A database of reference values of trace element levels in a population of provinces for forecasting of human health and environmental pollution
Human biomonitoring can be defined as “the method for assessing human exposure to chemicals or their effects by measuring these chemicals, their metabolites or reaction products in human specimens” It provides data on both environmental pollution and the rate of human exposure to this pollution.
Goal of the project To create a database of reference values of the content of metals in the population as a tool of public health and environmental control. Reference ranges Due to the regional difference in environmental pollution patterns, the universal “normal” values are useless. The existence of the reference values increases the informational outcome of the analysis and helps to detect abnormal changes in the parameters analyzed.
Solution To perform analysis of trace elements in hair and liquid biosubstrates for the purpose of biomonitoring of effects of essential and toxic trace elements on population living in a certain territory. ICP-AES/ICP-MS whole blood urine hair blood plasma 12 – 40 chemical elements
Example Hair selenium in regions of Russia (men 25- 50 y/o, µg/g)
Economic outcome Prevention of environmentally caused diseases through actions based on the elemental composition data of the population’s biosubstrates economically is much more advantageous for the state than the treatment. The project will reduce the indirect costs of the budget related to the disability itself, as well as the direct costs of the remedial measures
Contacts Anatoly V. Skalny Center for Biotic Medicine, Moscow, Russia skalnylab@gmail.com skalny3@microelements.ru
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