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1 2 Colmar Brunton, in partnership with the Australian Marketing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 2 Colmar Brunton, in partnership with the Australian Marketing Institute, celebrate 10 years of the Australian Senior Marketer Monitor. Each year, since 2009, weve dived into the world of Australias senior marketing professionals. In

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  3. Colmar Brunton, in partnership with the Australian Marketing Institute, celebrate 10 years of the Australian Senior Marketer Monitor. Each year, since 2009, we’ve dived into the world of Australia’s senior marketing professionals. In this report, we take a look at how the marketing environment has changed over the last 12 months and how this compares to the last 10 years. Key focus areas include: For further information please contact: • Sentiments • Priorities Colmar Brunton • Anticipated budgets Clare Hampel | Director • Communication channels Clare.Hampel@colmarbrunton.com • Business challenges 07 3026 3000 • Preparedness in relation to these specific challenges. AMI Lee Tonitto | Chief Executive Officer lee.tonitto@ami.org.au 02 8256 1650 3

  4. 4 • • • • •   20% 14% <10 Professional Services Male 41 % 12% Education 10 to 20 21 to 100 101 to 11% 4% Other 10% Financial Services 10% Female 21% Health 57 % 6% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% Manufacturing Not for Profit 30% 1000 Services Other Technology >1000 25% younger 30 or 8% Retailing Property Services 31 - 40 years41 - 50 years 51+ years Communication 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 30% Energy 6% Sport and Recreation Construction 29% Media 1% 7% Transport / Distribution Wholesaling 37% 29% Mining 1% 18% Family services 25% 4% Telecommunications

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  6. 2018 Australian Senior Marketer Monitor. Since 2009 Colmar Brunton, in partnership with the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) has conducted an annual study of Australia's senior marketing professionals – providing insight into their sentiment and priorities, as well as the challenges faced and channels used. Key results for the most recent study are outlined below. Commercial Government / Not for Profit Top 3 increases 6% In Australia 22% 11% • • Increase sales Customer experience Social media 69% expect  • • Customer acquisition Social marketing 59% • • Customer experience Brand Online / digital ads Very positive Positive 67% expect  Neutral • • Negative Current period profits Spend efficiency Own Organisation Very negative 9% Content • • Spend efficiency Public engagement 33% 9% 62% expect  45% Top 3 decreases Commercial Government / Not for Profit Print Budget expectations next • • 37% expect  Customer acquisition Communicating message 12 months • • Creating differentiation Engaging key audiences 35% expect an increase Direct mail (19% on average) 22% expect  • Getting message to market • Measuring ROI 49% expect no change • • Customer retention Customer acquisition Radio 20% expect  16% expect a decrease • • Measuring ROI Stakeholder management (19% on average) 6

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  8. 2017 6% 11% 59% 22% 2016 4% 14% 60% 21% 2% 6% 2015 7% 15% 55% 22% 22% 11% 2014 10% 12% 45% 29% 2013 13% 8% 40% 37% 2012 11% 11% 45% 31% 2011 9% 10% 64% 16% 59% 2010 12% 9% 61% 17% 2009 7% 9% 67% 16% Very Negative (1-2) Negative (3-4) Neutral (5) Positive (6-7) Very Positive (8-9) Q. How do you feel about the role and influence of marketing in Australian organisations today? (9pt scale – very negative to very positive) Base sizes 2017 Total n=174. 8

  9. 2017 9% 9% 45% 33% 2016 8% 15% 40% 36% 4% 9% 2015 8% 12% 58% 22% 33% 9% 2014 10% 7% 58% 23% 2013 12% 10% 60% 18% 2012 12% 15% 58% 14% 2011 14% 10% 49% 24% 45% 2010 13% 11% 46% 28% 2009 10% 8% 47% 32% Very Negative (1-2) Negative (3-4) Neutral (5) Positive (6-7) Very Positive (8-9) Q. How do you feel about the role and influence of your marketing department/team in your organisation today? (9pt scale – very negative to very positive) Base sizes 2017 Total n=174 9

