skills that work proje ject

Skills that Work Proje ject Improving the em emplo loyabil ility - PDF document

Skills that Work Proje ject Improving the em emplo loyabil ility of of low an and mid iddle-skil illed wor orkers through Qualit ity App pprenticeship ips The Skil ills ls that Work Project ct is a joint effort of the International

  1. Skills that Work Proje ject Improving the em emplo loyabil ility of of low an and mid iddle-skil illed wor orkers through Qualit ity App pprenticeship ips

  2. The Skil ills ls that Work Project ct is a joint effort of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the JPMorgan Chase Foundation to promote Quality Apprenticeships as an effective means to provide young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with labour market-relevant skills, and exposure to the work environment. The JPMorgan Chase Foundation is providing support for this project as part of its New Skills at Work programme, which aims to identify strategies and support data-driven solutions that help improve labour market infrastructure and develop the skilled workforce globally. Why y Qua Quality A ski A skilled ed lab labou our forc orce Job obs s for or you youth Apprenticesh App ships? s? for or em empl ployers Quality Apprenticeships are The level of education is Employers face challenges a unique form of technical rising globally, but in many to hire workers with labour vocational education and countries, education and market-relevant skills and training (TVET), combining training systems do not training for the jobs that on-the-job training and off- provide young people with are available. Quality the-job learning. They the skills they need to Apprenticeships help provide an effective means access the labour market enterprises train workers to facilitate the school-to- with full and productive and develop the skills work transition and necessary to satisfy their jobs. Quality develop labour market- Apprenticeships enhance current and future human relevant skills. young people’s resources needs. employability to improve their livelihoods.

  3. The Ski Skills s tha hat Wor ork Proj ojec ect has has thr hree com omponents: 1) 1) Incr ncreasi sing g the he kno nowledg dge on on the he nati ationa nal init initiatives s to o prom promote e Qua Quality Appr Apprenticesh ships s in in G20 20 cou ountries Many countries have recognized the importance of apprenticeships. Apprenticeships help young people find jobs, while also supporting enterprises to find workers with the skills they need. Through a su surve vey, the project collects nat ation onal al in init itiat ativ ives to to promot ote Qual alit ity Appre Ap rentic icesh ship ips taken by governments, employers, and worker organizations in G20 countries. The results of the survey will be reflected in a re report rt that will highlight good practices to promote Quality Apprenticeships. The project will organize a tri ripart rtit ite peer-le learn rnin ing meetin ing to present the main findings of the report and to provide a forum for participating countries to share good practices. 2) Resea 2) esearching g the he no non-marketabl ble ben benef efits of of ap appre prenticesh ships s in in Sou South h Afr African enterprise en ses Quality Apprenticeships help young people acquire jobs, but they also make a good business case for enterprises. The project has reviewed the different approaches to measure the cost sts an and benefit its of of ap appre rentic icesh ships, s, published in a dis iscuss ssion on paper. However, there is limited research on other potential benefits of apprenticeships. The project will develop a method odol ology to to re resear arch the non on-mark rketable le benefit its of of ap appre rentic iceship ips that will be pilot-tested in South African enterprises. The results of the research will be published in a report ort and pre resented to to emp mplo loyers in in South Afri rica. 3) 3) Too ools s for or Qua Quality App Apprenticesh ships s in in Enterprise ses Enterprises hire apprentices to train young people who will then constitute their future labour force. However, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face particular challenges to offer Quality Apprenticeships. These include the lack of time and step-by-step knowledge to hire and train an apprentice. The project will provide prac actical al tool ols for man anagers rs, especially those in SMEs, to to desi sign an and imple lement their ow own Qual alit ity Appre rentic icesh ship ip programme, providing them with a solid framework to properly hire and train apprentices.

  4. The Skil ills that Work Proje ject ct is in line with the Unit ited Nat ation ons 2030 2030 Age genda for or Sust stai ainab able Deve De velopment. The project contributes to three key Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 4: Quality Education; Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. By improving the Thanks to the unique form Through the promotion of employability of young of on-the-job training and Quality Apprenticeships, people through the off-the-job learning of the project contributes to development of labour Quality Apprenticeships, achieving decent work and the project contributes to economic growth through market-relevant skills, the project promotes their increasing the number of full and productive jobs. economic and social young people and adults inclusion and contributes who have relevant skills for to their income growth. employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship. In cooperatio ion wi with: Skills that Wo Work rk Pr Proje ject International Labour Organization (ILO) Route des Morillons 4, Geneva 1211 Switzerland Photos: ILO, WorldSkills


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