
Volunteer Centre Western Isles Volunteer Centre Western Isles is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Volunteer Centre Western Isles Volunteer Centre Western Isles is an independent local charity with offices and staff in Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra. We provide information, advice and support to individuals interested in volunteering,

  1. Volunteer Centre Western Isles

  2. Volunteer Centre Western Isles is an independent local charity with offices and staff in Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra. We provide information, advice and support to individuals interested in volunteering, volunteer managers, voluntary groups, clubs and organisations, private and public sector organisations and companies.

  3. Vision, Values and Mission Our Vision ion is of a community where everyone volunteers. Where volunteering is recognised as integral to the health, wealth and vitality of the Outer Hebrides. Where the Volunteer Centre Western Isles provides a high quality localised service that supports the growth of volunteering in all islands, in every community, in each home, to any individual.

  4. We: • offer free, confidential support to people who want to volunteer and groups/ organisations who involve volunteers • provide a brokerage service, matching volunteers to volunteer roles in hundreds of local and national organisations • support community events that are often run entirely run by volunteers • facilitate adult and youth volunteer awards that recognise the achievements of volunteers • facilitate volunteer awards for organisations who provide the best experience for their volunteers

  5. We: • are a partner in Third Sector Interface Western Isles (TSIWI) • gather statics and carry out research into volunteering in the Western Isles which we share with local and national government • constantly work to raise the profile of volunteering as a positive force with prospective volunteers, local policy makers and community leaders We are committed to serving our rural communities in ways that best suit their needs throughout the Western Isles. We are passionate about volunteering; we support and encourage it in all forms.

  6. So what is volunteering? 1. Volunteering is a free will activity. It must not be undertaken through coercion and under no circumstances can it be mandatory. 2. It is not undertaken for financial gain. Out with reasonable expenses there must be no financial transaction to encourage someone to volunteer. 3. It is a public and civil good undertaken for the benefit of the community, society at large or an individual other than solely for the volunteer.

  7. Why do people volunteer? • For family reasons • To help their community • To fill a gap in their community, e.g. starting a new support group • Because of their beliefs or interests • To get out of the house and into community • To make new friends or increase social contact • To make a difference and help others • To be of use • To learn new skills • Use or develop existing skills • To add skills and experience to a CV or applications

  8. Volunteering can be: • Fun! • Interesting • Challenging • Rewarding • Supportive • Beneficial to physical and mental wellbeing

  9. We support individuals to volunteer and celebrate volunteering in all forms.

  10. What is a Volunteer Centre? • Each local Authority area in Scotland has a Volunteer Centre (VC) service within their TSI, which exists to encourage, support and promote volunteering. • Some are independent charities, others part of a Third Sector Support Agency, but are part of the local third sector interface (TSI). • Volunteer Centres are responsive to local needs and so are slightly different in each part of Scotland. • There are however, core functions which will be found in each VC.

  11. Fundin nding g In 2017 – 18, we receiv ived d the e followin lowing g fund nding: ing: Scottish Government: £ 99,792 CnES grant: £22,000 Income generation: £500 Total al curren ent t fund nding: ing: £122,2 ,292 92 For this, we ran our services across 4 offices. The Western Isles has one of the highest rates of volunteering in the UK. This is a statistic to be proud of but it requires support and investment to maintain and develop.

  12. In 20 2017 17 -18 18, we d e del eliver ered ed th the e following lowing outcomes tcomes: exceeded our volunteer target for the year, with • 479 volunteering opportunities registered with the Volunteer Centre during 2017/18 • supported 72 local volunteer involving organisations (VIO’s) with volunteer management, providing advice and guidance on best practice • continued to provide support to a wide range of organisations. We met regularly with staff and volunteers with 90 VIO’s to share information and aid our understanding of the issues affecting them at 174 different meetings.

  13. We have a particular focus on developing volunteering in remote and rural areas. We are aware of the huge level of volunteering in our remote communities and are also aware of the barriers to engagement in these communities. To engage with volunteers in these rural areas, we hold Volunteer Network (VolNet) meetings in their own localities. We work to develop youth volunteering for young people in rural areas.

  14. The Volunteer Centre speaks up for volunteers and volunteering at strategic level, including the Community Planning Partnership. We work with our TSIWI partners to represent the views of the Third Sector.

  15. Third Sector Interface Western Isles • TSI Western Isles is a partnership of 6 local organisations including the Volunteer Centre, Volunteering Hebrides, OH Social Enterprise Partnership, Harris Voluntary Service, Uist Council of Voluntary Organisations and Voluntary Action Vatersay and Barra formed in November 2010 • We are funded by Scottish Government to deliver core outcomes. • Alongside creating a stronger working relationship between the 6 partner organisations, TSI WI creates a representative relationship between the third sector in the Outer Hebrides and the Community Planning Partnership.

  16. We support volunteer involving organisations and support youth volunteering A Youth Philanthropy Engagement Event, organised by Volunteer Centre Western Isles, and presented by the Wood Foundation.

  17. We support and encourage youth volunteering and promote Callanish and Saltire Awards to children and young people.

  18. We are committed to developing youth volunteering. In 2016/17, we received an additional £10,00 from CnES to develop youth volunteering in rural areas. We asked young people in the Nicolson what they wanted to volunteer in and responded to their views. This resulted in: • new volunteering opportunities developed in music production, photography and media locally, such Marketing, Poster Creation, Gig Blogger, Photographer, Concert Production Assistant (help setting up/door tickets), Local Music Podcast Creation and podcasting practical skills • a 6month trial post for a10hr Youth Volunteer Worker; • a new Youth Volunteer Ambassador scheme launched to develop and promote youth volunteering within the islands; a Media Volunteering Workshop developed and delivered; • New youth volunteering partnership work between Sgoil na Loch and Pairc School, with support from Marion Wilson, CnES CLD Worker

  19. • Young Volunteer Sports Leader Training developed in partnership with CnES Sports and Health team and delivered by them, focusing on developing volunteering in rural Lewis by offering young volunteers the skills and confidence to lead or assist in the delivery of a sports club in their community. • The additional funding secured in 206/17 from the local authority has been used to set up partnerships and structures that will continue past the period of the original funding. The youth volunteering approaches developed as a result of this funding are now embedded within the VCWI work, for example, new partnerships developed will continue to be developed. This additional funding showed us the extent to which we could develop youth volunteering in the islands.

  20. We are currently working to identify funding for a full time Development Worker, we would respond to the current interests and requests to develop the following areas of youth volunteering: Intergenerational volunteering in rural communities – to build links between older • peoples group and youth using a Generations Working Together model. Care Sector Volunteering in partnership with Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland to • encourage young people to volunteer in local care sector • Development of rural schools volunteering – to allow staff time to travel and develop youth volunteering awards with rural schools across Lewis. Micro volunteering – to allow young people to volunteer with organisations for short, • time limited slots • Environmental volunteering – to develop links to allow young people to volunteer in their local areas Volunteering through use of IT; e.g. blogging, pod casting and music. This has been • started but requires staff time to develop. Youth Volunteer Ambassador Scheme which require staff time to develop and • properly support young people to take on We look forward to developing these exciting areas in the future!

  21. Youth volunteering on the increase! So far this year, the Volunteer Centre has supported 480 over young people to volunteer across the Western Isles. This is the highest number to date, and we are only half way through the year! We work with VIO’s to develop their capacity to take young volunteers and ongoing support for the young people involved to volunteer. It also involves development work with schools and promotion of youth volunteer awards. We are proud of our young volunteers are the amazing work they do!


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