DATABASE SECURITY CS4750 – Database Systems Prof. Nada Basit Email: Fall 2020 University of Virginia 1
Levels of DB Security There are 6 levels that impact database security Database Level – database users and authorization Application Level – information management and processing Operating System Level – data storage and protection Network Level – data transmission Physical Level – computer equipment protection Human Level – social engineering protection Security is important not only at the database level, but the entire database application. Breaches can happen at any of these levels. 2
Application Level 3
Application Level Write programs with security in mind from the beginning! Guard against SQL injection attacks ! Use prepared statements Strong typing of applications to prevent type errors! Expect back a particular type (nothing else) Catch and handle all errors! Encrypt data when possible! Don’t use open channels through the application! Programmer/developer accessing code securely: SSH 4
SQL INJECTION ATTACK VIDEOS 5 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
SQL Injection Attack Given a SQL query where some portion is blank and left for us to fill in, we attempt to fill in the query with a string that: Matches the correct format Also contains some extra commands to get data that we should not be allowed to see 6
Classic SQL Injection Consider the following SQL query: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username='$username' AND Password='$password' Such a query is typically used from a web application in order to authenticate a user If the query returns a value it means that inside the database a user with that set of credentials exists, then the user is allowed to login to the system, otherwise access is denied The values of the input fields are generally obtained from the user through a web form / login screen 7
Classic SQL Injection Let’s use the same SQL query: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username='$username' AND Password='$password' What happens if we insert the following Username and Password values: $username = 1’ or ‘1’ = ‘1 $password = 1’ or ‘1’ = ‘1 The query will be: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username=‘ 1' OR '1'='1' AND Password='1' OR '1'='1' The query returns a value (or a set of values) because the condition is always true (OR 1=1). In this way the system has authenticated the user without knowing the username and password! 8
SQL Injection Attacks Using this attack strategy, if not using a prepared statement (for instance) it means … You can type in what ever you want including SQL – this is how SQL injection attacks happen E.g. for UN type in something, for password type in ‘ or 1=1 The ‘ closes quote (blank string) How often is 1=1? Always true! Can then be creative afterwards using nested SQL query 9
Simple attack: guessing the password (brute force… but if you got the time…!) SELECT username FROM UsersTbl WHERE username='' AND password='' The idea is to execute an SQL injection attack that will tell you something about the actual password If you construct a statement that is TRUE, the system will log you in So ask questions that have a TRUE or FALSE response Slowly build up to the information that you need! (Hint: use LIKE ) Use LIKE to compare a guess for the password with the actual password. Using regex/pattern matching symbol ‘ % ’ we build a query that tacks on a password comparison in the username field ...WHERE username='admin' AND password LIKE 'a%' #' AND password='...' Type this in both the username and password fields. (# = a comment) 10
Simple attack: guessing the password (brute force… but if you got the time…!) SELECT username FROM UsersTbl WHERE username='' AND password='' Use LIKE to compare a guess for the password with the actual password. Using regex/pattern matching symbol ‘ % ’ we build a query that tacks on a password comparison in the username field ...WHERE username='admin' AND password LIKE 'a%' #' AND password='...' Type this in both the username and password fields. (# = a comment) Let’s assume we know the username is admin , when we submit this, the query checks if the username is admin and if the additional password comparison is true The query ends and the original password check NEVER executes since it is commented out! (# = a comment) After injecting this, we see this results in “ Incorrect username or password ”. So we keep trying different characters until we have successfully logged in. If we’re logged in, we know the question is true! (Remember, % matches 0 or more characters, if you wanted to match one character use _ ) For example: ‘_c%’ checks if the 2 nd character is a “c” 11
SQL Injection Attack Tool: Get Password Activity /sqlinject/activity/activity.php Tool developed by Dr. Nada Basit, Joseph Chen, Alexander Sun, Rohan Koduri, and Vamshi Garikapati 12
SQL Injection Attack Examples SQL injection is not new and has been used quite frequently to attack websites and companies For a list of examples, see: 13 In Popular Culture Unauthorized login to web sites by means of SQL injection forms the basis of one of the subplots in J.K. Rowling 's novel The Casual Vacancy , published in 2012. An xkcd cartoon involved a character Robert'); DROP TABLE students;- - named to carry out a SQL injection. As a result of this cartoon, SQL injection is sometimes informally referred to as 'Bobby Tables'. In 2014, an individual in Poland legally renamed his business to Dariusz Jakubowski x'; DROP TABLE users; SELECT '1 in an attempt to disrupt operation of spammers’ harvesting bots . Companies House , the UK's official register of companies, has a company named ; DROP TABLE "COMPANIES";-- LTD The 2015 game Hacknet has a hacking program called SQL_MemCorrupt. It is described as injecting a table entry that causes a corruption error in a SQL database, then queries said table, causing a SQL database crash and core dump. 14 ; 15
SQL INJECTION USEFUL SITE REVIEW (FYI) 16 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Question: Which DB level is the cause of the most DB break-ins ? Database Level Application Level Operating System Level Network Level Physical Level Human Level Did you have the chance to think about it? 17
Human Level What % of all DB break-ins do you think occur at level 6? More than 90% happen at the Human level! An estimated 70% of unauthorized access to information is committed by internal employees — who are also responsible for more than 95% of intrusions that result in significant financial losses!! 18
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