial markets and the climate, can have tipping points at which a sudden shift to a contrasting dynamical regime may occur. Although predicting such critical points before they are reached is ◮ Study movement and extremely difficult, work in different scientific fields is now suggesting the existence of generic early-warning signals interactions of people. that may indicate for a wide class of systems if a critical ◮ Brockmann et al. [3] “Where’s threshold is approaching. George” study. Scheffer et al., Nature 2009 [24] ◮ Barabasi’s group: tracking (We will talk about work by Doyle et al. on movement via cell phones [12] . robust-yet-fragile systems) Frame 5/45 Frame 6/45 topics Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan ◮ Study the human disease and disease gene Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects networks (Goh et al. , 2007): References References a Human Disease Network The problem of missing data in networks: ◮ Clauset et al. (2008) Node size Cataract “Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing Myopathy Deafness 41 Retinitis Epidermolysis Muscular pigmentosa bullosa dystrophy Cardiomyopathy links in networks” [5] Leigh 34 syndrome Stroke Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 30 Myocardial ◮ Kossinets (2006) Diabetes infarction mellitus Epilepsy 25 Alzheimer Ataxia- disease telangiectasia Mental retardation Gastric “Effects of missing data in social networks” [18] Obesity cancer Hypertension 21 Pseudohypo- Atheroscierosis aldosteronism Prostate cancer 15 Breast Lymphoma Asthma cancer Fanconi Colon anemia cancer 10 Hirschprung disease 5 Parkinson Leukemia Thyroid disease 1 carcinoma Blood group Spherocytosis Spinocereballar ataxia Hemolytic anemia Complement_component deficiency Frame 7/45 Frame 8/45

  3. topics Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects ◮ Explore “self-similarity of complex networks” [25, 26] Related papers: References References First work by Song et al. , Nature, 2005. ◮ “Origins of fractality in the growth of complex ◮ See accompanying comment by Strogatz [27] networks” Song et al. (2006a) [26] ◮ “Skeleton and Fractal Scaling in Complex Networks” Go et al. (2006a) [11] ◮ “Complex Networks Renormalization: Flows and Fixed Points” Radicchi et al. (2008a) [22] Frame 9/45 Frame 10/45 project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Statistics: Study Peter Hoff’s (and others’) work on ◮ Develop and elaborate an online experiment to study latent variables. some aspect of social phenomena ◮ Idea: explain connection pattern in a network ◮ e.g., cheating, cooperation, influence, through hidden individual or dyadic variables decision-making, etc. ◮ Method has been applied to the study of international relations networks. Frame 11/45 Frame 12/45

  4. project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Study collective creativity arising out of social ◮ Physics/Society—Wars: Study work that started with interactions Lewis Richardson’s “Variation of the frequency of ◮ Productivity, wealth, creativity, disease, etc. appear fatal quarrels with magnitude” in 1949. [23, 29] to increase superlinearly with population ◮ Specifically explore Clauset et al. and Johnson et ◮ Start with Bettencourt et al.’s “Growth, innovation, al.’s work on terrorist attacks and civil wars. [6, 15] scaling, and the pace of life in cities” [2] Frame 13/45 Frame 14/45 project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects ◮ Study Hidalgo et The Plan The Plan oil al.’s “The Product cereals Suggestions for Suggestions for fishing Projects Projects Space Conditions References References the Development tropical agriculture forest of Nations” [13] products ◮ How do products mining ◮ Explore proposed measures of system complexity. depend on each garments other, and how vehicles/machinery does this network evolve? metallurgy electronics ◮ How do countries textiles depend on each other for water, animal chemicals agriculture node color (Leamer Classification) node size (world trade [thousands of US$]) link color (proximity) energy, people 1.3x10 5 3.0x10 5 6.6x10 5 1.5x10 6 3.3x10 6 7.5x10 6 1.7x10 7 3.7x10 7 8.4x10 7 1.9x10 8 Petroleum Materials Raw Products Forest Agriculture Tropical Agriculture Animal Cereals Intensive Labor Intensive Capital Machinery Chemicals φ >0.65 φ >0.55 φ >0.4 φ < 0.4 (immigration), Frame 15/45 Frame 16/45 investments?

  5. project topics: Semester projects topics Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Explore Dunbar’s number ( ⊞ ) ◮ Study scientific collaboration networks. ◮ See here ( ⊞ ) and here ( ⊞ ) for some food for thought ◮ Mounds of data + good models. regarding large-scale online games and Dunbar’s ◮ See seminal work by De Solla Price [21] . number. [http://www.lifewithalacrity.com ( ⊞ )] plus modern work by Redner, Newman, et al. ◮ Recent work: “Network scaling reveals consistent ◮ We will study some of this in class... fractal pattern in hierarchical mammalian societies” Hill et al. (2008) [14] . Frame 17/45 Frame 18/45 topics Semester projects topics Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for ◮ Vague/Large: Projects Projects References Study amazon’s recommender networks. References ◮ Study Kearns et al.’s experimental studies of people solving classical graph theory problems [17] ◮ “An Experimental Study of the Coloring Problem on Human Subject Networks” ◮ (Possibly) Run some of these experiments for our class. See work by Sornette et al. . ◮ Vague/Large: Study Netflix’s open data (movies and people form a bipartite graph). Frame 19/45 Frame 20/45

  6. project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects References References ◮ Study games (as in game theory) on networks. ◮ Study collective tagging (or folksonomy) ◮ For cooperation: Review Martin Nowak’s recent piece in Science: “Five rules for the evolution of ◮ e.g., del.icio.us, flickr cooperation.” [20] ◮ See work by Bernardo Huberman et al. at HP labs. ◮ Much work to explore: voter models, contagion-type models, etc. Frame 21/45 Frame 22/45 project topics: Semester projects project topics: Semester projects The Plan The Plan Suggestions for Suggestions for Projects Projects ◮ Semantic networks: explore word-word connection References References networks generated by linking semantically related words. ◮ Investigate safety codes (building, fire, etc.). ◮ More general: Explore language evolution ◮ What kind of relational networks do safety codes ◮ One paper to start with: “The small world of human form? How have they evolved? language” by Ferrer i Cancho and Solé [10] ◮ Study spreading of neologisms (also: baby names) ◮ Study models/theories/data re the origin and evolution of language. Frame 23/45 Frame 24/45


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