flora steven primary school parent council meeting


FLORA STEVEN PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL MEETING 21st of January 2018 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs Update 5 mins 2. Review of Actions 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report 20 AGENDA mins 5.


  2. 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs’ Update – 5 mins 2. Review of Actions – 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report – 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report – 20 AGENDA mins 5. Clubs Information – 5 mins 6. Subgroups Update – 20 mins 7. Events and Fundraising – 10 mins 8. Requests for funding – 5 mins 9. Any Other Business – 10 mins


  4. 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs’ Update – 5 mins 2. Review of Actions – 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report – 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report – 20 AGENDA mins 5. Clubs Information – 5 mins 6. Subgroups Update – 20 mins 7. Events and Fundraising – 10 mins 8. Requests for funding – 5 mins 9. Any Other Business – 10 mins

  5. REVIEW ACTIONS • Agree Minutes • Playground Repairs • Outdoor Stage Update • SEIC Conference Report

  6. SCHOOLS AND PARENTS TOGETHER – SHARING PRACTICE FOR EQUITY – CONFERENCE • Attended by Heidi and Becca – mostly teachers attended but some other PCs • Evidence of the impact that Parent Engagement has on Educational Outcomes (highest predictor) • School fits within a wider context of education and learning – ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ • Understanding why parents can struggle to connect with school • Impact of Poverty • Case studies of how other schools address their issues – breaking down barriers, making parents feel more comfortable, meeting parents in the middle

  7. 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs’ Update – 5 mins 2. Review of Actions – 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report – 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report – 20 AGENDA mins 5. Clubs Information – 5 mins 6. Subgroups Update – 20 mins 7. Events and Fundraising – 10 mins 8. Requests for funding – 5 mins 9. Any Other Business – 10 mins

  8. HOW WE RAISED FUNDS SO FAR IN 2018/2019 1,800.00 1,600.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 800.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 0.00 Christmas Cards Flora's Lotto Bakesales Web Easy Halloween Party Christmas Fair Fundraising

  9. HOW WE HAVE SPENT MONEY SO FAR IN2018/19 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Playground Dalguise Trip Aces Admin and Library Solihull Portobello Retirement Conference misc Books Course learning Gifts festival

  10. CASH FLOW FORECAST FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2018/2019 Cash Flow Forecast for Financial Year 2018/2019 Funds available to Spend General Funds 19,975 Playground Fundraising 1,137 Lotto 3,749 24,861 Less Expenditure not yet incurred Ukelele & Chess 0 Total Available Funds 24,861 Normal Expenditure Items Opportunities for all (1,000) Funding for Clubs (500) (1,500) Pending Funding Requests Playground Mural (700) Retirement gifts (103) Set Up of Teacher After School Clubs (500) Portobello Learning Festival (350) Uncommitted Funds 21,708

  11. 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs’ Update – 5 mins 2. Review of Actions – 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report – 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report – 20 AGENDA mins 5. Clubs Information – 5 mins 6. Subgroups Update – 20 mins 7. Events and Fundraising – 10 mins 8. Requests for funding – 5 mins 9. Any Other Business – 10 mins


  13. 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs’ Update – 5 mins 2. Review of Actions – 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report – 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report – 20 AGENDA mins 5. Clubs Information – 5 mins 6. Subgroups Update – 20 mins 7. Events and Fundraising – 10 mins 8. Requests for funding – 5 mins 9. Any Other Business – 10 mins

  14. CLUBS • Four Types of Activity Clubs at school: • Parent Council (Parent Admin, PC Insurance available, e.g. Chess Club, Football) • Privately Run (e.g. Drama, French) • Active Schools (Council run, e.g Athletics, Parkour) • Teacher led (Soon to Launch) • Our Constitution says that part of our purpose is: • ‘to enable the school to provide as many opportunities and as rich an experience as possible for the children’

  15. 1. Welcome, Introductions, Chairs’ Update – 5 mins 2. Review of Actions – 10 mins 3. Treasurer's Report – 5 mins 4. Head Teacher's Report – 20 AGENDA mins 5. Clubs Information – 5 mins 6. Subgroups Update – 20 mins 7. Events and Fundraising – 10 mins 8. Requests for funding – 5 mins 9. Any Other Business – 10 mins

