hounslow highways

Hounslow Highways Spring Grove & Osterley Residents Association - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hounslow Highways Spring Grove & Osterley Residents Association meeting Tuesday 28 th February 2017 Timothy Hurley Roads & Pavements www.hounslowhighways.org What is included in the PFI? 2 Services Routine Maintenance of assets

  1. Hounslow Highways Spring Grove & Osterley Residents Association meeting Tuesday 28 th February 2017 Timothy Hurley Roads & Pavements www.hounslowhighways.org

  2. What is included in the PFI? 2

  3. Services • Routine Maintenance of assets • Highway Safety Inspections • Emergency and Winter Services • Street Works – Permits and Licenses • Street Cleansing • Environmental Education and • Illegal Waste Removal Management • Tree Maintenance and • Enforcement for Environment and Grass/Horticulture Highway offences • Policy Setting and Highway Strategy • Management of Public Claims • Management of Inventory • Illegal Crossovers 3

  4. Condition Improvement Progress so far Milestone 8 (4 Years) – Borough Wide Carriageways • 952 Schemes • 186 Km of roads Footways • 822 Schemes • 205 Km of footways Street Lighting • 14,357 new Street Lights replaced • 700 remaining lights to complete 4

  5. Progress across the borough End of Year 4 (Milestone 8) Roads and Footway Improvements • The condition of roads and footways is measured every year through detailed technical evaluation by a third-party survey organisation • The “gap” between current condition and the target is represented by the Network Performance Gap (NPG) • The overall target for a compliant network is 0.5 NPG • The contract started at NPG of 4.58 and is reduced by each new road or footway completed • At the end of Year 4 (Milestone 8) the NPG was 0.85 • This represents a 81 % improvement in overall condition – ahead of the contract improvement profile 5

  6. Investment Programme • The LBH road infrastructure asset value increased by £71 million to £778 million in the last financial year. • Road and Footway works continue through years 4&5 to achieve the required level of compliance • Capital works will also take place in the following 20 years based on the condition of the network each year • Day to day repairs that qualify for immediate action will continue to be assessed and actioned. • Hounslow Highways remains responsible for all streets and their condition through until 2037 6

  7. Managing the Infrastructure • Highway Safety Inspections • Inventory Updates (269,284 assets) • Policy setting and Network Compliance Audit • Street Works – Licenses and Permits (LoPS) • Condition Surveys and specifications 7

  8. What is a Pothole ? • Hounslow Highways has adopted dimensional definitions for potholes as part of the Safety Inspection Strategy and Plan • Response times and treatment of potholes is based on importance of Carriageways, Footway, Cycle lanes and an assessment of risk • Having assessed and categorised the risk impact and risk probability, the risk matrix is utilised to determine an appropriate response 8

  9. Potholes identified/ repaired by year 300 CW08 - CW: Pothole 250 Linear (CW08 - CW: Pothole) 200 150 100 50 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 2013 2014 2015 2016 9

  10. When do we repair- Carriageways? Table: Investigatory levels on Carriageways Investigatory level Crossings, Junctions Other Locations on Defect Type and in or adjacent to Link 1, 2, 3, and 4 Link 5 the Kerb Pothole/Spalling 40mm depth 50mm depth 75mm depth Crowning 50mm depth 50mm depth 75mm depth Depression (area 2m2) 50mm 50mm 75mm Gap/Crack 20mm depth (20mm 20mm depth (20mm 30mm depth (20mm wide) wide) wide) Sunken and Raised 20mm level difference 20mm level difference 25mm level difference Ironwork Level Difference within 15mm 15mm 15mm Ironwork Framework 10

  11. When do we repair- Footways? Investigatory level Defect Type Place A & B Place C Place D Place E & PROW Table: Investigatory levels on Footways Hierarchy 1 Trip/Pothole 15mm depth 20mm depth 25mm depth 25mm depth Rocking Slab/Block 15mm vertical 20mm vertical 25mm vertical 25mm vertical movement movement movement movement Open Joint 20mm width x 200mm length (min depth 20mm) Tree Root Damage 15mm trip 20mm trip 25mm trip 25mm trip Sunken and Raised 15mm level 20 mm level 25mm difference 25mm difference Ironwork difference difference Dislodged Kerb 50mm 50mm horizontally 50mm horizontally 50mm horizontally horizontally Loose/Rocking Kerb 15mm vertically 20mm vertically 25mm vertically 25mm vertically Missing Kerb Yes 11

  12. Risk Matrix Probability Very Low (1) Low (2) Medium (3) High (4) Impact Negligible (1) 1 2 3 4 Low (2) 2 4 6 8 Noticeable (3) 3 6 9 12 High (4) 4 8 12 16 Response Category Cat 2 Low (L) Cat2 Medium (M) Cat 2 High (H) Cat 1 Priority Risk Factor Response Priority 1 12 to 16 Make safe within 1 hour and complete temporary repair (Category 1 defect) within 24 Hours, then complete a permanent repair within 28 days Priority 2 Cat2 H 8 to 11 Repair within 28 days Priority 3 Cat2 M 5 to 7 Repair within 56 days Priority 4 Cat 2 L 1 to 4 Repair during next available programme 12

  13. Works in Osterley & Spring Grove 2013-2016 No. RSL Length (km) 109 23.5 CW 47 12.2 FW 62 11.3 2017 No. RSL CW 11 FW 17 13

  14. Lighting in Osterley & Spring Grove • 2013 – 2016 • Osterley + Spring Grove – 983 LED lighting points installed • 2017 • 0 remaining - [Not including Heritage Lighting] 14

  15. Energy savings for the borough • HH have reduced the energy consumption for our Street Lighting assets by 55% since the contract started. HH are by far the leading London Borough in this aspect, and in turn we are reducing our carbon footprint.

  16. Tree Works • Current street tree stock is 11,398 trees • All street trees are surveyed every three years as part of a rotational cycle of one third per year. • Survey used to establish maintenance requirement for each tree. • Maintenance regime includes  Cyclical pruning  Clean Sweep  Large plane and lime tree maintenance • Felling and replanting Dead, Dying, Diseased and Dangerous 16

  17. Environment & Enforcement 17

  18. Flytipping 18

  19. What are we doing about? 19

  20. Working with the community • School visits • Community clean-up days • Graduates and apprenticeships • Volunteer programme – Lay Assessors • Local workforce • Junior Citizens • Hounslow Business Awards • Enabling Enterprise • Joint task force 20

  21. Reporting Issues on Hounslow Highways website • Why is it important to report issues through our website? - 24/7 monitoring - Immediate response to Cat 1 hazards - Immediate assignment to the correct team/officer - Enquiries do not get lost - Customers get a reference number - Data allows us to monitor trends and know which services to provide 21

  22. Reactive Enquiries 22

  23. High Enquiry Areas 23

  24. 24

  25. Lay Assessor Volunteers • Lay Assessor programme started November 2014 • 10 Lay Assessors (each representing a ward) • Site visits/ Monthly coffee mornings • Additional contact i.e. user acceptance testing for website, meetings with the IC (who signs off our schemes) • Always looking for new ideas to refresh the programme • Interested people should email businessmanagement@hounslowhighways.org 25

  26. Questions? 26

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