national clinical staffing framework introductions the

National Clinical Staffing Framework Introductions The Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Clinical Staffing Framework Introductions The Agenda About NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership Purpose of the day Price Caps for agency staffing Current position New National Clinical Staffing Framework

  1. National Clinical Staffing Framework

  2. Introductions

  3. The Agenda  About NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership  Purpose of the day  Price Caps for agency staffing  Current position  New National Clinical Staffing Framework  Outline and scope of the new framework  Timeline  Tender specification  Specialism  Pricing  Contract Advert  Q&A  Contact Information

  4. About NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership (NHS CPP) The NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership (NHS CPP) is formed of four regional procurement hubs namely:  East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement  NHS London Procurement Partnership  NHS Commercial Solutions and  North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative For this procurement, NHS LPP is the lead contracting authority

  5. About NHS CPP- Joined Up Procurement An NHS Procurement by the NHS for the NHS: NHS CPP puts in place a range of competitive contracts and frameworks to support the NHS in ensuring maximum value is gained from its investments in patient care. Benefits include: • Maximising the delivery of financial benefit • Broadens the framework/contract offering each hub has available • Enables the NHS CPP procurement hubs to positively influence a greater amount of NHS total expenditure • Contributes to the efficient use of resources by avoiding duplication of effort, and the letting of ‘competing’ frameworks • Consolidates a greater level of NHS expenditure through individual agreements which ultimately leads to more compelling and cost effective agreements

  6. Purpose Of The Day  Update on current agency controls / price caps  Inform the market about the upcoming procurement  Receive feedback on our current proposals  Gain insight on better ways of working  Understand market best practice and innovation

  7. National Context Monitor and TDA have announced controls to help trusts manage their external agency spend: • Overall target caps per NHS Trust • Mandation of approved frameworks • Proposed rate caps (in consultation)

  8. Price Caps For Agency Staffing • Caps affect all staff groups employed by NHS trusts and Foundation trusts: nursing, medical, all other clinical and other non-clinical staff • Caps affect all agency staff and bank staff • On- cost include pension contribution, employer national insurance, holiday pay to the worker and a modest administration fee/agency charge • No off framework agencies from 19 th October 2015 – Precedent • Where staff are eligible for AfC high cost area supplements, these should be added as 5% for Fringe, 15% for Outer London, 20% for Inner London No additional payments to agency staff or agencies would be permitted. The 55% uplift accounts for employment on-costs including employer pension contribution, employer national insurance, holiday pay to the worker and a modest administration fee/agency charge.

  9. Price Caps- Expressed as % uplift to current AfC/basic pay maximum rates Proposed date Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: of introduction Junior doctors Other clinical staff Non-clinical staff Foundation year 1 Consultants, other doctors, Administration and and 2 doctors, nurses (all bands), AHPs, clerical, infra- registrars healthcare scientists, other structure, other non- clinical staff clinical staff 23 November + 150% + 100% + 55% 2015 1 February 2016 + 100% + 75% + 55% 1 April 2016 + 55% + 55% + 55%

  10. Monitor/TDA Ceiling trajectories for trusts Monitor and TDA are setting ceilings on the amount individual trusts can spend on nursing agency staff. On 1 September 2015 trusts were sent their annual ceilings that are their maximum rates for October 2015 to March 2016, and for 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19. 2014/15 Banding Q3 & Q4 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 nursing 2015/16 ceiling ceiling ceiling agency ceiling spend rate Under 3% A 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% to 4% B 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% to 5% C 4% 3% 3% 3% 5% to 6% D 5% 4% 3% 3% 6% to 8% E 6% 5% 4% 3% 8% to 10% F 8% 6% 4% 3% 10% to 12% G 10% 8% 6% 4% Over 12% H 12% 10% 8% 6%

  11. Current position • The NHS CPP National Collaborative Nursing Framework has been approved by Monitor/ TDA • Currently no approval process for Doctors and AHPS • Analysis Tool for Trusts • Currently reviewing how the current NHS CPP nursing framework will accommodate the proposed rate caps

