Our group, Hanger, is developing a mobile application to help University of Michigan students buy and sell clothes. Haram Yang, Bryce Caro, Nina Zhang
Elevator Pitch For college students Who are dissatisfied with the inconvenience of current marketplace apps Our product is a cross platform mobile app That provides a space for students who attend the same university to buy and sell clothes in person Unlike services such as Ebay or Poshmark, Our product allows students to meet up on campus and not worry about shipping
MVP2 Changes 1. Confirmation before deleting a post 2. New notifications indicator 3. Removed duplicate notifications 4. Added a user profile page
Video Demo
MVP2 User Testing Experiences Importance Satisfaction Posting an item 5 4.8 Interest notification 4.8 4.8 Deleting an item 4.8 4.6 Overall 4.87 4.73
User Quotes “App was easy to use! I like it better than the Facebook group” “Works great, could be more pleasing to look at” “Could add a save feature to save items I’m interested in”
Hypothesis Original hypothesis: “Jake would prefer meeting up with other students on ● campus to sell his clothes rather than using online marketplaces and having to ship his clothes to others.” Excited by dedicated platform for their university ● Many students did want an easier way to sell their clothes ●
Lessons Learned 1. Importance of nailing the persona - coming up with our persona Jake made us think about which features were essential to our app 2. Importance of getting user feedback - having real users test our app helped us identify ways to improve our app design
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