  16. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel Group 3. Welcoming Committee 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  17. SUB GROUPS – SCHOOL ‘SPONSORS’ Lots of enthusiasm from Parents – we need to make sure we are making the most of • this whilst ensuring what Parents want is also valuable to the school and that regulations are followed Each sub group and planned sub group now has a ‘Sponsor’ (Head or Deputy • Head) Sponsor is willing to meeting with the sub groups initially,, and to be part of decision • making processes Health and Wellbeing – Amanda Burton • Physical Health – Amanda Burton, Rob Bravesmith • Libraries – Eleanor Dickson • Arts – Sharon McGhee • Sustainability and Travel – Amanda Burton • Playground (Eleanor) Repairs (Sharon McGhee) Outdoor Education (Amanda Burton, • Rob Bravesmith) Homework – Johnathan Baxter •

  18. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel 3. Welcoming Committee 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  19. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel 3. Welcoming New Families 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  20. WELCOMING NEW FAMILIES • Next Coffee Morning – Friday 1st February from 9am to 10:30am • All welcome (pre school siblings always welcome) • We provide soft drinks and biscuits – bring a coffee!

  21. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel 3. Welcoming New Families 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  22. MUSIC SCHOOL • - Spring term usually busy for music school students preparing for annual assessments at end of February, to monitor progress (assessed by director and assistant director of music school and their instrumental teachers) and also ABRSM grade exams (March) - 'Homecoming' concert on 4th March at the Queens Hall : music school students and former music school students performing in a celebration of 20 years since Martyn Bennett's 'MacKay's Memoirs' was commissioned for the opening of the new Scottish parliament. Four former music school students

  23. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel 3. Welcoming New Families 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  24. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel 3. Welcoming New Families 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  25. AT FLORAS • • Since the last parent council meeting we have been working hard: • Portobello learning festival June 2019. Tickets have been purchased and staff to attend need to be identified. • The staff health and wellbeing library launches officially this Friday! • Gift of book to each staff member shortly before Christmas. This appears to have been well received. • Understanding your child course testing phase complete. • Launch of understanding your child course at the health and wellbeing curriculum event on 30th January and 4th February. •

  26. AT FLORAS • Next steps: • Planning before Easter holidays to look at health and wellbeing books for children. Have started to audit what already exists. • We are planning to begin to look at poverty 1 in 5 materials in the next month. • Firm plan for the art and resilience event developing at the moment. We plan to bring this to the march parent council meeting.

  27. AT FLORAS • • We are open to ideas! • Next meeting of the subgroup will be in March 2019 and we'd love to see you there :)

  28. 1. Introduction 2. Sustainability & Travel 3. Welcoming New Families 4. Music School 5. SUB GROUPS UPDATE 5. Homework 6. Health and Wellbeing 7. Physical Health

  29. PHYSICAL HEALTH • Active Challenge 2019 - Sunday May 12th provisional date • First planning meeting in the next few weeks • Anyone interested in coming please email joannabowden@hotmail.com in the next few days and I will send the doodle dates • Lots of on the day volunteers also needed

  30. PHYSICAL HEALTH • Physical activity : seeking a link teacher/PSA for PC to work with. Initial ideas: • A bespoke 10 minute Flora's aerobics routine, to be on offer at lunchtimes and impromptu.. • Identiying green spaces near the school which could be used - inc Fettes ground • Junior parkrun meet-ups - monthly with coffee in the park next to the playground after?

  31. PHYSICAL HEALTH • Healthier eating: Pupil-generated veggie recipes and cookbook • Waitrose supporting, aiming to secure a local celebrity chef:) • Idea to link in with caterers who supply Flora's - might they take on a new recipe • from time to time? Commitment for all fundraising events to have more healthy options (alongside the • cake) Edinburgh Community Food - monthly Friday lunchtime fruit and veg stall in school • playground? Consideration of how PC can support school catering staff •


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