  12. Consultation still open All interested parties and stakeholders are invited to respond to the consultation by 5 pm on 13 November 2015. Link

  13. New National Clinical Staffing Framework

  14. Why a new procurement? The decision to procure a framework agreement covering all clinical staffing groups has been arrived at for the following reasons: • The timing of the Monitor proposals enables us to design and tailor the framework around the proposed controls, thereby providing trusts with a structured, compliant framework to procure temporary workers under. • The procurement enables the entire market (including current off framework agencies) to bid and gain entry on to a framework agreement. • The current CPP nursing framework expires May 2016. • LPP’s current Medical Locum framework expires April 2016. • It enables the CPP to directly support trusts in the implementation of the Monitor controls, by providing a flexible compliant route to market,

  15. Outline and Scope Of The New Framework Lot no. Lot description Employment Business service delivery model 1 The Services are for the supply of fully vetted Temporary Agency Workers from Suppliers (acting as Employment Businesses) for hire by Participating Authorities on Assignments. Employment Agency service delivery model The Services are for the introduction of fully vetted Work-Seekers from Suppliers (acting as 2 Employment Agencies) for direct employment by the Participating Authority on fixed term, or permanent, Engagements.

  16. Outline and Scope Of The New Framework The framework is to be divided into 2 lots with 4 sub lots each as follows: Lot 1 Employment Business: Lot 1a Nursing and Midwifery Lot 1b Medical staff including dental Lot 1c Other clinical staff including AHP/HSS Lot 1d All the above services in Lot 1a-c Lot 2 Employment Agency : Lot 2a Nursing and Midwifery Lot 2b Medical staff including dental Lot 2c Other clinical staff including AHP/HSS Lot 2d All the above services in Lot 2a-c

  17. Outline and Scope of the New Framework  National Framework  Single point for management  2 Lots information  Pay rates aligned to  No International Monitor outcome (23 rd Recruitment (separate November)  Standardised terms and procurement ) conditions  No Rate Escalation  Direct Engagement  Audit

  18. Geographical coverage  National coverage for each Lot – aligned to the Monitor proposals / outcome  Suppliers will be asked to indicate which geographical regions they can supply to enable ease of call-off for trusts

  19. Timeline- Open OJEU Milestone Date Market Warm-up 6 November 2015 Issue Contract Notice and Open Tender November / December 2015 Evaluations (including audit) From January 2016 Intention to Award May 2016 Contracts signed / SLA Issued May 2016

  20. Tender Specification  Open OJEU  Compliance Audit at your premises  No limit to number of suppliers  Bids accepted on all lots /sub lots  Subcontracting permitted between framework agencies only  No subcontracting to off framework agencies  SEQOHS Accreditation  Skills for Health training by qualified trainers  Mandatory and statutory checks  Aligned with NHS Employers  SMEs are encouraged to participate

  21. Specialism Agenda for Change national job profiles : Allied health professionals: reward/pay/job-evaluation/national-job-profiles/allied-health-professionals; and Emergency services: evaluation/national-job-profiles/emergency-services; and Health science services: reward/pay/job-evaluation/national-job-profiles/health-science-sevices; Nursing and midwifery: reward/pay/job-evaluation/national-job-profiles/nursing-and-midwifery; and Personal social services: reward/pay/job-evaluation/national-job-profiles/personal-social-services; and Medical staff.

  22. Specialism- Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Staff Nursing and Midwifery clinical staff Grades Agenda for change Band 1 – 9 · Combined nursing profiles High cost area supplements: · Community Services · Dental Nursing Level (1 April 2015) Area 20% of basic salary, subject to a minimum payment of £4,117 and a maximum · Health Visitors payment of £6,342 Inner London · Midwifery Outer London 15% of basic salary, subject to a minimum payment of £3,483 and a maximum · NHS Direct payment of £4,439 5% of basic salary, subject to a minimum payment of £951 and a maximum payment · Nursing and Midwifery Generic Fringe of £1,649 · Nursing Services · Nursing and Midwifery updates · Theatre Nurses

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