a step change in water distribution for amp6 how are we

A Step Change in Water Distribution for AMP6 how are we going to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Step Change in Water Distribution for AMP6 how are we going to make it happen? Alan Payne BSc CEng MICE General Manager Severn Trent Water Challenges Challenges Challenges Challenges Our customers expect a water supply that is:

  1. A Step Change in Water Distribution for AMP6 – how are we going to make it happen? Alan Payne BSc CEng MICE General Manager Severn Trent Water

  2. Challenges Challenges Challenges Challenges Our customers expect a water supply that is: always on good to drink at the right pressure delivered at an affordable price. When things go wrong they expect they expect faults to be rectified with minimal impact. This is being reinforced through the new Ofwat measures – interruptions over 3 hours, serviceability and Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM) This poses some management challenges for Water Companies and in particular Severn Trent Water: •Estimating the impact of climate change and demographics on future consumption •Continuing to reduce leakage and maintain the lowest per capita consumption •Achieving stable serviceability and safeguarding future generations with an aging network •Achieving zero complaints for all aspects of water quality – pressure, discolouration etc •Getting the right balance between resilience v optimised network v capacity to trade water •Developing a risk based investment programme – understanding the criticality and condition of our underground assets •Real time data – we need to know things have gone wrong before our customers tell us •Minimise operational/energy costs Ideally we wouldn’t start from where we are. We need a strategy to ensure that informs the development of our current network into one that is fit for tomorrows requirements

  3. C Bridge Career Development Planning What do we need to focus on? Developing our Strategic Plan . Tomorrow’s P ressure Management Controllable seasonal Development of Correct pressure settings for PRV’s Setting our Standard Network Pressure zones or settings for PRV’s Aligned inspection, maintenance remotely controlled and replacement strategies Pressure Loggers Pressure logged and managed Dynamic response to fluctuations areas Analysis of Telemetry Strategy AZNP AMP7 Operating conditions and Establishment of a Network that keeps pace with demand cycles understood Data Store And managed within Intelligent Network Set parameters for prescribed limits Developing the People for Tomorrow Q and V TOT Ops – Greater Assets that self Dist/WP/Delivery interconnectivity identify On line monitoring Trading Opportunities realised Up to date data Aqueduct AMP6 inspections Trunk main cleaning Ability to model impact with O Design and construction standards sensitivity analysis to manage environmental risks; Reduced reliance ingress, contamination etc. on batteries and Capacity AMP5 – Year 5 energy suppliers Trunk main risk model Spare Energy harnessed Known and Tested supply options incorporated by design Self service MI Minimise pumping On line Cl2 decay Model to assess and NTU monitoring Energy/ opex Asset tagging AMP5 – Year 4 the impact of asset deterioration and Strategy Ability to model Set parameters for alternative impact or failures Fe, Mn , Al, Cl2, intervention Event Evaluation under typical and organics, water options stressed conditions turnover Continuous Quality Resilience Asset Deterioration Learning Records

  4. Water Trading: Realistic proposition or aspirational? Developing the hub concept for Severn Trent Water Items to consider: •Raw water / treated water •Operational use –emergency only? •Water quality •Value of water •Who pays? STW for the benefit of Anglian? To make this a reality it will need change of mindset and national leadership to co-ordinate the Water Industry, Regulators and Politicians

  5. Establish Network Design Authority to oversee the end to end process & remove the silo mentality Leakage All trying to Pressure optimise their Quality individual Control areas Growth Customer Modelling & Risk Investment Zonal Profile Planning Investigation Clear Integrated operation, asset maintenance strategies & investment Asset Performance Optimisation Construction standards Base External impact from climate change, resources & social needs including affordability

  6. What needs to change to enable us to make the step change? National approach Company approach Supply Chain approach We need strategic leadership Change of mindset Evolve from project to to define the rules and help •Balance of longterm programme identify most likely scenario – effectiveness v efficiency lack of clarity results in short- •Stop blaming Regulatory Short term contract to long termism and stagnation regime on short-termism term partners Customer and stakeholder Better alignment of asset Competitors to collaborators engagement on needs strategies and communicate to suppliers Take a system approach Build case for investment to secure network for future Move from reactive to •New standards for build generations proactive •Development of integrated systems To incentivise water trading Invest in more R&D and make •More consideration of how the most of what we already to operate and maintain for have the next 100 years Many of the solutions lie with industry leaders to make this happen


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