Learning Nonstationary Models of Normal Network Traffic for Detecting Novel Attacks Matthew V. Mahoney Philip K. Chan
Intrusion Detection Systems. Is data x hostile? � Signature - models known hostile behavior: P( x |attack) � Good: low false alarm rate � Bad: Cannot detect new attacks � Anomaly - models normal behavior: P( x |normal) � Good: can detect new attacks � Bad: high false alarm rate Combined system: Odds(attack| x ) = Odds(attack) P( x |attack) / P( x |normal)
IDS Examples � Host Signature: Virus detectors � Host Anomaly: � File System: COPS, Tripwire � System Calls: Forrest et. al. � Network Signature: BRO, SNORT � Network Anomaly (fixed model): most firewalls � Network Anomaly (adaptive model): SPADE, ADAM, NIDES - model user behavior (IP addresses/ports) We add protocol modeling to adaptive network anomaly detection.
The DARPA IDS Evaluation Data Set � 201 attacks on a simulated network (SunOS, Solaris, NT, Linux, Cisco router, Ethernet, Internet gateway) in 2 weeks. � Test data: inside/outside network traffic, BSM system call logs, audit logs, file system dumps. � Training data: 2 weeks attack free for anomaly detection, 1 week of labeled attacks (some held back) for signature detection.
Example Attacks - Probes � System configuration: ipsweep, portsweep, ls, resetscan � Operating system: queso � Known vulnerabilities: satan, mscan, ntinfoscan � Data collection: illegalsniffer
Denial of Service Attacks � Floods: neptune, mailbomb, processtable, smurf, udpstorm � Malformed IP packets: land, teardrop, pod (ping of death) � Malformed client requests: apache2, back, crashiis, dosnuke, syslogd � Network disruption: arppoison, tcpreset � Unauthorized use: warezmaster, warezclient � Malformed user command: selfping
Remote to Local (R2L) attacks � Password guessing: dict (FTP, telnet, POP3), guest, snmpget � Password stealing: sshtrojan, xlock, xsnoop � Trojans: framespoofer, ppmacro � Buffer overflows: imap, named, ncftp, sendmail � Misconfiguration/bugs: ftpwrite, phf � Backdoors: httptunnel, netbus, netcat
User to Root (U2R) and Data Attacks � NT bugs: anypw, casesen, sechole, yaga � UNIX bugs � Buffer overflow: eject, fdformat, ffbconfig, xterm � Other: loadmodule, perl, ps � Restricted shell escape: sqlattack � Data (security policy violation): secret, ntfsdos
Example Attack: apache2 Normal HTTP request GET /welcome.htm HTTP/1.0 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Mozilla/4.51[en] (WinNT; I) Host: www.eyrie.af.mil Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */* Accept-Encoding: gzip Accept-Language: en Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8 Malicious request x User-Agent: sioux User-Agent: sioux User-Agent: sioux ... (repeated thousands of times)
1999 DARPA Evaluation Method � Must identify source or destination IP address � Must identify time within 60 seconds � Duplicate detections (but not false alarms) are discarded � Alarm scores: threshold at 100 false alarms (10/day) � May restrict domain of detectable attacks by category, operating system, or data examined � Attacks detected outside of domain do not count
1999 DARPA Evaluation Results � 8 Participating organizations � 18 systems evaluated Top Systems Detections Expert 1 85/169 (50%) Expert 2 81/173 (47%) Dmine 41/102 (40%) Forensics 15/27 (55%)
Nonstationary Modeling of Network Traffic � Events tend to occur in bursts � Counts (average frequency of events) are irrelevant � Time since last event determines probability Example 00000000000000000000000011111110000000000000 P(next bit is 1) does not depend on average rate.
