digital marketing strategies at large companies


DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES AT LARGE COMPANIES Cradle Fund Presentation You are not a large company Spend more in a month then you will ever get in seed funding Shock and awe launch Huge teams of people focused on


  2. You are not a large company ¨ Spend more in a month then you will ever get in seed funding ¨ ‘Shock and awe’ launch ¨ Huge teams of people focused on just doing one thing ¨ Cover every conceivable marketing channel ¨ Everything gets more complicated the bigger you get ¤ Limits to volume so CaC goes up

  3. Role of marketing manager ¨ Goal of online marketing is to drive traffic to your business /website at: Lowest cost 1. -> Profit per customer 1. Highest quality 2. -> Conversion 1. ¨ Good marketing managers can and need to do BOTH! ¤ This gets hard when you need to bigger volumes

  4. Marketing is more than generating traffic… show me the money! SEM, Social, Display…. Your Website Conversion AKA “Sale” 1 2 Attracting Converting Conversion TO the site Conversion ON the site (ie. Visitors, CTR) (ie. Conversions, CR)

  5. Channels tracked for orders ¨ Google / cpc ¨ Google / organic ¨ Sociomantic / Retargeting ¨ Facebook / Social Media Paid ¨ / referral ¨ Facebook / Social Media ¨ Newsletter / Email ¨ PR (direct) / (none) On site ¨ Homepage / Slider-Banner

  6. 5 pillars of conversion rate at ecommerce Quality of traffic 1. Marketing team 1. In Asia Volume of traffic 2. No traffic = no sales TRUST and 1. Marketing team 2. CONVENIENCE Price 3. Buying team 1. are key! Assortment 4. Buying team 1. Quality and relevancy of landing page 5. Onsite team 1.

  7. Watch out for last click attribution

  8. Marketing can get really expensive when you get big (and market small) CPO Market education cost # Customers

  9. Marketing as a function of growth not profit (Groupon ASCOI..) ¨ Revenue ¨ - COGS ¨ = Profit contribution 1 ¨ - All other non-marketing costs ¨ = Profit contribution 2 ¨ - Marketing cost ¨ = Profit contribution 3 (=EBITDA)

  10. Don’t focus on offline ¨ Focus is on online ¨ Why? ¤ Trackable (KEY!) ¤ Purchasing intent / Already on a computer ¤ Generally better CAC ¨ When do offline? ¤ You have spent so much cash online it gets expensive ¤ Brand building (Suppliers like it) ¤ Halo effect of multi-channel marketing ¤ TV costs a lot, but can bump sales fast!

  11. Key learnings to apply ¨ Test everything that moves ¨ Develop a hypothesis, list assumptions and test them ¨ Focus on what converts and kill what doesn’t ¨ Know your numbers!

  12. SEM ¨ Thousands of campaigns (Bundles of keywords) ¤ Need to capture all the volume you can across long tail ¨ Perfect for capturing specific purchasing intent ¨ Need to track all the time, ultimate binary keep/kill ¨ GDN (Display) and FB are good traffic driver, but quality lower than SEM

  13. SEO ¨ Long-term approach, think months and years ¨ Really important to drive down marketing cost over time, need to start ¨ Can also help cover up bad bloggers… ¨ Contribute to increasing your google ranking (Get on the first page) ¨ Want to get lots of backlinks ¤ Sites with good rep are more valuable (pareto) ¤ You can call/email people and ask!

  14. Newsletter examples ¨ Newsletters are a great source of converts ¤ Get higher LTV by re-activating ¨ Smiley faces in subject headers ¨ Sending from a person’s name not a company ¨ Segmentation to target different kinds of users ¨ Timing of the day you send ¤ Open rates ¨ Check what they look like across different clients ¤ Outlook often weird

  15. Social Media ¨ Focus on Facebook, don’t care about others ¨ ‘Gadgets go viral’ and convert well ¨ Boring stuff does not get shared ¨ Generally low IQ ¤ People like cats (Engagement) ¨ Social, social sharing have higher quality traffic at attractive cost

  16. Affiliates ¨ Beware, think of affiliates like real people ¤ If you do not convert they will kill you and will be difficult to sign them again ¤ How much you pay doesn’t matter if don’t convert!

  17. Sneaky and scrappy (AKA latent markets) ¨ Some models, people aren’t looking for you ¤ Twitter, Glossybox/Birchbox ¨ Content marketing can get you going (Forum posts) ¤ “We are 3 girls and not enough guys signed up” ¨ Viral ¤ Dollar shave club! ¨ Generating content for social sharing ¤ Memes

  18. Retargeting (Sociomantic) ¨ Ultimate stalking ¨ This is why you see ads everywhere after going to Lazada ¨ CAC is really good


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