Webinar for NYCHA Residents May 7, 2019
Mar arlon on F For orbes Mar arvin J Jean an-Ja Jacques Dewayne J e Jolly ly Deputy Director Mold Administrator Healthy Homes Program Office of Mold Assessment T echnical Services NYC Health Department and Remediation
Agenda Background Mold Busters Overview New Standard Procedure Staff Training Mold and Health (NYC Health Department) Helping to Keep NYCHA Mold-Free
Addressing Health and Safety Issues Baez Consent Decree and HUD Agreement While we continue to make capital investments in our buildings, NYCHA is committed to comprehensively address: Elevators Heating Lead Mold Pests
2018 Revised Baez Consent Decree Maribel Baez vs NYCHA (“Baez”) is a class action lawsuit filed December 2013. In partnership with the Special Master and Plaintiffs, NYCHA implemented changes to its mold repair response at 38 developments through two pilots in 2017 and 2018. NYCHA has revised its standard procedure for addressing mold complaints and began citywide roll out of Mold Busters in January 2019. Mold Busters implementation will reach all developments by the end of this year.
2019 HUD Agreement Within 2 years: For 95% of verified mold complaints, clean visible mold and provide written plan to address root causes within 5 days of notification, and remediate root causes: within 7 days for simple repairs within 15 days for complex repairs For leaks from above or floods, abate the condition within 24 hours and remove water within 48 hours. Within 5 years: For 85% of verified mold complaints, no second complaint in the same unit/common area within 12 months. Comply with Baez .
NYCHA-wide Mold Busters Program Effectively and efficiently remediate mold by leveraging: Better Tools Staff will use new tools to find and fix the source of the problem, including moisture meters and new mold-fighting paint. Enhanced Training Began in January 2019, over 2,500 staff members will receive comprehensive hands-on training to become successful Mold Busters. More Accountability A new inspection and recording process identifies the underlying cause of the mold or moisture problem. A new quality assurance inspection also ensures that the staff have properly fixed the condition, and there is no mold. Streamlined Response NYCHA will improve coordination and prioritization of mold repairs. Communication NYCHA will also improve communication and notification to tenants.
New Comprehensive Standard Procedure STEP 1 STEP 4 A mold work order is created when: Upon completion, NYCHA 1. Resident calls the Customer performs a quality assurance Mold Quality Contact Center inspection to ensure the mold Service Assurance 2. Resident uses the MyNYCHA remediation work was done Request Inspection mobile app, OR effectively and will not result 3. NYCHA employees observe a mold in a recurrence. condition in an apartment. 4. Mold Service Requests are subject to NYCHA’s Right of Entry. The inspector (Super or Assistant Super): NYCHA completes planned work to 1. Identifies the probable root cause(s) 2. Determines appropriate next steps to remediate the mold within 7 days for remediate the mold, AND simple repairs and within 15 days for 3. Notes any other related conditions that more complex repairs. lead to mold. STEP 2 STEP 3 Inspector shares the findings with resident Initial and leaves a form detailing the next steps. Remediation Inspection
Mold Busters Staff Training Coordinated by NYCHA’s new Mold Unit, training for over 2,500 maintenance and supervisory staff members was launched in January. The comprehensive training curriculum includes a one-day Remediation class, two-day Building Science class, and a three-day Mold Inspection class. Trainees will receive additional field training to ensure adherence to the Standard Procedure.
