be better ter publ blic ic transpor ansport t proj oject


CAMBOURNE MBOURNE TO C O CAMBRIDGE MBRIDGE BE BETTER TER PUBL BLIC IC TRANSPOR ANSPORT T PROJ OJECT ECT Project Pr ject Up Updat date Pet eter er Bl Blak ake, e, GCP P Tran anspor sport t Direct ctor Pr Proje ject ct

  1. CAMBOURNE MBOURNE TO C O CAMBRIDGE MBRIDGE BE BETTER TER PUBL BLIC IC TRANSPOR ANSPORT T PROJ OJECT ECT Project Pr ject Up Updat date Pet eter er Bl Blak ake, e, GCP P Tran anspor sport t Direct ctor

  2. Pr Proje ject ct Upda Update e • Extensive work to develop the Cambourne to Cambridge scheme - 3 public consultations • Since the Local Liaison Forum in November 2018: o Consultation on Phase 2 - Madingley Mulch roundabout to Cambourne, including over 30 public events, speaking with over 800 residents o Workshops with the LLF Technical Group, on the following subjects • Modelling • Wider Economic Impacts • Environmental Scoring and Mitigation – two workshops held; • Madingley Hill ‘Quick Wins’ – two workshops held; • Northern Route – two workshops held • Non Motorised Access and Landscape and Ecology Working Groups to inform the scheme design • Publication of technical notes in response to stakeholder feedback to - • Explore ‘quick - win’ options along Madingley Hill. Viable projects avoid land take and significant environmental impact and minimise input from, or impact on, third parties, restricting options to a short section of public transport lane, extension of cycling improvements and review of signal timings. • Provide further clarification on why a northern alignment via Girton was previously discounted. Technical papers available on the LLF Cambourne to Cambridge section on the GCP website.

  3. Pr Projec ject t Up Updat date e • Work is ongoing; in particular around environmental and mitigation issues • Continued dialogue with LLF and further Tech Group workshops • Continuing stakeholder engagement - meetings and council and community presentations • A further LLF meeting in the Autumn in advance of an Outline Business Case being presented to the GCP Executive Board for decision on a preferred scheme

  4. CAMBOURNE MBOURNE TO C O CAMBRIDGE MBRIDGE BE BETTER TER PUBL BLIC IC TRANSPOR ANSPORT T PROJ OJECT ECT Ph Phas ase e 2 Consultation nsultation Findi ndings ngs Mi Mike e Soper per, , Resear search ch Team eam Ma Manag ager er

  5. Res espo ponse nse • 968 responses, drawn mainly from the A428 Corridor • 32% from Cambourne and further west. • 31% from Coton to Caldecote (see map below)

  6. Dem emogra ographi phics cs Disability Yes, 5% Prefer not to say, 4% Age Range 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Under 15 1% 15-24 3% No, 91% 25-34 11% 35-44 19% Economic Status 45-54 22% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 55-64 17% In education 4% 65-74 17% Employed 57% 75 and above 7% Prefer not to say 3% Self-employed 9% A home-based worker 3% A stay at home parent, carer or similar 1% Retired 25% Prefer not to say 3% Other 1%

  7. Stak akehold eholder ers • 35 written submissions (in addition to on-going engagement). Stake holder response list (summarised in the report) Abbotsley Parish Council Great Gransden Parish Council Barton Parish Council Hardwick Parish Council Bourn Parish Council Heidi Allen, MP British Horse Society Hill Residential Ltd and Chivers Farms Cambridge Connect (Hardington) LLP Cambridge Local Access Forum Historic England Cambridge Past, Present & Future K4One Consulting Caxton Parish Council National Trust CB3 Ltd Natural England CBAG Omobono Ltd Cllr Gavin Clayton Paragon Land and Estates Ltd Cllr Markus Gehring Pigeon Investment Management Ltd Comberton Parish Council Road Haulage Association Coton Parish Council Save Coton Corridor Coton View Save the West Fields Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd Smarter Cambridge Transport Dry Drayton Parish Council Toft Parish Council East Anglian Haulage Ltd / Madingley Wildlife Trust Mulch / Madmix

  8. Pr Pref eferre erred d lin ink betw etween een Mad adin ingl gley Mul ulch ch roun unda dabou bout t an and d Bourn urn Air irfie ield None of the above, 9% Don't know, 4% Option 3: On-road with public transport priority lanes, 21% Option 1: Off-road, 48% Option 2: On-road with junction improvements, 19%

  9. Park Park an and R d Rid ide l e loca cati tion on pr pref efer erence ence No preference, 12% Neither site, 8% Option B - Waterworks, 17% Option A - Scotland Farm, 63%

  10. Impo portan ance ce of wal alkin ing, g, cycli cling ng an and eques d equestri trian an rout utes es 59% 21% 10% 6% 4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Very important Quite important Neutral Not very important Not at all important

  11. CAMBOURNE MBOURNE TO C O CAMBRIDGE MBRIDGE BE BETTER TER PUBL BLIC IC TRANSPOR ANSPORT T PROJ OJECT ECT Envir ironm onmen ent t & L & Lands dscape pe James es Montgomer gomery y Mott t McDon Donald

  12. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on Road surfacing is under discussion - Indicative general route design options determined by vehicle and guidance type Openness Screening/Integration Left hand represents open area treatment Right hand represents treatment with screening

  13. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on Broadway to Sterling Way Illustrative sketch only Not for scaling purposes

  14. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on St Neots Road – Option 1 Illustrative sketch only Not for scaling purposes

  15. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on St Neots Road – Option 2 Illustrative sketch only Not for scaling purposes

  16. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on St Neots Road – Option 3 Illustrative sketch only Not for scaling purposes

  17. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on Madingley Rise Options 1. Screen route or leave open as shown here 2. Increase hedge planting down from Madingley Road towards Coton (red arrow)

  18. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on Route Alignment Options - Coton Orchard and west of Cambridge Road:

  19. Dis iscussi ussion on on mit itig igati tion on Cambridge Road @ Coton St Neots Road This distance is open for discussion – Illustrative sketch only Not for scaling purposes could be between 12m and 40m

  20. Envir ironm onmen ent t and l d lands dscape pe Key environmental issues • Internationally and Nationally significant – American Cemetery • Nationally significant – Madingley Wood SSSI • Listed buildings (St Peters Church, and 17 other lower grade structures in proximity to off-route alignment) • Landscape impacts of construction and during operation (views from Red Meadow Hill, for example) • Potential for buried archaeology in West Fields, Waterworks and Scotland Farm • Local wildlife sites (West Cambridge/M11 area) • Coton Orchard (habitat and commercial activity) • Noise concerns around St Neots Road (Waterworks to Scotland Farm area), Coton and Rifle Range Road • TPO trees • Flood risk around Bin Brook • Some protected species – mobile and variable along the route

  21. Envir ironm onmen ent t and l d lands dscape pe Community drop-in sessions at Hardwick Primary School We are holding two community drop-in sessions at Hardwick Primary School, Thursday 11 th July, 5pm-8pm Saturday 13 th July from 10.30am-1.30pm. This will be an opportunity to see proposed features to protect and potentially enhance biodiversity, ask questions of the project team and share views.



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