Two Models � Packet Header Anomaly Detection (PHAD) � Examines network packets in isolation � Models Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP � Application Layer Anomaly Detection (ALAD) � Reassembles incoming server TCP streams � Models application text, source and destination addresses and ports, and TCP open/close flags
PHAD Model after Training Attribute r/n Allowed Values Ethernet Size 508/12814738 42 60-1181 1182... Ether Dest Hi 9/12814738 x0000C0 x00105A... Ether Dest Lo 12/12814738 x000009 x09B949... Ether Src Hi 6/12814738 x0000C0 x00105A... Ether Src Lo 9/12814738 x09B949 x13E981... Ether Protocol 4/12814738 x0136 x0800 x0806... IP Header Len 1/12715589 x45 IP TOS 4/12715589 x00 x08 x10 xC0 IP Length 527/12715589 38-1500 IP Frag ID 4117/12715589 0-65461 65462... IP Frag Ptr 2/12715589 x0000 x4000 IP TTL 10/12715589 2 32 60 62-64... IP Protocol 3/12715589 1 6 17 IP Checksum 1/12715589 xFFFF IP Source Addr 293/12715589 IP Dest Addr 287/12715589 TCP Source Port 3546/10617293 20-135 139 515... TCP Dest Port 3545/10617293 20-135 139 515... TCP Seq Num 5455/10617293 0-395954185... TCP Ack Num 4235/10617293 0-395954185... TCP Header Len 2/10617293 x50 x60 TCP Flags 9/10617293 x02 x04 x10... TCP Window Size 1016/10617293 0-5374 5406-10028... TCP Checksum 1/10617293 xFFFF TCP URG Ptr 2/10617293 0 1 TCP Options 2/611126 x02040218 x020405B4 UCP Source Port 6052/2091127 53 123 137-138... UDP Dest Port 6050/2091127 53 123 137-138... UDP Length 128/2091127 25 27 29... UDP Checksum 2/2091127 x0000 xFFFF ICMP Type 3/7169 0 3 8 ICMP Code 3/7169 0 1 3 ICMP Checksum 1/7169 xFFFF
ALAD � P(source IP | dest IP) (dest = local server) � P(source IP | dest IP, dest port) � P(dest IP, dest port) � P(TCP open/close flags | dest port) � P(keyword | dest port) Attribute r/n Allowed Values 80 (HTTP) 13/83650 Accept-Charset: Accept-Encoding: Accept-Language: Accept: Cache-Control: Connection: GET Host: If-Modified-Since: Negotiate: Pragma: Referer: User-Agent: 25 (SMTP) 34/142610 ( 34 values... ) 21 (FTP) 11/16822 ( 11 values... )
PHAD/ALAD Score Score = Sum tn/r, where t = time since last anomaly n = number of training observations r = number of different values in training set n/r = 1/P(anomaly in training)
Results 70 of 180 attacks detected � PHAD detects mostly DOS and Probes � ALAD detects mostly R2L and U2R Many PHAD detections were due to simulation artifacts in the TTL (time to live) field. These were removed manually.
Analysis of Detections Anomaly Det/70 Attacks Detected Learned 24 (34%) PROBE: ipsweep, mscan, 2 ntinfoscan, 3 Signature queso, 2 satan; DOS: crashiis, 4 dosnuke, 4 pod, 3 teardrop; R2L: ncftp, 2 sendmail Induced 5 (7%) DOS: apache2, 3 arppoison, tcpreset Evasion 3 (4%) PROBE: 3 portsweep Attacker 10 (14%) DOS: apache2, 3 mailbomb, 2 udpstorm; Error R2L: 2 dict, phf; U2R: yaga User 38 (54%) PROBE: mscan; DOS: 3 apache2, 5 Behavior crashiis, mailbomb, processtable, smurf, warazclient, warezmaster; R2L: dict, mailbomb, 4 ncftp, 2 netbus, 2 netcat, 2 phf, ppmacro, 2 sendmail, sshtrojan; U2R: 2 casesen, 2 fdformat, ffbconfig, sechole, xterm, yaga
False Alarms � Distribution is similar to true detections � No easy way for user to distinguish Anomaly False alarms TCP source IP address 35 Keyword (7 SMTP, 4 FTP, 3 auth, 2 HTTP) 16 TTL (time to live, simulation artifact) 9 TCP checksum (simulation artifact) 8 Outgoing TCP connection on server port 7 TOS (type of service) 7 Urgent data pointer or URG flags 7 Bad TCP connection (3 no SYN, no FIN, RST) 5 Destination address/port 5 Packet size (Ethernet, IP, UDP) 3 Other (2 IP fragments, 2 TCP options) 4
Attacks in Training Data (PHAD only, includes artifacts) � Attacks in training mask similar attacks in testing � Shorten training period to reduce number of attacks � Result: 50% loss of detections Training set Detections Days 1-7 (no attacks) 72 Day 1 71 Day 2 62 Day 3 60 Day 4 60 Day 5 61 Day 6 76 Day 7 42 Average of days 1-7 62 Previous day (on-line with attacks) 36
Overlap with Existing IDS 1999 DARPA � Best: 85/169 (50%) using signature + anomaly, blind � PHAD/ALAD: 70/180 (39%) using anomaly only (Evaluation methods similar but not identical) Hard to Detect Attacks (< 50% by all DARPA participants) � Original: 15/77 (19%) � PHAD/ALAD: 23/65 (35%, 30% of original)
Conclusions � PHAD/ALAD is the first adaptive network anomaly detector to go beyond user modeling. � Model is nonstationary. The most significant anomalies are the initial novel events (large t) in highly predictable contexts (large n/r). � Conventional user modeling detects about half of attacks. Remainder are: � Attempts to exploit software bugs in target � Symptoms of a successful attack � Attempts to elude the IDS � Bugs in the attacking software � Significant non-overlap with existing systems should allow them to be merged. � Lack of clean training data degrades performance by 1/2.
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