Our group, Hanger, is developing a mobile application to help University of Michigan students buy and sell clothes. Haram Yang, Bryce Caro, Nina Zhang
Elevator Pitch For college students Who are dissatisfied with the inconvenience of current marketplace apps Our product is a cross platform mobile app That provides a space for students who attend the same university to buy and sell clothes in person Unlike services such as Ebay or Poshmark, Our product allows students to meet up on campus and not worry about shipping
Jake Key Problem ❏ Jake doesn’t have enough money or time for another part-time job ❏ He has a lot of old clothes sitting in his closet Motivation ❏ Jake wants to be self-sufficient ❏ He wants to continue buying new clothes to keep up with fashion trends
Use Case As Jake, I want to easily and more conveniently sell my unwanted clothes to other students on campus so that I can have more spending money for new clothes
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