March 2014 Highways Maintenance and Street Cleanliness: Update on contract performance and Communications Isleworth & Brentford Area Forum Presentation 20 th March 2014
Hounslow Highways • Hounslow Highways provide the day to day services to the Borough including: • Road Safety Inspections • Road and Footpath Defect repairs • Lighting repairs • Street Cleaning • Trees and grass maintenance • Hounslow Highways also deliver a 5 year investment programme to improve the quality of the streets, footpaths, lighting and other features within the Borough – nearly £100 million of new works in 5 years 2
What Year 1 achieved Investing in the Borough– 1 / 5 of the new streets Roads • 228 Road Schemes • Over 50 km of roads • From Hounslow to Reading Footpaths • 224 Footpath Schemes • Over 80 km of footpaths • From Hounslow to Winchester Street Lighting • 6,800 new Street Lights 3
Quality and Workmanship • A Highways Maintenance contract • High specification materials and practices are used but have to be installed on a live and evolved network • Works are checked by managers and an Independent Certifier under particular criteria • If wholly out of specification – not certified • If small areas are defective that do not detract from the function of the area – certified but “snagging” recorded and actioned within 25 days • Any failures where the road/footway condition falls below standard is the responsibility of Hounslow Highways at no new cost to the Borough 4
Contract Performance • Contract milestones are on track for streetlights, footways and carriageways • Street cleansing however is below standard, but improvements continue to be made.
Contract Performance Street Cleanliness Litter % of all streets assessed meeting the requisite targets 100% 95% 90% 85% LBH Score 80% 75% 70% 65% Contract Target 60% 55% 50% 13/01/2014 20/01/2014 27/01/2014 01/02/2014 08/02/2014 15/02/2014 22/02/2014 01/03/2014
Contract Performance Street Cleanliness Detritus: % of all streets meeting requisite targets 100% 95% 90% 85% LBH Score 80% 75% Contract Target 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 13/01/2014 20/01/2014 27/01/2014 01/02/2014 08/02/2014 15/02/2014 22/02/2014 01/03/2014
Littering Enforcement Zero Tolerance Approach with £1million additional funding identified Additional £1 million to be invested in street cleanliness More Infra red Fly tipping CCTV enforcement cameras to be rolled out More enforcement manpower (Environmental Protection Officers) Large Scale Anti Littering Advertising Campaign Alleygating funds
Littering Zero Tolerance Approach Fixed Penalty Notices 35 30 25 20 Series1 15 10 5 0 Offence Depositing litter Obstruction Failture to comply with receptacle notice
Contact Channels How to report a service request, enquiry or complaint : • For the first report of an issue contact the councils customer service team: Email: Phone: 020 8583 2000 Online: select ‘contact us’ • When something goes wrong we want to know so we can monitor our suppliers please contact the councils customer satisfaction team (formerly complaints team): Email: Phone 020 8583 5211 Online: completing the online complaints form.
Volumes and top enquiries • Volumes of contact • Hounslow Highways have received 32,600 contacts to date • 10,000 are via the council customer service team • 151 formal complaints and 561 enquires via the Customer Satisfaction team Top Issues and Enquiries in the first year (in no order) Potholes (why are some filled and others left) New lights being too tall, too dark/ bright Litter/ detritus / street cleansing regimes (why do this part and not that part) Grass/ hedge/ tree cutting Quality of works during asphalting Fly tipping – hotspots and no perceived enforcement Lack of timely responses , not answering the questions and not being kept informed.
What is next? • To improve the content on both websites, recognising that it is confusing. • Introduce visual signs to alert that a street light already reported and awaiting parts. • Launched an easy to use mobile reporting application
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