1/15/2019 LCPS STAFFING STANDARDS School Board Work Session January 15, 2019 1 LCPS Staffing Standards • Staffing Standards provide a base level of equity, assist in transparent budgetary planning, and ensure compliance with state standards. • FY20 will be the 4th Year that Staffing Standards have been part of the budget process. • Staffing Standards are located in the Appendix of the budget book on pages 370-388. 2 1
1/15/2019 Department of Instruction - Elementary Schools Differentiated Staffing LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# If % EL and % Econ. If % EL and % Econ. Disadv. Disadv. is at least is at least 70%, then 50%, then Differentiated Staffing (% EL + % Econ. (% EL + % Econ. 4.0 $ 396,908 371 Disadv)(projected Disadv)(projected enrollment)(0.05) enrollment)(0.05) 23 23 • Threshold reduced from 70% to 50% for eligibility Cool Spring Creighton’s Corner Dominion Trail Frances Hazel Reid • A full list of FY20 differentiated staffing allocations and historical staffing usage is located in the budget book on page 394. 3 Department of Instruction - Elementary Schools Dean LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# per school enrollment ≥ 800 or school enrollment ≥ Dean 1.0 1.0 ≥675 students 5.0 $ 515,955 372 700 with ≥ 70 instructional personnel • The staffing standard has been simplified and enhanced. Dominion Trail Seldens Landing Sycolin Creek John W. Tolbert Mountain View 4 2
1/15/2019 Department of Instruction - Middle Schools Multiple Positions Book LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# Teacher Assistants 3.0 per school <1,600 Clarification 4.0 per school ≥ 1,600 (Study Hall Monitor) 374 Teacher Assistants 1.0 per school (In School Restriction) LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# Secretary I 4.0 per school <1,600 Clarification 374 5.0 per school ≥ 1,600 • Clarified presentation to show tiers for both positions. • Teacher Assistants are now separated by type to match High School presentation. 5 Department of Instruction - High Schools Athletic Trainer LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# 1.0 per school + 5.0 Athletic Trainer 1.0 per school at discretion of 5.0 $ 431,390 377 Athletics Office • The enhancement adds 5.0 FTE to be used at the discretion of the Athletics Office. 6 3
1/15/2019 Department of Instruction - Douglass School Multiple Positions LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# Teacher, Douglass 1.0 per 10 students 0.5 $ 60,182 380 1.0 per 20 students WIDA English Proficiency Levels 1‐2 EL Teacher 1 17.0 1,000 students 380 1.0 per 25 students WIDA English Proficiency Levels 3‐5 Reading Teacher 1.0 per Douglass School 380 Principal 1.0 per Douglass School 380 Assistant Principal 1.0 per Douglass School 380 2.0 per <299 students Secretary/Bookkeeper 380 3.0 per ≥300 students Teacher Assistants ‐ In 1.0 per level 380 School Restriction Teacher Assistants 3.0 per Douglass School 380 Test Coordinator 1 1.0 per school 380 1.0 per <299 students Dean 380 2.0 per ≥300 students Instructional Facilitator, 1.0 per Douglass School 380 Technology 1 Librarian 1 1.0 per Douglass School 380 Library Assistant 1 1.0 per Douglass School 380 • Standards have been established that either mirror current high school standards or create a standard specific to Douglass School. 1 Mirrors current high school standard. 7 Department of Instruction - Academies of Loudoun Multiple Positions LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Page# Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Teacher ‐ Monroe Advanced Technical 1.0 per program 1.0 $ 99,227 378 Academy Teacher ‐ Academy of Four variables are taken into consideration Engineering & when assigning AET teachers. 9.0 $ 893,043 Technology ∙ The number of students enrolled by grade level. ∙ The number of classes a student may 378 take (3). ∙ The number of classes taught by a teacher (4). ∙ The target average class size (Yr 1 & 2 = 25, Yr 3 = 17, Yr 4 = 15.) (Number of Students) x (3) ÷ (4) ÷ (25 or 17 or 15) Teacher ‐ Academy of Four variables are taken into consideration when assigning AOS teachers. 3.5 $ 357,863 Science ∙ The number of students enrolled by grade level. ∙ The number of classes a student may take (3). 378 ∙ The number of classes taught by a teacher (4). ∙ The target average class size (Yr 1 & 2 = 20, Yr 3 & 4 = 15.) (Number of Students) x (3) ÷ (4) ÷ (20 or 15) • Standards have been established for Teachers at MATA, AET, and AOS. 8 4
