Zo Zont nta a Cl Clubs ubs of of Gr Gree eece ce Greece is one of the European countries that was affected the most by refugees coming from war zones. As a Nation and as individuals we try to provide goods but also essential support for a decent living to the people coming in thousands from Minor Asia and Africa. The three ZONTA Clubs in Greece: ZC of Athens ZC of Piraeus ZC of Nea Smyrni have decided to provide food products, clothes, items for personal hygiene and toys for children in the three refugee camps in Eleona, Piraeus and Ritsona. Zonta ta Clubs s of Greece ce 2017 2
ZC ZC Ath thens ens “ House se of the Abused Woman” was the main project of the year together with Syria ian n refuge gees s ZC of Athens was providing household goods, clothing and food for the last two years. Funds to support these two projects were collected through a number of events that the club organized. o Zonta Club of Athens, often teamed up with other like minded organisations in an effort to promote gender equality as well as to create awareness for the organization, its mission and goals. Zonta ta Clubs s of Greece ce 2017 3
ZC ZC Pi Pirae raeus us Projects: disa isabled led kids ids old ld wo women wo women wh who need need fina inancial ial & material erial support rt Zonta Club Piraeus continued to support and fund the Above projects that were adopted years ago, through a number of functions organized throughout the year. On the advocacy side, the Club liaised with the relevant government bodies dealing with women’s issues, and reviewed the legal framework in gender matters. Zonta ta Clubs s of Greece ce 2017 4
ZC ZC Nea Nea Smyrni yrni Zonta Club Nea Smyrni supported this year an association for children in need the house of abused women the Syrian refugees provided educational programmes to children with special needs The club continued to support these projects, however its main focus this year was to assist in the needs of refugees at the island of Lesbos. Zonta ta Clubs s of Greece ce 2017 5
ZC ZC Vol olos os Although a small club, Zonta Club Volos organized a number of events • supporting the association for children with special needs • supporting the orphanage • Supporting local old women in an old people’s home Regrettably with the membership of the club, falling to 3 members, the club’s abandonment was inevitable. The ZC Volos has been around for over three decades and has performed considerable and imaginable projects during these times. They have established a home for women, victims of violence which home they have supported for decade attracting the eye of the local media numerous times. Zonta ta Clubs s of Greece ce 2017 6
Zo Zont nta a Cl Clubs ubs of of Gr Gree eece ce Des espite pite th the di e diff fficu cult lt situ tuat ation ion whi hich h al all Greeks eeks fa face e du due t e to the o the pe perma mane nent nt au auste terity rity of of th the la e last t sev even en yea ears, s, Gree eek k pe peop ople e tr try to to be be he helpf pful ul an and a d assist ist th thos ose e who ho ar are in e in gr grea eate ter ne need ed. Zonta ta Clubs s of Greece ce 2017 7
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