2018 shaw charity classic volunteer orientation welcome

2018 SHAW CHARITY CLASSIC Volunteer Orientation WELCOME VOLUNTEERS! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 SHAW CHARITY CLASSIC Volunteer Orientation WELCOME VOLUNTEERS! Introductions General Tournament Information Schedule of Events Volunteer Information Dos & Donts Q & A Breakout Sessions

  1. 2018 SHAW CHARITY CLASSIC Volunteer Orientation

  2. WELCOME VOLUNTEERS!  Introductions  General Tournament Information  Schedule of Events  Volunteer Information  Do’s & Don’ts  Q & A  Breakout Sessions with Committee Chairs

  3. QUICK FACTS Dates: August 29 th to September 2 nd   Location: Canyon Meadows Golf & Country Club  Field: 78 Professionals (minimum 50 years of age)  Purse: $2.35 million (USD)  Defending Champion: Scott McCarron  Broadcast: Golf Channel  Attendance: 45,250 (2017)  Charitable Donations: $8.3 million (2017)

  4. CHARITABLE IMPACT 2017 PGA TOUR Champions record $8.3 million raised • $22.1 million five year total • Supporting 159 children & youth charities • 2018 $10 million goal • 180 children & youth charities •



  7. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS August 27 th Monday Practice Rounds Blakes Women’s Day presented by RBC – 8:00 am – 1:30 pm August 28 th Tuesday Practice Rounds Tournament Qualifier (off-site) On-Site Clinics RBC Championship Pro-Am Pairings Party – 6:00 to 9:00 pm August 29 th Wednesday RBC Championship Pro-Am (tee-times off #1 and #10 tees) Flight 1 – 7:10 am to 9:20 am Flight 2 – 12:20 pm to 2:30 pm August 30 th Thursday RBC Championship Pro-Am (tee-times off #1 and #10 tees) Flight 1 – 7:10 am to 9:20 am Flight 2 – 12:20 pm to 2:30 pm August 31 st Friday First Round (off #1 and #10 tees) – 9:00 to 11:10 am September 1 st Saturday Second Round (off #1 and #10 tees) – 9:00 to 11:10 am Volunteer Party sponsored by Jayman 4:00 to 6:30 pm September 2 nd Final Round (off #1 and #10 tees) – 9:50 am to 12:00 pm Sunday Trophy Ceremony and Champions Toast – Immediately after play


  9. VOLUNTEER PACKAGE Volunteer eer U Uniform  Uniform Exchange *quantities available in each size are limited* Thursday, August 23 rd 5:30- 7:30 PM   Additional uniforms can be purchased in the Volunteer Centre staring Monday, August 27 th • Volunteer eer I Informati tion Card  Please take the time to review the volunteer information card • Lanyard *Please attach to your volunteer badge

  10. VOLUNTEER CREDENTIALS  Non- Transferrable Volunteer Badge  Transferrable Weekly Grounds Badge  Weekly Volunteer Parking Pass (Lot G)

  11. VOLUNTEER CENTRE Located between the 1 st and 7 th holes   Hours of Operation:  Monday & Tuesday – 7:00 AM- 4:30 PM  Wednesday & Thursday – 5:45 AM – 6:30 PM  Friday & Saturday – 6:45 AM – 4:45 PM  Sunday – 7:45 AM – 5:45 PM  Please do not use the Volunteer Centre on days you are not volunteering  No guests are permitted in the Volunteer Centre  Meal vouchers  Volunteer raffle  Shift check-in location (for some committees)

  12. FOOD & BEVERAGE  Free coffee & tea for on duty volunteers provided by Planet Coffee August 27 th Monday BREAKFAST provided by TIM H HOR ORTON ONS LUNCH provided by SPOT O ON August 28 th Tuesday BREAKFAST provided by TIM H HOR ORTON ONS LUNCH provided by DIRTBEL ELLY Wednesday August 29 th BREAKFAST provided by CO COBS BS LUNCH provided by BOSTON ON P PIZZA Thursday August 30 th BREAKFAST provided by CO COBS BS LUNCH provided by BOSTON ON P PIZZA Friday August 31 st BREAKFAST provided by CO COBS BS LUNCH provided by SPOLUMBO MBOS September 1 st BREAKFAST provided by CO Saturday COBS BS BBQ DINNER – VOLUNT NTEER P PART RTY September 2 nd PANCAKE BREAKFAST provided by SHAW Sunday AW

  13. FASCIAL STRETCH THERAPY DEMOS We are pleased to announce that a team of Fascial Stretch Therapists (FST) will be offering free 15 minute Fascial Stretch demos exclusively to volunteers Friday through Sunday! Fascial Stretch Therapy is a form of assisted stretching used by professional athletes, avid golfers, gym goers and everyone in between for injury prevention and rehabilitation, and increasing range of motion while decreasing pain.

  14. VOLUNTEER PARTY Sponsored by On Saturday, September 1 st celebrate six years of endless hours, commitment and hard work at the famous Volunteer Party sponsored by Jayman . From 4:00 - 6:30 PM in the Volunteer Centre - BBQ - Live Music - Appearance by a PGA TOUR Champions player - Draw for the Volunteer Raffle

  15. WEATHER PLAN  “Weather Warning” horn sound – volunteers should notify spectators around their location that dangerous weather is in the area.  One prolonged note of an air horn – Signifies a dangerous situation (lightning)  Two short notes of an air horn – Signals that play will be resumed  The Volunteer Centre is NOT a shelter during lightning. If there is lightning, please return back to the busses to be taken to your car  Prior to 2:00 PM – Please wait in your car for further instruction  After 2:00 PM – Most volunteers are free to return home! Some committees will need to be available if play resumes and your committee chair will let you know.

  16. DO’S & DON’TS  DO use your mobile device to capture video, audio and photos in all areas throughout tournament week  DO put your mobile device on silent  DO wear comfortable shoes  DO check the weather forecast before your shift and dress accordingly  DO have fun and enjoy the experience!  DON’ ON’T use flash photography  DON’ ON’T smoke near spectators  DON’T T drink alcohol on shift  DON’T T ask for autographs on shift

  17. JOINING THE PAR-TEE! Davis Love III Darren Clarke Jerry Kelly Miguel Angel Jimenez Chris DiMarco Vijay Singh

  18. A “SUITE” OPPORTUNITY VOLUNTEER VIP SUITE All inclusive food & beverage Incredible views of the 15 th green $175 + GST (single day ticket) Email rhys@shawcharityclassic.com to get your tickets!

  19. This tournament would not be possible without every one of the over 1,200 volunteers. Thank you for your hard work and we will see you at Canyon Meadows! Questions?

  20. You will now join a breakout session led by your committee chair. Please stay tuned to hear where you will be going for your committee’s breakout session. Thank you!


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