Mold Busters Training Topics Three training tracks address relevant HUD, EPA, and OSHA standards and are consistent with New York State Department of Labor’s Mold Training and New York City Health Department guidelines. Inspection Building Science Remediation (3 days) (2 days) Methods (1 day) • Inspection tools and • Identifying underlying • Guidelines and methods causes of mold and requirements moisture • How to conduct and • How to safely and document inspections • Understanding effectively clean mold using hand held building systems devices • Using mold resistant • How to correct issues paint • Virtual reality to prevent recurring simulations mold growth
Mold Busters Ready Rollout Developments will be designated “Mold Busters Ready” once staff have completed training, received equipment, and received the new IWM App on their handheld devices. There are currently 50 “Mold Busters Ready” NYCHA consolidations. 11
Mold Busters in Action I learned a lot and use the training every day. We worked in groups to problem-solve different real-life scenarios and used the new tools to discuss how to tackle mold. It takes time to do it right, but the important thing is to get rid of the mold and address problems that were overlooked in the past. Everybody wants a safe and healthy place to live. I feel successful because I am working with residents and other staff to help my community. Nena Huntley Property Maintenance Supervisor Jefferson Houses
M OLD LD NYC De pa rtme nt o f He a lth a nd Me nta l Hyg ie ne Bure a u o f E nviro nme nta l Dise a se a nd I njury Pre ve ntio n De wa yne Jolly djolly@he a lth.nyc .g ov
Wha hat is Mold old? • Mo ld is a fung us • F ung i a re fo und b o th indo o rs a nd o utdo o rs • Pro duc e spo re s tha t a re e xtre me ly sma ll a nd c a n b e a irb o rne
How ow do o I I Recog ognize Mold old • Mo ld c a n b e visib le • I t c a n b e ma ny diffe re nt c o lo rs • I t ma y lo o k furry, slimy o r po wde ry • I t c a n ha ve a musty, sta le o r e a rthy o do r
Wha hat doe oes Mold old Need to to Grow? • Mo ld ne e ds wa te r a nd fo o d to g ro w. Mo ld c a n fe e d o n pa pe r, fa b ric , she e tro c k, wo o d , so a p sc um a nd ma ny o the r surfa c e s. • Mo ld usua lly g ro ws in d a mp pla c e s whe re the re is mo isture a nd hig h humidity, suc h a s b a thro o ms a nd kitc he ns a nd a re a s whe re the re a re le a ks (e .g ., plumb ing , ro o fs, wind o ws) .
Ho How are re Pe People E Expose sed t to M Mold • Yo u c a n b re a the in mo ld • Yo u c a n to uc h mo ld a nd g e t it o n yo ur skin • Yo u c a n swa llo w mo ld if yo u e a t mo ldy fo o d
Heal alth Effe ffects o of Mo f Mold • So me pe o ple a re a lle rg ic o r se nsitive to mo ld • So me o f the mo st c o mmo n sympto ms o f mo ld e xpo sure a re runny no se , itc hy e ye s a nd c o ng e stio n • Mo ld e xpo sure ma y trig g e r o r wo rse n a sthma sympto ms • F o r pe o ple with re spira to ry o r lung c o nditio ns, inc luding a sthma a nd COPD, sympto ms ma y b e wo rse ne d b y mo ld e xpo sure
Ho How can Mold be Pre Prevented? • T he b e st wa y is to re mo ve wa te r a nd mo isture so urc e s • T he fo llo wing c a n he lp sto p mo ld g ro wth a nd ke e p it fro m c o ming b a c k: • F ixing le a ks • Drying da mp a re a s • Re mo ving humidity fro m the a ir (e .g ., using a de humidifie r in b a se me nts; using a po rta b le fa n to dry we t a re a s; o pe n a windo w a fte r sho we ring in b a thro o ms with no e xha ust fa n)
How can an I Safe afely C Clean Mo Mold i in n my Home? • Unde rlying c o nditio ns must b e fixe d to pre ve nt mo ld g ro wth (e .g ., fix le a ks) • This is the responsibility of the building owner • I f sma ll a re a s (le ss tha n 10 sq ua re fe e t – ro ug hly a 3 fo o t b y 3 fo o t pa tc h) o f mo ld re ma in yo u c a n c le a n b y: • Using so a p o r a d e te rg e nt, a nd wa te r o n wa lls o r o the r ha rd surfa c e s a s so o n a s yo u se e it • We a r wa te rpro o f g lo ve s while c le a ning • Dry the c le a ne d a re a c o mple te ly
3 3 Key Key Practi ctice ces 1. Alwa ys c o rre c t the so urc e o f wa te r a c c umula tio n. 2. I mpro ve ve ntila tio n in b a thro o m a nd kitc he n. 3. Cle a n mo ldy a re a s a nd le t the m dry. The key to mold control is moisture control!
Right To Entry “Right to Entry” is utilized when NYCHA needs to address environmental hazards and perform critical mold-related inspections and repairs asap. According to your lease, a NYCHA worker can enter your apartment to make repairs whether or not you are home, if you are given written notice two days prior. 22
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