  10. 2017 2017 6% 11% 59% 22% 9% 9% 45% 33% 2016 2016 4% 14% 60% 21% 8% 15% 40% 36% 2015 7% 15% 55% 22% 2015 8% 12% 58% 22% 2014 2014 10% 12% 45% 29% 10% 7% 58% 23% 2013 2013 13% 8% 40% 37% 12% 10% 60% 18% 2012 11% 11% 45% 31% 2012 12% 15% 58% 14% 2011 2011 9% 10% 64% 16% 14% 10% 49% 24% 2010 2010 12% 9% 61% 17% 13% 11% 46% 28% 2009 7% 9% 67% 16% 2009 10% 8% 47% 32% Very Negative (1-2) Negative (3-4) Neutral (5) Positive (6-7) Very Positive (8-9) Q. How do you feel about the role and influence of marketing in Australian organisations today? (9pt scale – very negative to very positive) Q. How do you feel about the role and influence of your marketing department/team in your organisation today? (9pt scale – very negative to very positive) Base size 2017: Total n=174 10

  11. 35% 40% 18% 33% (Avg: +19%) 49% 46% 46% 58% 16% 14% 36% 8% (Avg: -19%) Q.. In 2018, how do you expect your marketing budget to change from 2017? Do you expect it to: Increase, stay the same, decrease Base sizes 2017: Total n=174, Commercial n=110, Government / Not for Profit n=64 11

  12. 32% 35% 34% 38% 41% 42% 44% 44% 38% 43% 38% 38% 49% 35% 36% 44% 28% 25% 24% 22% 21% 20% 16% 14% 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Q.. In 2018, how do you expect your marketing budget to change from 2017? Do you expect it to: Increase, stay the same, decrease Base size 2017: Total n=174 12

  13. “ “ “ Push from global to reduce our costs Profit squeeze and technical focus of the I work in childcare. The sector is run by organisation. Marketing is seen as an under-educated leaders who don't optional spend. understand what marketing is other than “ advertising / new lead generation. “ “ Less income, tightening of expenditure New management with lack of understanding of how marketing can contribute to the growth function of the “ More emphasis on relationship building business. Seen as a cost centre rather than a revenue centre. “ Tighter fiscal management - cuts across all 'support services' Organisational changes in higher managements/levels Q. What is driving this changes in your expected marketing budget? Open ended response. Base size 2017: Total n=174 13

  14. Acquiring new customers 85% Creating differentiation in the market place 74% Effectively getting your message to market 67% Maintaining current customer base 65% Measuring the effectiveness of marketing activity 64% Innovation 62% Maintaining pricing/margins 60% Keeping up with marketing trends and strategies 59% Demonstrating the contribution of marketing to senior… 57% Integrated campaign measurement 57% Committing sufficient budget to long term goals (e.g. brand building) 50% Budget allocation 50% Maintaining marketing budgets 48% Internal coordination of marketing activities 48% 44% Dealing with competition Harnessing of big data 43% Stakeholder management 41% Product issues (eg lifecycle need for product innovation) 32% High priority Supply channel, distribution issues 28% Collaboration with finance and procurement 19% Q. We are interested in your perceptions of the major marketing challenges you are facing in your organisation today (9 pt scale – very low level priority to very high level priority). Base size 2017: Commercial n=110 14

  15. Internal coordination of marketing activities 58% Maintaining current customer base 57% Acquiring new customers 55% Stakeholder management 55% Demonstrating the contribution of marketing to senior management/Board 55% Maintaining marketing budgets 55% Maintaining pricing/margins 54% Effectively getting your message to market 53% Budget allocation 53% 53% Dealing with competition Creating differentiation in the market place 52% Keeping up with marketing trends and strategies 52% Committing sufficient budget to long term goals (e.g. brand building) 50% Innovation 47% Product issues (eg lifecycle need for product innovation) 47% Measuring the effectiveness of marketing activity 45% Collaboration with finance and procurement 45% Feel well equipped to deal Feel well equipped to Integrated campaign measurement 42% with challenge deal with challenge Supply channel, distribution issues 38% Harnessing of big data 35% Q. And to what extent do you feel equipped to meet these challenges? Base size 2017: Commercial n=110 15

  16. Coord. marketing activities Maintaining customers Feels well equipped to deal with challenge Stakeholder mgt. Contribution of snr mgt/board Marketing budgets Acquiring new customers Pricing/margins Budget allocation Message to market Marketing trends Differentiation in market Competition Committing sufficient budget Product issues Innovation Measuring effectiveness Collaboration finance/procurement Integrated campaign measurement High priority challenges that commercial Supply/Distribution businesses feel ill-equipped to manage Big data Challenge – high priority Q. We are interested in your perceptions of the major marketing challenges you are facing in your organisation today (9 pt scale – very low level priority to very high level priority). Base size 2017: Commercial n=110 16


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