lighthouse cc 2019 summer workshop active recruiting

Lighthouse CC 2019 Summer Workshop Active Recruiting Laboratory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lighthouse CC 2019 Summer Workshop Active Recruiting Laboratory Active Recruiting Laboratory Preparation Using active recruiting strategies, create a poster/flyer to recruit diverse students to your course. Review: activity instructions

  1. Lighthouse CC 2019 Summer Workshop Active Recruiting Laboratory

  2. Active Recruiting Laboratory Preparation Using active recruiting strategies, create a poster/flyer to recruit diverse students to your course.

  3. Review: ● activity instructions and peer assessment rubric ● examples of posters/flyers

  4. Review: Active Recruiting Activity Instructions & Rubric ● Review the Poster/Flyer creation assignment instructions: ● Active Recruiting Laboratory Activity Instructions

  5. Examples of posters & flyers from prior Lighthouse CC participants

  6. Plan: ● Which course/session/program Will You Focus On? ● Who are your target audience(s)?

  7. Prepare: ● become familiar with flyer creation tools such as ○ Apple Pages ○ Smore ○ ○

  8. place your Posters/Flyers in this folder *Save them with your name as Filename*


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