boundary proposal

Boundary Proposal Rationale: To address overcrowding at some schools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Boundary Proposal Rationale: To address overcrowding at some schools while more effectively using other school facilities that are under capacity . Some attendance boundaries also may need adjustments due to a new school opening in the area, as

  1. Boundary Proposal Rationale: To address overcrowding at some schools while more effectively using other school facilities that are under capacity . Some attendance boundaries also may need adjustments due to a new school opening in the area, as well as new construction of homes and/or multi-family living areas. *All 2018-19 sixth-grade students will be able to remain in their 2017-18 attendance boundary; however, no transportation will be provided. *All students will have the option to move to the 2018-19 boundaries for the 2017-18 school year. *Transportation rules apply (over 2.5 miles will be transported, under would need to pay for transportation). These students will not be considered transfer students.

  2. Proposed Attendance Boundary Changes Plan A West of I-35 Broken Arrow Elementary Christa McAuliffe Elementary Lenexa Hills Elementary Mill Creek Elementary Rhein Benninghoven Elementary Rising Star Elementary Shawanoe Elementary Sunflower Elementary

  3. Opportunity for Input from Community • Electronic Submission • Community Forums: April 11 – 77 attendees May 3 – 38 attendees • Orange/Yellow Card Submissions April orange cards – 34 submitted May yellow cards – 6 submitted • Numerous phone conversations • Board meeting public comment

  4. Summary of Input Overall Input Families want to be able to attend new schools in 2017-18. • Families want the choice to wait until 2018-19, appreciate the year to plan. • • Please continue to let sixth graders remain at current school. Transfers should be returned to home school prior to any boundary change. • Last minute concerns/changes by board members at May 22 board meeting. • Building-Specific Input • Support from Wedgewood for new plan. Support from Shawanoe to leave plan as written. Families want to move. • Support from others to not change Shawanoe. • Move new multi-family housing out of Rising Star. • Concerns about demographics of Rising Star with the new suggestions. • • Appreciate listening to input.

  5. Broken Arrow Elementary – Plan A Broken Arrow students living in Red Oak Hills will move to Lenexa Hills. Currently, there are approximately 21 students living in this section. (This area will remain in the SM Northwest area feeder pattern for middle and high school; however, students may choose to attend the SM West feeder). *Broken Arrow will be in the SM Northwest feeder pattern.

  6. Broken Arrow Elementary – Plan A BEFORE Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic BA 439 0% 5% 28% 14% 10% 42% 8% 3% 11% 51% AFTER Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic BA 417 0% 5% 29% 14% 10% 41% 8% 2% 12% 52% *Broken Arrow will house a district-level special education program. Enrollment values will increase above published values in this table.

  7. Broken Arrow Elementary – Plan A Proposed boundary Current boundary

  8. Christa McAuliffe Elementary – Plan A 1. Rhein Benninghoven students living from 71 st Street to Blackfish Parkway west of Rene/Park (all students on Rene and Park remain at Benninghoven) to Lackman will move to Christa McAuliffe. Currently, there are approximately 50 students living in this section. (These students will remain in the SM Northwest feeder pattern if they choose.) 2. Rhein Benninghoven students living in Autumn Park and Timberstone between Midland Drive and Lackman will have the choice to attend Rhein Benninghoven or Christa McAuliffe. Currently, there are approximately 27 students living in this section. ( They will have to determine their elementary school upon entrance.) 3. The SM Northwest students (see map) attending Christa McAuliffe will have a choice to attend the SM West feeder pattern or the SM Northwest feeder pattern. *Christa McAuliffe will be in the SM West feeder pattern with the exception of the small area SM Northwest students (see map).

  9. Christa McAuliffe Elementary – Plan A BEFORE Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic MU 394 1% 4% 5% 7% 5% 79% 6% 4% 3% 16% AFTER Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic MU 466* 0% 5% 5% 6% 5% 78% 6% 4% 4% 15% *These totals do not include the students from Autumn Park or Timberstone who may choose to attend CM.

  10. Christa McAuliffe Elementary – Plan A Current boundary Proposed boundary

  11. Lenexa Hills Elementary – Plan A 1. Sunflower students living west of I-435 from 103 rd Street to Midland Drive will move to Lenexa Hills. There are approximately 165 students in this area. This includes a small area assigned to Rosehill; however, there are currently no students living in this area. 2. Broken Arrow students living in Red Oak Hills will move to Lenexa Hills. Currently, there are approximately 21 students living in this section. (This area will remain in the SM Northwest feeder pattern for middle and high school; however, they may also choose the SM West feeder pattern.) *Lenexa Hills will be in the SM West feeder pattern with the exception of the small area of SM Northwest students (see map).

  12. Lenexa Hills Elementary – Plan A BEFORE Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Multi- School N Am. Indian Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Ethnic LH 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% AFTER Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Multi- School N Am. Indian Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Ethnic LH 172+ 0% 3% 23% 8% 7% 58% 8% 1% 3% 44% *Lenexa Hills will house a district-level special education program and a Pre-K program. Enrollment values will increase above published values in this table.

  13. Lenexa Hills Elementary – Plan A Proposed boundary Proposed boundary

  14. Mill Creek Elementary – Plan A 1. Rhein Benninghoven students living from 71 st Street to Blackfish Parkway between Pflumm and Westglen Lane will move to Mill Creek. Currently, there are approximately 17 students living in this section. 2. Shawanoe students living west of Quivira will move to Mill Creek. Currently, there are approximately 74 students living in this section. *Mill Creek will be in the SM Northwest feeder pattern.

  15. Mill Creek Elementary – Plan A BEFORE Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic MC 374 1% 3% 2% 4% 8% 82% 7% 3% 3% 10% AFTER Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic MC 464 1% 3% 3% 8% 8% 77% 8% 2% 8% 17%

  16. Mill Creek Elementary – Plan A Proposed boundary Current boundary

  17. Rhein Benninghoven Elementary – Plan A 1. Rhein Benninghoven students living from 71 st Street to Blackfish Parkway west of Rene/Park (all students on Rene and Park remain at Benninghoven) to Lackman will move to Christa McAuliffe. Currently, there are approximately 50 students living in this section. (These students will remain in the SM Northwest feeder pattern if they choose.) 2. Rhein Benninghoven students living from 71 st Street to Blackfish Parkway east of Pflumm to Westglen Lane will move to Mill Creek. Currently, there are approximately 17 students living in this section. (These students will remain in the SM Northwest feeder pattern.) 3. Rhein Benninghoven students living in Autumn Park and Timberstone between Midland Drive and Lackman will have the choice to attend Rhein Benninghoven or Christa McAuliffe. Currently, there are approximately 27 students living in this section. (They will have to determine their elementary school upon entrance and remain in that path.) *Rhein Benninghoven will be in the SM Northwest feeder pattern.

  18. Rhein Benninghoven Elementary – Plan A BEFORE Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic BH 567 0% 6% 10% 13% 4% 67% 5% 2% 10% 31% AFTER Boundary Changes (Current Enrollment – 2/20/2017) Am. Multi- School N Asian Black Hispanic White Disabled Gifted ESL F/R Indian Ethnic BH 477 0% 5% 11% 14% 4% 65% 6% 1% 11% 35% *Benninghoven may house a district-level Pre-K program. Enrollment values will increase above published values in this table. *Numbers don’t reflect students leaving from Autumn Park or Timberstone to attend Christa McAuliffe.

  19. Rhein Benninghoven Elementary – Plan A Proposed boundary Current boundary


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