vcs review presentation

VCS Review Presentation Existing strategies and forward planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

VCS Review Presentation Existing strategies and forward planning Context The Last Review 2012 2015 strategy document tied to the Localism Act Sustainability key focus Clear community commissioning model 4 Priority

  1. VCS Review Presentation Existing strategies and forward planning

  2. Context – The Last Review 2012 – 2015 strategy document • tied to the Localism Act Sustainability key focus • Clear community commissioning • model 4 Priority areas selected for • development Each priority area with clear • objectives Clear links to co-operative • council development No clear action plan on how • objectives were measured for impact and outcomes

  3. Priority 1 – Voice and Representation Objectives a) We will work to promote SoStevenage representatives and local councillors b) We will support the development of a communications hub and database c) We will renew Stevenage Compact, agreeing with partners on how and when this should happen d) We will develop a work programme for continued consultation with the voluntary and community sector e) We will support the development of the independent Stevenage Community Network Clear evidence of progress against objective Moderate evidence of progress objective No clear evidence of progress against objective

  4. Priority 2 – Sustainability Objectives a) We will continue to promote local voluntary and community organisations in coming together to form partnerships and collaborations b) We will encourage voluntary and community organisations to join the Stevenage Community Network c) We will engage the sector in the development of robust, innovative infrastructure services d) We will support the sector in becoming ‘contract ready’ for new opportunities e) We will encourage the support of innovative models in the sector

  5. Priority 3 – Harnessing Corporate Giving Objectives a) We will actively support and encourage business interaction with voluntary and community groups

  6. Priority 4 – Volunteering Objectives a) We will encourage and support the expansion of the volunteer base and volunteering services in Stevenage

  7. The National VCS Context Micro charities (funding levels under £10,000 per annum) now account for 48% of those registered • Small and medium sized charities (£10,000 - £1,000,000) continue to struggle financially, this is a • particular concern in ‘generic’ and local community work and youth work charities Reserve levels are still poor in the majority of small and medium sized charities, leading to a lack • of security and stability Local authority commissioning often favours large national charities were loss and cost • effectiveness can be structured into the larger charity work programme 90% of the sector’s £112.7bn of total assets – such as property, cash and investments – are held • by just 3 per cent of charities. Big charities continue to grow and develop with high levels of resilience in adapting to new funding • challenges with London charities dominating income and resources (18.5 billion in London compared to 900m across the entire North-East of England) 14 million people volunteer at least once a month, with the highest levels in the 16-25 year group • * The UK Civil Society Almanac 2017 NCVO Legal and policy developments upcoming Stronger Charities for a stronger society – Select committee on charities report 2017/18 • Review of the charity commission • The civil society strategy in development •

  8. The Hertfordshire Context Children’s centre commissioning and decisions – Barnardo's • County commissioning and localism • A reducing youth service offer and the need for youth engagement • New Herts CC Compact group • Are we working together or delivering in isolation? • How do we compare to other districts in our support for VCS development • Centrally commissioned VCS infrastructure support (Connect Hertfordshire) • and large number of locally based CVS/Community Action organisations

  9. The Stevenage Context • Tapered funding for community centres and groups • Improving sustainability to protect services • Green space volunteering and wider corporate volunteering opportunities • Advice services and large scale commissioning • Structures for monitoring commissioning arrangements and ensuring success • Diversity in VCS engagement • Are we working together or delivering in isolation? • FTFC, CTOC and town centre regeneration: are the voluntary sector key partners? • Positive examples of community action at a local level • Rent in kind policy • Historical grants and the ability to assess success in grant giving (See next slide)

  10. Stevenage VCS grants (not including rent in kind or community centre maintenance) Organisation 2017/18 2018/19 2020 Contract type CAB £160,000 £160,000 £160,000 Rolling North Herts CVS £6,220 £4,670 £3,120 Ends 2020 Volunteer Centre £5,160 £3,870 £2,580 Ends 2020 Crossroads Care £8,200 £6,160 £4,120 Ends 2020 Stevenage £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 Rolling Community Trust Bedwell C.A £6,010 £4,510 £3,010 Ends 2020 Chells Manor C.A £4,360 £3,280 £2,200 Ends 2020 Chells C.A £4,360 £3,280 £2,200 Ends 2020 Bragbury Centre £4,360 £3,280 £2,200 Ends 2020 Old Stevenage C.A £5,140 £3,860 £2,580 Ends 2020 Oval C.A £5,360 £4,030 £2,700 Ends 2020 Pin Green C.A £3,840 £2,880 £1,920 Ends 2020 Shephall C.A £2,830 £2,120 £1,410 Ends 2020 St Nicholas C.A £5,840 £4,380 £2,920 Ends 2020 Symonds Green C.A £6,750 £5,070 £3,390 Ends 2020 Douglas Drive £6,730 £5,060 £3,390 Ends 2020 TOTAL £240,160 221,450 £202,740

  11. Opportunities CNM Programme Building neighbourhood capabilities - Improving and developing civic pride - Providing opportunities for community action and volunteering - Ensuring co-operative working in identifying and resolving neighbourhood concerns - Corporate Social Responsibility Improving sustainability in small and medium sized charities via skills sharing and volunteering - Working with business to enable pump priming of social action projects - Facilitating small VCS groups to apply for funding via advice and signposting - Advice Services Re-Commission Potential to re-shape the offer and increase community engagement - Filling the gap Opportunities to develop a wider youth engagement offer as services reduce - Communication Improving the ability of the VCS to work in a collaborative way - Developing place conversations with HCC / NHS and partners -

  12. Thoughts? • What else could Stevenage BC do to support VCS development? • How does Stevenage BC support sustainability in the sector? • Could resources and contracts adapt to meet need?

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