Hi-Tech Recruiting & Staffing Strategic Planning Mission & Vision Goals Recruiting Applicant Tracking System Social Media & Internet AISD All Staff Virtual Convocation Staffing Virtual Interviews Custom Web Applications
Changing Environment Student population has grown by 6% over the past five years. Economically Disadvantaged student population has grown by 15%, and represents 63% of all students. English Language Learner population has grown by 35% over the past five years, and now comprises 29% of our student population. Our families represent more than 94 languages , and we teach seven languages other than English in our schools, including Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and American Sign Language. 3
What We Do (Mission) 4 In partnership with parents and our community, AISD exists to provide a comprehensive educational experience that is high quality, challenging, and inspires all students to make a positive contribution to society. Where We Want to Be (Vision) AISD will be nationally recognized as an outstanding school district, instilling a passion for life-long learning in all students. 4 Strategic Plan Framework 4
Strategic Plan Framework What We Want to Accomplish (Goals) All students will perform at or above grade level. Achievement gaps among all student groups will be eliminated. All students will graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy All schools will meet or exceed state accountability standards, and the district will meet federal standards and exceed state standards. 5
Strategic Plan Framework How We Will Achieve Our Goals (Strategies) Provide a high-quality, well-rounded educational experience 1. to all students that is rigorous, culturally relevant, healthful, and engaging. Build strong relationships with students, families, and the 2. community to increase trust and shared responsibility. Ensure that every classroom has a high-quality, 3. effective educator supported by high-quality, effective administrators and support staff. Align resources to accomplish priorities within a balanced 4. budget. 6
District Strategy Ensure that every classroom has a high-quality, effective educator supported by high-quality, effective administrators and support staff. Action Step 3.1 Attract, hire, and retain high-quality and diverse teachers and principals through mentoring, compensation, leadership development, and other incentives. HR Goals - Develop a quality teacher talent pool of at least 200 pre- screened candidates - Establish a pool of 100 hired unassigned teacher candidates in high need areas (Bilingual, Math, Science, Bilingual special education) - Increase percentage of minority teachers and principals - Establish deadlines for staffing positions before the first day of school 7
Our g greate test c t contribution on is to to be e sure e ther there is a tea teach cher in ever every cl classroo oom w who ho ca cares es tha that ever t every s stu tude dent, every d y day, y, learns ns and nd grows an and d fe feels lik ls like a a real al hum uman an be bein ing. -Donald Clifton The Gallup Organization 8 Recruiting Tools 8
Recruiting Tools Applicant Tracking Social Media & Internet System 10
Applicant Tracking System A Step Further: The Basics: Recruiting event contacts Post vacancies and logs Collect applications, Social media integration resumes, credentials Email reference forms Basic “paper” screening Online interview tools Accessible from any device with an internet connection Electronic new-hire forms Mass communication via Paperless HR workflow website & email Cloud based storage Online prescreening assessments 11
Social Media & Internet In your own pond: In the ocean: Recruiter Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Career page Industry-specific organizations & Job posting board publications Blogs & RSS Feeds LinkedIn Groups District Facebook, QR codes Twitter, YouTube 12
“I am convinced that nothing we do is more 14 important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not on strategies.” - Lawrence Bossidy Former COO of GE and author Virtual Custom Web Interviews Applications 14 Selection Tools 14
Virtual Interviews 15
Virtual Interviews “With on-demand interviews, we know early in the interview process that we don’t have a match or the candidate is not the right fit . If a candidate doesn’t meet the needs of an urban school district, for example, the committee can easily move on to the next candidate without having to sit through an entire interview.” - Austin Independent School District 16
Custom Web Applications Consider sources of district data - Student demographics - Student achievement - Special Programs - Existing leadership experience - Languages spoken - Geographic boundaries Seek input - Community - Teachers - District Leaders Develop candidate profile 17
Custom Web Applications “I can’t remember my _________, much less who I interviewed last month.” Succession Planning Top -Potential Candidates Vacancies -Interviews -Current -Resumes Leaders -Pictures Student & Community - Geographic - Demographic - Academic Talent Map Application 18
AISD Talent Map Application 19
Hi-Tech Recruiting & Staffing Strategic Planning Mission & Vision Goals Recruiting Applicant Tracking System Social Media & Internet Staffing Virtual Interviews Custom Web Applications High-Quality, Effective Workforce Student Success 20
Technical Specifications The Talent Map is a custom Web map application built on the development platform of Esri's ArcGIS API for Flex. Code is written in Apache Flex and compiled with the Adobe Flashbuilder IDE, with services written in PHP that provide connectivity to, and editing of, candidate data stored in Microsoft SQL Server. The map services, geometric editing capability (assignment of Candidates to the map), and the Flex Viewer framework are features of a customizable GIS software platform engineered by Esri and powered by ArcGIS Server. Apache Flex and PHP are open source programming languages, supported and extended by a large and diverse user community. Esri (http://www.esri.com) is an international provider of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, including the desktop mapping software used to produce the maps, and the server software used to publish the map services, which compose the Talent Map. Esri has an educational division that is dedicated to providing the software tools to serve the administrative and academic interests of K-12 educational institutions. Austin ISD utilizes Applitrack Recruiting by Aspex Solutions for applicant tracking solutions at www.aspexsolutions.com. Virtual interview platform provided by HireVue www.hirevue.com. 21
For more information, please contact: Dr. Dora Fabelo Skye Duckett Director of Recruiting & Staffing Coordinator of Administrative Staffing dora.fabelo@austinisd.org skye.duckett@austinisd.org (512) 414-9837 (512) 414-0069
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