excellence experience matter

Excellence & Experience Matter The Construction Law Practice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Excellence & Experience Matter The Construction Law Practice Group of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronofg LLP Everyone in the construction industry seeks timely resolution of the inevitable dispute. Whether its avoiding the

  1. Excellence & Experience Matter The Construction Law Practice Group of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronofg LLP

  2. Everyone in the construction industry seeks timely resolution of the inevitable dispute. Whether it’s avoiding the dispute to keep a project moving or working effectively through the legal process when the dispute is unavoidable, there is simply too much at stake and too many critical deadlines to allow unresolved disagreements to snowball.

  3. The Construction Law Practice Group of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP has the capability and experience to handle your construction challenges. Clients call us because we have a solid track record, and just as importantly, we have the industry knowledge and experience which is essential for success. We work intently up front, designing and employing a formal and detailed plan that engages all parties, focuses the team, and eliminates surprises. It is our job to keep your projects on track so that you can focus on your business. Clients call us because they respect and know our professionals – experienced construction lawyers who are supported by signifjcant bench strength and cutting- edge technology. We are the Construction Law Practice Group of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP. ExCELLEnCE & ExPERIEnCE MATTER | Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP

  4. that enhance their service and legal backgrounds attorneys have more than sentation. All told, our and private sector repre- with extensive public architect and attorneys which includes a licensed construction experience, for their hands-on Our attorneys are known to our clients. Our Construction Law have unique professional the construction industry. Our construction attorneys our excellence. and skills that demonstrate the background, experience Within our group, we have know how to handle them. We know the issues and we the construction industry. who truly understand comprised of attorneys Practice Group is 75 years of experience in ExCELLEnCE & ExPERIEnCE MATTER | Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP The Importance of the Team Experienced

  5. successfully present and defend claims. Construction litigation – prevention: your best strategy and mediators, so we understand what it takes to arbitration forums. Our attorneys also serve as arbitrators claims, as well as various boards of contract appeals and appeared in federal and state courts, including courts of workmanship and product failure disputes. We have work claims; delay, disruption and interference claims; subsurface claims; constructive change disputes; extra resolving construction disputes including: bid disputes; related professionals and insurers. We have experience in industry, including contractors, owners, construction- Benesch represents various parties in the construction construction. served as project counsel on almost $2 billion of new best tools to achieve success. We have successfully shifting legal principles. We equip our clients with the designed to manage those risks in light of constantly the construction industry today and provide contracts delivery system. We understand the risks inherent in contracts that match your plan to the precise project the utility of each. We can also develop the required management, design-build or EPC, we understand methodology. Be it a traditional method, or construction capabilities with the appropriate project delivery We have the industry knowledge to match our clients’ ExCELLEnCE & ExPERIEnCE MATTER | Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP Excellence Project Counseling

  6. Our years of experience in You will fjnd that our construction team represents the clients to handle construction issues from start to fjnish, clients’ interests at the highest levels. We work with our in large, complicated cases allow us to address our project with the same intensity. Our years of experience developments, from low-rise to high-rise, we attack every bridges and highways to multi-family residential with power plants, dams, refjneries, sport complexes, buildings and industrial facilities. From issues dealing building categories including tunnels, bridges, roads, organizations. We have fjrst-hand experience in many companies, as well as public entities and non-profjt Our clients include public, middle-market and emerging entire spectrum of construction industry participants. cooperatively and interactively. large, complicated cases alternative dispute resolution methods to handle confmicts allow us to address our clients’ interests at the highest levels. Once a project is underway, our team emphasizes preventative measures. We draw on our experience in quickly and effectively. Our attorneys are skilled advocates and facilitators in mediations, arbitrations, dispute review boards and litigation. We know how to use each of these forums effectively, and we can advise you on the most economical and creative methods to resolve your dispute. When formal litigation cannot be avoided, we are prepared to vigorously pursue our clients’ objectives. ExCELLEnCE & ExPERIEnCE MATTER | Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP Focused on Results

  7. AnCILLARY sERvICEs When it comes to construction disputes, excellence and experience are essential for success. LABoR PuBLIC LAW Learn more about the practice group that’s effjcient, experienced and efgective. Benesch has signifjcant experience working Benesch’s Public Law Practice Group and our Your call will be welcomed at either ohio offjce or by one of the specifjc attorneys listed. with administrative agency proceedings, subsidary, Public Policy Advocates, will at arbitration, collective bargaining, employment times have attorneys or lobbyists working law counseling, employment litigation, on behalf of clients before local, state and Barry J. Miller, Chair Thomas o. Crist, immigration law, non-compete agreements federal legislative bodies and executive branch (216) 363-4454 Co-Chair and trade secrets rights, and workers’ decision-makers, as well as before regulatory bmiller@bfca.com (216) 363-6108 compensation matters. and administrative agencies. Key areas include tcrist@bfca.com appellate practice, insurance regulatory, EnvIRonMEnTAL legislative afgairs, political action committee We counsel clients on environmental creation and reporting, public litigation and compliance and litigation, including hazardous defense. materials disposal/transportation/liability issues, brownfjeld redevelopment, wetlands FInAnCInG issues, lender liability, underground storage Benesch has extensive experience representing tanks, and environmental insurance. borrowers and lenders in connection with all aspects of fjnancing, including equity fjnancing, REAL EsTATE investment banking and mezzanine fjnancing. Clients turn to Benesch for our experience in our experience includes the fjnancing of real estate matters, including the acquisition commercial projects, hotels and hospitality- and development of retail/industrial/ related projects, plus multi-family, offjce, commercial projects, leasing, real estate warehouse, retail and industrial properties. fjnancing, sale/leasebacks, plus zoning and land use. DIsCLAIMER: This brochure is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. Any use of this brochure is for personal use only. All other uses are prohibited.

  8. CLEvELAnD 2300 BP Tower | 200 Public square | Cleveland, ohio 44114-2378 Phone: (216) 363-4500 | Fax: (216) 363-4588 CoLuMBus 41 south High street | 26th Floor | Columbus, ohio 43215-3506 Phone: (614) 223-9300 | Fax: (614) 223-9330 www.bfca.com

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