appearance of the city of virginia beach award categories

appearance of the City of Virginia Beach. Award Categories - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The purpose of this awards program is to showcase outstanding quality and innovative design solutions in the built environment, which have furthered the design principles of the Citys various Design Guidelines to enhance the general community

  1. The purpose of this awards program is to showcase outstanding quality and innovative design solutions in the built environment, which have furthered the design principles of the City’s various Design Guidelines to enhance the general community appearance of the City of Virginia Beach.

  2. Award Categories  Residential Development  Commercial Development  Mixed Use Development  Industrial Development  Rural Area Development  Redevelopment  Renovation / Adaptive Reuse  Sustainable Development  Strategic Growth Areas  Public Facilities

  3.  Honor Awards : A maximum of two awards are possible in each category to recognize superior development and execution.  Merit Awards : A maximum of two awards are possible in each category to recognize exemplary development and execution.

  4.  Enhances context  Contributes to the City’s overall quality of life and livability  Features a unique design, construction materials or construction processes  Incorporates open space and/or protects the City’s natural environment  Achieves quality community design reflecting Design Guidelines

  5. Developer: Erik Homes, LLC Project Designer: Land Planning Solutions Engineers: Gallup Surveyors and Engineers Contractor: Zimmerman Development

  6. Developer: Harmony Investments, Spy Rock Real Estate Group Architect: Cox, Kliewer & Company, P.C. Landscape Architect: Siska Aurand Engineers: MSA; Speight, Marshall & Francis; and PM&E Design Group Contractor: Hoy Construction

  7. Architect and Engineer: HDR Architecture Contractor: Whiting-Turner

  8. Architect and Engineer: EYP Architecture & Engineering, PC Contractor: Whiting-Turner

  9. Owner: Douglas Davis Architect: Finley Design Architecture and Interiors Engineer: Martin Engineering Contractor: DAVCON, Inc.

  10. Owner and Designer: Al and April Habit

  11. Before

  12. Developer: Bishard Development Project Designers: Progressive Designs and Bishard Development Engineer: MSA Contractor: Bishard Development

  13. Before

  14. Owner: Philip Russo, Jr Architect: Ionic DeZign Studios Engineer: Martin Engineering Contractor: JD&W, Inc.

  15. Architect: Dills Architects Landscape Architect: WPL, Inc. Engineers: Sinclair Pratt Cameron and Site Improvements Associates Contractor: McKenzie Construction

  16. Architect: Waller, Todd & Sadler Architects, Inc. Landscape Architect: WPL, Inc. Engineers: MSA; Hickman-Ambrose, Inc; and Stroud, Pence & Associates Contractor: Blueridge General, Inc.

  17. Owner: Gold Key/PHR Hotels and Resorts Architect: NCG Architects Engineer: Stroud, Pence, and Associates (Structural) Contractor: Mid-Eastern Builders Interior Designer: CLEO Design

  18. Architect: Guernsey Tingle Architects Engineers: MSA; Speight, Marshall & Francis; and Design Learned, Inc. Contractor: Armada Hoffler Construction Company Other: Roach Consulting Engineers; TAM Consultants; PACE Collaborative; and Miller, Bean, and Paganelli Inc.

  19. Designer: Cox, Kliewer & Company, P.C. Engineers: Speight, Marshall & Francis; WPL; and William E. Dashiell, PE Contractor: MEB General Contractors Other: Virginia Beach Police Foundation


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