1/15/2019 Department of Instruction - Academies of Loudoun Multiple Positions LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# Teacher, Makerspace 1.0 per Academies 1.0 $ 107,156 378 Test Coordinator 1 1.0 per Academies 378 1.0 per 20 students WIDA English Proficiency Levels 1‐2 EL Teacher 1 17.0 1,000 students 378 1.0 per 25 students WIDA English Proficiency Levels 3‐5 Instructional Facilitator, 1.0 per Academies 378 Technology 1 Principal 1 1.0 per Academies 378 Director 1.0 per Academy 378 Assistant Principal 1.0 per Academies 378 Librarian 1 1.0 per Academies 378 Library Assistant 1 1.0 per Academies 378 Teacher Assistants 1.0 per grade level 378 Secretary/Bookkeeper 1 5.0 per Academies 378 Chemical & Laboratory 1.0 per Academies 378 Safety Specialist Admissions Coordinator 1.0 per Academies 378 Admissions Outreach 2.0 per Academies 1.0 $ 107,156 378 Specialist Standards have been established that either mirror current high school • standards or create a standard specific to the Academies of Loudoun. 1 Mirrors current high school standard. 9 Department of Instruction – All School Levels Instructional Facilitators LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# 1.0 per 4 2.0 $ 214,312 Elementary Schools per 5 schools (assigned at 1.0 per 3 Middle 3.0 $ 321,468 Instructional Facilitator 1.0 discretion of Department 380 Schools of Instruction) 1.0 per 3 High 2.0 $ 214,312 Schools • Staffing standard has been changed from a district wide ratio to 3 distinct ratios per level. 10 5
1/15/2019 Department of Pupil Services – Elementary Schools School Counselor LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# School Counselor 1.0 500 students 1.0 500 students 1.0 per 375 students 26.00 $ 2,579,902 One additional hour 373 Proposed per 100 students 1.0 per 375 students The Governor’s proposed budget reduces the Standards of Quality • staffing ratios for elementary, middle and high school counselors, thereby reducing School Counselor caseloads. • LCPS staffing standard would need to change to meet the state staffing requirement if it is approved. 11 Department of Pupil Services – Elementary Schools Social Worker LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# 1.0 per 2,000 at School Social Worker non Title I Schools, 1.0 per 2,200 students 2.0 $ 190,228 373 (Elementary) 1.0 per 2 Title I Schools • The standard has been adjusted to provide higher level of support at Title I Schools. 12 6
1/15/2019 Department of Pupil Services – Elementary Schools Resource Nurse LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# Clarification Resource Nurse 1.0 per 7 schools 373 • Resource Nurses are staffed at Elementary Schools. • The previous standard was ambiguous with a range of 1 per 6-8 schools presented. This clarification makes the standard more specific. 13 Department of Pupil Services – Middle Schools School Counselor LCPS Staffing Ratio State Staffing Requirement Enhancement/New Book Position FTE Criteria FTE Criteria Criteria FTE Cost Page# School Counselor 1.0 300 students per school 1.0 400 students One additional One additional at 5% over period per 80 300 students 1.0 ≤ 315 students per school Proposed 375 2.0 ≤ 630 students per school 3.0 ≤ 945 students per school 1.0 325 students 4.0 ≤ 1260 students per school 5.0 ≤ 1575students per school 6.0 ≤ 1890 students per school • The standard has been clarified to explicitly show tiers and FTEs earned at each level. • LCPS’ current staffing standard for middle school exceeds the Governor’s proposed state staffing requirement. 14 7
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