igg agenda 4 th december 2013

IGG Agenda 4 th December 2013 Minutes from Previous IGG Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IGG Agenda 4 th December 2013 Minutes from Previous IGG Meeting 14:30 14:35 Review of Action Items 14:35 14:45 CER Update 14:45 14:55 Gemserv Update 14:55 15:15 MRSO Update 15:15 15:25 ESB Networks Update 15:25

  1. IGG Agenda 4 th December 2013 Minutes from Previous IGG Meeting 14:30 – 14:35 Review of Action Items 14:35 – 14:45 CER Update 14:45 – 14:55 Gemserv Update 14:55 – 15:15 MRSO Update 15:15 – 15:25 ESB Networks Update 15:25 – 15:40 Retail Market Design Service Update 15:40 – 15:50 AOB 15:50 – 15:55 Next Steps 15:55 – 16:00 Retail Market Design Service 6 December, 2013 Page 1

  2. Minutes Minutes from IGG meeting 16 th October 2013 For Approval today Retail Market Design Service 6 December, 2013 Page 2

  3. IGG Action Items Updated IGG Action List issued in advance of meeting  Actions closed since last IGG meeting: 4  IGG Actions carried forward: 4 Retail Market Design Service 06 December 2013 Page 3

  4. IGG Actions Carried Forward Org. Assigned AP No. Title to Date Due LTNA: Access Problems - CER to internally discuss the charging structure for 838 disconnection CER 10/04/2013 869 Deemed Contracts: CER to Revert with estimated timelines for implementation. CER 11/09/2013 878 PAYG and Debt Flagging- CER to discuss Suppliers concerns and revert back CER 13/11/2013 879 Post Codes- RMDS to carry out research for Household unique postcodes RMDS 04/12/2013 Retail Market Design Service 6 December, 2013 Page 4

  5. CER Update Industry Governance Group 4 th December 2013

  6. Retail Market Assurance Services for the Irish Electricity Market Ben Coates Consultant IGG 4th December 2013

  7. Assurance Activity Update Business As Usual (RMDS) • Market Assurance – One Assurance Report for a DSU (Demand Side Unit) participant undergoing approval with CER – One Assurance Report for a Self Supplier participant undergoing approval with CER – One existing Supplier undergoing assessment for entry into a new Market Segment – December Release Supplier Readiness Assurance Report submitted to and approved by CER Gemserv 7

  8. Harmonisation & Service Packs Project Post Implementation Review (Phase 2) • Participant Survey complete. • Report to CER with findings and Lessons Learned in final review stage. • Thank you for your co-operation. Gemserv 8

  9. H & SP Project P.I.R (Phase 2) Gemserv 9

  10. H & SP Project P.I.R (Phase 2) Key Points Raised • Lack of structured ‘Plan B’ lead to confusion once issues became apparent; • Initial communication between support providers was lacking, which exacerbated the problems; and • While progress has been made, impact on market is noted (no new Market Design changes); • The view is that support and information provision has improved greatly over time. Gemserv 10

  11. H & SP Project P.I.R (Phase 2) Suggestions Made • More communication from support providers during lead up and implementation of projects; • Implementation providers should have a deeper understanding of the wider communications system; • Clear and detailed documentation relevant to project should be made available online in advance; and • Clear definition of roles and responsibilities should be published in advance; • December Release assurance responses indicative of positive engagement. Gemserv 11

  12. Thank You Ben Coates Consultant T: +44 (0) 20 7090 1011 E: ben.coates@gemserv.com W: www.gemserv.com

  13. MRSO Update Gerry Halligan 04 December 2013

  14. Market Message 010 14 esbnetworks.ie

  15. Market Message 105L 15 esbnetworks.ie

  16. COS in-progress 2nd December 2013 – 7,113 • Reviewed Monthly • Suppliers notified of individual May 2013 0 switches outstanding and reason Jun 2013 9 • Switch outstanding for Energisation or Token Meter Removal, will not time-out Jul 2013 16 • Contact Customer or submit cancellation • 46 Switches held due to an existing Open Service Order 16 esbnetworks.ie

  17. COS and CoLE % Explicit Inferred Total Total Explicit % Total Month CoLE CoLE CoLE 010 CoLE CoLE Sep 13 4,989 6,431 11,420 26,997 18% 42% Oct-13 4,962 6,159 11,121 27,646 18% 40% Nov-13 5,119 5,263 10,382 25,232 20% 41% 17 esbnetworks.ie

  18. Registration Rejections % 18 esbnetworks.ie

  19. Debt Flagging Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 1195 1179 841 Total MPRNs received Total inferred CoLEs returned to outgoing 430 429 353 supplier Returned for other reason to outgoing supplier (invalid MPRN, switch completed, 61 93 45 explicit CoLE) 704 657 443 Valid Debt Flags issued to gaining supplier 77 98 74 Total cancelled 3.1% 2.9% 2.0% Valid Debt Flags as % of total COS 19 esbnetworks.ie

  20. Debt Flagging 20 esbnetworks.ie

  21. Disputed Reads 21 esbnetworks.ie

  22. Total Withdrawal of 310 reads for all Suppliers 22 esbnetworks.ie

  23. Objections – Erroneous Transfers 23 esbnetworks.ie

  24. Objections Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 No. of Objections 109 95 101 Cancellations from Objections 57 69 52 Objection Emails to MRSO 6 5 14 Reasons: Uncontactable by phone - - - Written communication - 1 2 COS Confirmed 6 4 12 Other - - - Escalation Emails 9 7 3 24 esbnetworks.ie

  25. ESB Networks Update Carmel O’Connor 4th December 2013

  26. Prepayment Meter Stats Keypad Meter Stats ● Total installed up to 28/11/2013 : 40,640 ● Total installed in 2013 up to 28/11/2013 : 25,216 Token Meter Stats ● Total installed up to 01/12/2013: 15,355 ● Token Meter Removed calls for Oct/Nov : 804 ● Token Meter Exchange calls for Oct/Nov : 65 26 Footer esbnetworks.ie

  27. Charge for Special Test There is an approved CER charge for Special Test in situ of €165 & VAT which has been in place since 2005 but Networks have not passed this charge on to Suppliers. From 2 January 2014 all M260 for Special Test will be charged where we find that the meter was not faulty. If the meter is faulty there will not be a charge. The charge will be processed by DUOS Billing on the monthly transaction charges in the same way that the additional charges for extra costs are processed. M261 will issue to Supplier to advise that the meter tested ok and that charge will apply. 27 Footer esbnetworks.ie

  28. Retail Market Design Update Aileen O Connor RMDS Retail Market Design Service 6 December, 2013 Page 28

  29. MCR 1136 V2.0 - 131 MM to be added to Messages Tab on Extranet Change Request  Market Message 131 Work Status is requested to be made available on the Messages tab on the Retail Market Participant Extranet Website.  The 131 MM will be displayed when either the "All" check box or the "Meter Works" check box are selected.  Classified as RoI specific at ReMCoWG 16/10/13 and approved as DR at IGG At Today’s Meeting:  Recommendation for Approval of MCR 1136 V2.0 requested at IGG 6 December 2013 Retail Market Design Service

  30. DR 1141 V1.0 – 260MM Supplier Id Validation DR to deal with Non conformance with 260MM  Meter Works MM Guide - Validation check is made to ensure that the Supplier is registered to the Meter Point  Validation check not operating as designed as a non- registered Supplier can send 260MM and is not rejected  Market Process required to deal with rejection:  New Rejection Message or  New WP to issue error to relevant business owner who manually advises Supplier of message failure and reason At Today’s Meeting:  Classification as RoI Specific at ReMCoWG  Recommendation for Approval requested at IGG 6 December 2013 Retail Market Design Service

  31. DR 1001 V1.0 - Increase number of days for a Customer Read for a COS to match the Supplier Cooling Off Period - 7 Working Days  DR Proposing increasing the No. of days for a CR for CoS from 3 days to 7 working days to match the Cooling Off Period for Customer  Proposed change applies to NQH metered [non-MD] sites.  Received prior to Harmonisation and On Hold:  Clarification on Cooling Off Period  Review & Contrast Gas/Elect Cos Process & 3rd Package compliance At Today’s Meeting: Recommendation for Withdrawal of DR1001 V1.0 requested 6 December 2013 Retail Market Design Service

  32. DR 1001 - Increase number of days for a Customer Read for COS to 7 working days  When Smart Metering is in-situ this functionality should be redundant  Effective COS open window would increase from 8 to 12 working days resulting in  greater number of billing periods closed during the window with consequential increase in rejection of MM210 meter reads  increased move-in/move-out failures where a CoLE or meter works order crosses with a COS  increase in validations (arising from customer read lower than previous scheduled read)  increase in disputed reads MM208  Potential benefits of the change are outweighed by disadvantages highlighted coupled with redundancy followed roll-out of Smart Metering. Recommend withdrawing DR 1001. 32 esbnetworks.ie


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